American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 259: Surprise, Rorschach picked up Thor's hammer!

When the Avengers regrouped and discussed how to build the Infinity Gauntlet according to the plan and bring everyone back, the Rorschachs were already thousands of miles away and appeared in a very special country.


That's right, the first place Rorschach rushed to was the country that he, Charles Eric and the other two would build in the future.

When Captain America and the other two shared future intelligence with him, the specific address of Krako was naturally told to Rorschach.

"Is this my country?"


Walking on the spacious and clean road, Rorschach raised his head and looked at the buildings around him that were very technological and very high-end, and nodded with satisfaction.

If he didn't know that this was Krako, Rorschach would have thought this was Wakanda.

This is not Rorschach exaggerating, but it is indeed the case.

Judging from various infrastructures, Krako is definitely a world-class developed country.

Thinking that this kind of country was created by himself, Rorschach couldn't help but feel a great sense of accomplishment.

But thinking about the fact that all mutants would suddenly disappear one day, including himself, Rorschach's mood also sank slightly.

He must investigate this matter thoroughly!

Rorschach made a decision in his heart.

"Look at that man, do you think he looks familiar?"

"You think so too? Does he look like King Rorschach?"

"I thought I was the only one who thought so!"

"No way, mutants have disappeared for so long."

The surrounding discussions interrupted Rorschach's thoughts, and he saw people coming and going around, pointing at Rorschach.

These people are not mutants, but some ordinary people.

After all the mutants in Krakone disappeared inexplicably, this world's top-notch country has long been occupied by some ordinary people.

It is even overcrowded.

So the whole country is not actually abandoned.

Rorschach doesn't care about this kind of thing. After all, this is the future, and it is a pity to let such a good country be abandoned.

He ignored the comments of the people around him and toured his country as if nothing had happened.

Of course, it was not just a simple tour. Rorschach was also trying to see if he could find any suspicious clues.

The result is naturally needless to say.

After such a long time, and with so many people living in it, it is harder than climbing to the sky to find out anything.

Apart from appreciating his country from all angles, Rorschach can be said to have gained nothing.


A few hours later, Rorschach rose from the ground and quickly rushed into the sky and disappeared.

"Flying! That man flew up!"

"It's King Rorschach! He's back!"

"King Rorschach is back!"

There were exclamations all around, and some people were even trembling with fear.

If that man was really King Rorschach, wouldn't they have caused a terrible disaster?

In an instant, everyone's cold sweats all flowed down, and some people even started to pack up and flee at the first time.

But what they didn't know was that Rorschach had no intention of attacking them at all.

In the following time, Rorschach began to wander around every corner of New York, trying to find out some useful clues and information.

But unfortunately.

Nothing was found for several days in a row.

Seven years have passed since the "mysterious disappearance of mutants", and Rorschach is also an "alien", so it is simply wishful thinking to find out anything.

"Forget it."

"It seems that if you want to know the truth, you have to go back seven years ago."

Rorschach finally shook his head and made this decision.


Thinking of this, Rorschach stopped talking nonsense, and the person soared into the sky, turned into a stream of light, and fell directly into the Avengers Building.

Appeared in front of the Avengers.

But the Avengers were gathered together, and each of them looked very excited.

And in front of them, a glove that looked extremely cool had taken shape.

It was the Infinity Gauntlet specially made by Tony Stark these days.

Hearing the movement behind them, the Avengers turned their heads and looked.

After finding out it was Rorschach, he showed a slight hesitation on his face, but he didn't say much and turned his head back silently.

After all, one of the Infinity Stones was "donated" by Homelander, and Homelander was indeed qualified to participate.

Of course, more importantly, even if they were not happy, could they still drive Homelander away?

"Not bad, the glove was made so quickly."

Rorschach also leaned over to take a look, and then couldn't help but nodded with approval.

Apart from anything else, the glove was indeed very cool and full of style, which directly touched Rorschach's heart.

Tony Stark on the side couldn't help but show a smug look on his face.

In fact, he usually didn't care about this kind of compliment, after all, he grew up listening to it.

But when Rorschach said it, the feeling was completely different.

"It's just an Infinity Glove. For me, it's nothing at all." Tony Stark said to Rorschach with a sassy look on his face.

"Come on, Stark, we all know you're great, okay! But you're just a genius on Earth!"

Rocket Raccoon couldn't stand Tony Stark's show-off look, and couldn't help but sneer at the side.

"Homelander, what are you doing here?"

Captain America looked at Rorschach in a deep voice.

"You borrowed my gems, and I came to see your progress, is it reasonable?" Rorschach spread his hands and said nonchalantly.

Captain America didn't say much.

As Rorschach said, this matter is indeed reasonable.

"You guys are busy with yours, don't worry about me."

Rorschach waved to the people who were studying the Infinity Gauntlet, and strolled in the hall as if no one was around.

With a glance, Rorschach found Thor's hammer hung on the wall by Fat Tiger Thor.

His footsteps paused, and his curiosity was aroused.

I wonder if I can lift Thor's hammer?

Although Rorschach thought that he was not a good person and did not have the noble qualities of Captain America, it was impossible for him to lift Thor's hammer according to common sense, but now that he was standing in front of Thor's hammer, he really felt itchy if he didn't try.

In any case, this was Thor's hammer.

Rorschach was eager to try and reached out to grab Thor's hammer.

"Homelander, this is not something that ordinary people can pick up, even you!"

Fat Tiger Thor saw Rorschach's actions and couldn't help but speak on the side.

Others glanced at Rorschach and couldn't help but shook their heads secretly.

Even if he was as strong as Homelander, it was impossible for him to lift Thor's hammer.


But the next moment, Rorschach easily took Thor's hammer in his hand.

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