American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 260 Thor's Autism: Homelander is more like Thor than I am!


The scene suddenly became quiet.

All the Avengers had expressions of extreme surprise on their faces, unable to believe their eyes.

The people of the motherland actually picked up Mjolnir?

How is this possible!

The captain can pick it up because his noble qualities are recognized by Mjolnir, but the people of the motherland are not good people at all!

How could such a thing happen?


"I actually picked up Mjolnir?"

"What a joke!"

Not to mention the Avengers, even Rorschach himself was stunned.

He was just trying it on a whim, and he didn't expect to be able to pick up Mjolnir.

After all, this thing is an artifact and cannot be picked up by strong strength. Hulk is a good example.



He threw Mjolnir into the air casually. Mjolnir spun in the air and fell back down. Rorschach easily continued to hold it.

I just played with it twice in succession, feeling relaxed and relaxed, and I could even feel that there seemed to be a vague connection between myself and Mjolnir!

"No, no, how could this happen!"

"You can't pick up my hammer!"

Thor's voice sounded, and he shouted unacceptably from the side.

It seems that Rorschach's actions caused a lot of irritation to Thor.

But this is just the beginning.

But after Rorschach carefully felt the wonderful connection between himself and Mjolnir, he looked eager to give it a try.


Rorschach let out a low shout, held the hammer in his right hand and swung it forward.


A bolt of thunder and lightning actually exploded!

"Lightning? Oh, he actually summoned lightning? Thor, couldn't you have brought back a fake hammer from the past?"

War Machine Rhodes murmured and complained to Thor beside him.

The other Avengers were also stunned and speechless.

Just pick up Mjolnir, but in the end, you can also summon thunder and lightning?

This is a bit exaggerated, right?

"Is this what Thor feels like? Not bad!"

Rorschach ignored the Avengers who were stunned by him, but was immersed in the experience of Mjolnir.

After the attempt just now, Rorschach's control of Mjolnir became more perfect, and he reached up again.

Crack, crackle!

A more powerful bolt of lightning shot out again, blinding everyone's eyes.


Shaking his hand, he threw the hammer forward, and it flew straight away. However, after Rorschach reached out his hand, it actively turned around and flew back into Rorschach's hand.

All operations can be said to be smooth and smooth without any hindrance.

Rorschach was happy.

what is happening?

It seems that I have gained high recognition from Mjolnir inexplicably?

"The hammer of the motherland can be played as smoothly as Thor!" Tony Stark was surprised.

"If you don't know Thor, you will definitely think that the people of your motherland are Thor, right?" Rocket Raccoon said with deep understanding.

"No, I think the natives are more like Thor than Thor."

Scott Lang corrected Rocket Raccoon seriously.

Everyone couldn't help but turn their heads and look at Thor, who had a belly as plump as a pregnant woman's, and nodded repeatedly.

What that guy Lang said is very reasonable. With Fat Tiger looking like this, who would believe that he is the God of Thunder?

It's such an embarrassment to Thor!

"OK, please stop! People of the motherland, please stop!"

Fat Tiger Thor's face turned black, and his whole body seemed to have received a critical hit of tens of thousands of points.

He hurriedly walked over and snatched the hammer from Rorschach's hand.

"People of the motherland, this is my personal belongings. Please don't touch it without my permission, okay?"

Thor hung up his hammer and looked at Rorschach with resentful eyes.

"No, Thor, this is not your thing, but another Thor's, so strictly speaking in this time and space, it is an ownerless thing."

Rorschach thought for a moment and raised an eyebrow at Fat Tiger Thor.

"That's Thor's too!"

Fat Tiger Thor emphasized heavily, fearing that Rorschach would snatch the hammer away, so he took the hammer in his hand.

"Hey, Mjolnir."

Rorschach shook his head with regret.

Faced with such an artifact, it is impossible not to be tempted, but Rorschach is not such a bottomless person, and taking advantage of others by clever means is not his style.

Even though Asgard has now declined to a point where Rorschach cannot take him seriously, he will not do such a thing.

After this small interlude, the Avengers' attention returned to the Infinity Gauntlet.

But Thor was a little absent-minded. He had been thinking about the reason why Rorschach could pick up Mjolnir.

But no matter how you think about it, it still feels a bit incredible.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for people like the people of the motherland to be able to hold Mjolnir!

Could it be...

After thinking for a long time, Thor's eyes suddenly widened slightly, and he remembered something.

When Loki was instigated by Thanos to go to Earth to snatch the Cosmic Cube, he was caught by his motherland and went directly to Asgard, where he sued his father Odin.

Thor originally thought that Odin would kill this guy who dared to challenge the majesty of Asgard, but after a big battle, Odin actually reached some secret agreement with Homelander that he didn't know about!

Could it be...

Because of that time?

It must be like this!

Otherwise, Thor couldn't figure out how Homelander could use Thor's hammer so smoothly.

It can also explain why Homelander would rescue Asgard when it was in danger!

"OK, everyone, let's start putting the Infinity Stones on the glove now."

Tony Stark's voice sounded at this time, attracting Thor's attention.

Thor just put aside those distracting thoughts and focused his attention on the operating table in front of him.

Not only Thor, but also the other people around the scene, their expressions became obviously nervous.

Success or failure, it all depends on this one move!

Click, click, click!

Under the control of Tony Stark, the corresponding mechanical arms began to grab an Infinity Stone each and install it on the Infinity Glove.

Everyone stared at this scene intently, not daring to breathe.

When all the Infinity Stones were fixed on the Infinity Gauntlet, a dazzling light began to flash, and a huge amount of energy burst out.

The hearts of the Avengers suddenly tightened.

But then, the light dissipated, and the six Infinity Stones were embedded in the Infinity Gauntlet.



But Rocket Raccoon, the little funny guy, suddenly let out a ghost cry, the kind of ghost cry that imitated a bomb explosion, which scared the highly nervous Avengers at the scene.

Sure enough, people with normal brains are not qualified to join the Guardians of the Galaxy.

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