American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 261 The Earth owes the motherland one thing!

"Jesus Christ!"

"Rocket! Now is not the time!"

All the Avengers scolded the heartless Rocket Raccoon, but they were all in a good mood, with uncontrollable excitement on their faces.

The Infinity Gauntlet was really made!

This means that everyone's plan has been half successful.

"Okay, the gloves are made, but the question is, who of us is going to snap our fingers?"

Rocket Raccoon glanced at everyone at this time and asked a crucial question.

"I come!"

Fat Tiger Thor walked over without hesitation.

"What? Wait!"

"Thor, don't worry yet!"

"Calm down, we still have to discuss it!"

But all the surrounding Avengers stepped forward to stop Thor.

In Fat Tiger's current state, the Avengers were really worried about handing over the Infinity Gauntlet to Thor.

Because everyone was worried that Thor would be killed by the power of the gem before he could snap his fingers.

After all, Fat Tiger's current state is really scumbag.

Thor began to argue with the Avengers.


But at this time, Luo Xia, who had been watching the excitement, suddenly opened his mouth.

"People of the motherland, this matter has nothing to do with you, you have no position to stop me!" Thor pointed at Rorschach and shouted in dissatisfaction.


But Rorschach did not respond to Thor. Instead, he crossed his arms and continued to speak to the Avengers with a serious face, "It's not too late to discuss who snaps his fingers later. In fact, there is one of you who is worse than this." Important issues."

The attention of all the Avengers was attracted.

"Fellows of the motherland, what question is more important than the question of snapping your fingers?" Bruce Banner looked at Rorschach and asked.

"Didn't you realize that there is one person missing?" Luo Xia said meaningfully.

One person missing?

The Avengers glanced around and reacted one after another.

Indeed, Nebula is not here!

But no one understood what Rorschach meant for a while.

Nebula is an independent and free person. Although he temporarily formed an alliance with them to deal with Thanos, his personal freedom is not restricted.

What does it mean that someone is temporarily absent?

"Because we are now partners, I will give you free information. The nebula returned from the time machine is not the nebula you knew before, but the nebula in 2014."

"At that time, Nebula was Thanos' most sincere daughter!"

"Now, Nebula is controlling the time machine next door, planning to bring Thanos' army over."

Under the gaze of everyone, Luo Xia said these words leisurely.

In fact, Rorschach had been quietly paying attention to Nebula for a long time.

After all, Thanos' purpose is to collect the Infinity Stones. If Nebula really brings Thanos back, Thanos will definitely take action against Rorschach because of the Cosmic Cube.

Rorschach will inevitably face Thanos.

Rorschach, who knew the future in advance, would naturally not let this happen.

It's just that when Rorschach first traveled through time, everyone might not necessarily believe him if he revealed the truth, so Rorschach kept silent until now, at this critical moment, when he revealed the truth directly.


"Fellow motherland, are you telling the truth?"

The expressions of all the Avengers on the scene changed drastically, and they were greatly stimulated.

If what Rorschach said was true, then they had made a huge mistake.

A mistake that makes people shudder just thinking about it!

A mistake that could destroy the world again!

When Tony Stark heard this, he didn't dare to talk nonsense. He immediately turned his head, looked at the room where the time machine was stored, and patted his glasses.

The clairvoyance ability is activated.

Tony Stark's expression suddenly changed.

"Stark, what do you see?"

Scott Lang couldn't help but stared at Rorschach nervously and asked.

In fact, looking at Tony Stark's appearance, everyone had vaguely guessed what happened, but they couldn't believe it, so they subconsciously confirmed it to Tony Stark.

"What the motherland said is true, Nebula is modifying the settings of the time machine!" Tony Stark said to everyone anxiously.


"Go stop her!"

The Avengers didn't dare to delay, so they rushed out immediately and rushed to the time machine.


Nebula's figure, who was rapidly pressing buttons on the time machine, appeared in front of everyone.



When Xingyun heard the movement, she raised her head and glanced at the door. Her expression immediately changed, and her hand movements became faster and faster.

His fingers turned into tentacle-like things, inserted into the corresponding interface of the time machine, and directly modified the program settings of the time machine.

"Nebula, stop it!"

Captain America shouted loudly and threw the shield in his hand suddenly, turning into a stream of light and shooting towards Nebula.

But Nebula is not alone. As the daughter of Thanos, although she is not as powerful as Gamora, she is still one of the few masters in the entire galaxy.

The moment Captain America's shield flew towards him, Nebula kept one hand inserted in the time machine, shook his body, raised his leg and kicked it with a whip.


Captain America's shield was kicked away by Nebula.


But then there was another loud noise, and it was Thor's hammer that swung over mercilessly, knocking Nebula to the ground.

After Nebula got up from the ground, she didn't care about anything else and immediately rushed towards the time machine again.


Tony Stark raised his hand and fired a palm cannon.

Nebula was knocked to the ground again.

At this time, all the Avengers had gathered around and subdued Nebula with all their skills.

"Nebula, is it true that you were like this before? You are really a good daughter of Thanos!"

Tony Stark glanced at Nebula with a sarcastic expression and snorted.

"How did you find me?"

Xingyun's face looked very ugly, and she spoke reluctantly.

What a failure!

Give her another half minute, no, even ten seconds, and she can complete the task assigned by her father.

such a pity!

Nebula couldn't accept it.

Her "stealing the sky and changing the day" can be said to be seamless. No one had any doubts about her. Why did she rush in all of a sudden?

Have these Avengers been pretending all along?

But where did he reveal his flaws?

Nebula was puzzled.

Following Xingyun's question, all the Avengers on the scene subconsciously looked at the people from the motherland who were walking leisurely.

Everyone looked happy and grateful.

"People of the motherland, we owe you once."

"In fact, the earth owes you one!"

Captain America said with a heartfelt sigh to Rorschach.

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