American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 263 Doctor Strange: I can tell at first glance that you are not human!


Hawkeye Barton quickly picked up the phone and pressed the answer button, even his voice trembled slightly.

"Barton, I, I don't know what happened. I felt a little dazed. I thought I was too tired, but everything around me looked wrong."

"Where are you?"

"Why are you missing?"

Laura's confused and slightly worried voice came from the receiver.


Barton's breathing suddenly became rapid, and even the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Come to life!

Laura, come to life!

"Laura, where are the children?"

Tears welled up in Barton's eyes and he hurriedly asked.

"The children are in the yard. Do you want to talk to the children?"

"Yes, I want to hear the children's voices."

"Dad, what's wrong with you?" There was a pause on the other side of the receiver, and soon, several children's voices rang out.

Those were the Barton children.

Come to life!

All the people who were lost are alive!

"Guys, I think we did it!"

Ant-Man Scott Lang also shouted with joy at this time.

Other Avengers also confirmed this news through their own channels.

All the people erased by Thanos' snap of his fingers have been brought back!

Everyone's plan was successful!

"Very good."

"It'll be good if it succeeds."

Bruce Banner even showed a look of relief.

Although his body ached as if it had been torn apart, his right hand might have been crippled, and he didn't know if it could be restored.

But everything is worth it.

"Haha! Great!"

“I didn’t expect we actually succeeded!”

"To be honest, I didn't dare to have high hopes before!"

The other Avengers also made noises of joy, teasing and laughing with each other, venting their excitement.

It can be said that the entire Avengers Base has a great atmosphere.

Because Nebula was caught and imprisoned in advance, Thanos' shuttle in the movie didn't happen.

Except for the fact that the dead Black Widow cannot be resurrected, the story in this time period can be said to have a perfect ending.

"Everyone, I want to go back to Asgard!"

Fat Tiger Thor spoke to everyone with great excitement. After he said hello to everyone, he immediately walked out.

Came to the courtyard outside.

He raised his head and shouted in the direction of the sky: "Heimdall! Take me back!"


A multicolored light suddenly projected down and enveloped Thor's body.

Thor's entire body suddenly disappeared.

This scene can be said to have left Rorschach stunned for a moment.

Snapping his fingers actually brought Heimdall back to life?

Could it be that Heimdall was not stabbed to death by Thanos, but was destroyed in a snap of his fingers?

Or is he never dead?

So how did the Hulk come to Earth?

Who brought the news of Thanos' attack to Earth?

And looking at it like this, is Asgard actually still there?

Wasn't it blown to pieces by the fire giant Surtur?

It seems that the development of some things is indeed very different from the trajectory in Rorschach's impression.

However, Rorschach didn't care much about such trivial things. He just cursed slightly and put these things behind him.

Now that the Avengers have achieved their goal, it's time to fulfill their agreement, help Rorschach go back to the past when mutants disappeared, and find out the truth!

"Rogers, congratulations on your success. You have successfully rescued everyone. Congratulations."

Rorschach first sent a congratulatory message to Captain America and others, and then said directly, "However, don't forget that we still have an agreement."

"I remember all the people from my motherland!"

Captain America nodded heavily, "I will fulfill our promise and send you back to the timeline you want to go to, but..."

"But people of the motherland, we no longer have Pym particles."

Tony Stark took over what Captain America said and explained to Rorschach, "So, you need to wait for a while, Ron!"

Having said this, Tony Stark looked at Ant-Man aside, "Hank should be alive too, right? I'll leave the Pym particle matter to you."

"No problem!" Ant-Man agreed.

Naturally, Rorschach couldn't take this kind of thing seriously. Anyway, he just treated it as traveling in this world.

It's quite an experience.


When Rorschach wanted to say something more, he saw a golden halo of light suddenly flash across the hall.

Outside the aperture is another planet that looks like a ruin.

Several figures passed through the aperture from that planet one after another.

Surprisingly, it was Doctor Strange, Spider-Man and other members of the Guardians of the Galaxy who died on Titan.

"Mr. Stark, hey, it's me. Unexpectedly, I'm okay. I thought I was dead, but I came back to life!"

Peter Parker jumped and rushed towards his idol Tony Stark, but when he glanced out of the corner of his eye, another familiar figure came into view.


Peter Parker's body suddenly killed the car, and his voice suddenly rose several octaves: "Mr. Ancestor, a native of the motherland?"

Doctor Strange, Star-Lord and other funny guys also looked at Rorschach in surprise.

Each of them had a very interesting expression.

Especially Star-Lord, even the corners of his mouth twitched, as if he had seen some big devil.

"Are you kidding me? Homelander?" Star-Lord muttered in a stimulating voice.

"What's that expression?"

Rorschach raised his eyebrows and smiled slightly, "Why, have I ever hit you?"

"More than hit, you hit us like sandbags, especially Star-Lord, you hit us so badly!"

Upon hearing this, the honest boy Destroyer immediately began to introduce Rorschach with great interest.


Star-Lord immediately seemed to have his tail stepped on, "You're going too far, aren't you?"

"You're not the Homelander I know, right?"

Doctor Strange is indeed a follower of Ancient One, he saw Rorschach's true identity at a glance.

"As expected of the Supreme Sorcerer of Kamar-Taj."

Rorschach showed a touch of approval in his eyes. Although he did not give a direct answer, he acquiesced to this matter.

Doctor Strange raised his eyebrows: "Tell me, Homelander, why did you come to our world?"

"Does it have anything to do with you?"

Rorschach did not like Doctor Strange's attitude, so he sneered.

"Strange, things are a bit complicated, but we actually asked Homelander to come here."

Captain America saw this and immediately explained.

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