After hearing that Rorschach traveled through "legal means", Doctor Strange didn't say much, but he couldn't help but frowned slightly.

Thanos snapped his fingers, causing half of the creatures in the universe to be wiped out, including half of their Avengers, and even himself, and the Infinity War was completely defeated...

These things were actually within Doctor Strange's expectations.

It was the only possibility that could defeat Thanos among the more than 10 million possibilities he saw.

But among these possibilities, there is no Homelander!

The appearance of Homelander.

It is a variable!

And according to the future he saw, after Bruce Banner snapped his fingers again, the past Thanos would travel through, and the Avengers would once again fight Thanos!

And this decisive battle is the ultimate decisive battle.

The decisive battle to completely solve Thanos' hidden dangers!

But now, this kind of thing has not happened.

Doctor Strange's heart can be said to be full of worries.

Although it is reasonable to say that Thanos's failure to appear is a good thing, Doctor Strange does not think so.

Because things were completely out of his control.

He was not sure whether Thanos's problem was really solved.

"Everyone, I'll go first!"

Doctor Strange immediately greeted the Avengers, then quickly opened the space gate and traveled back to Kamar-Taj.

He was going to use the Time Stone again to see the future!

"What an impolite guy."

Rorschach complained casually, and then shook his body.

Bang, a sonic boom sounded, and the strong airflow blew everyone's clothes and hair.

When everything returned to calm, Rorschach's figure had completely disappeared.

The Avengers: "..."

Who is the impolite one!



Thanos' secret base.

In a place that looks like a secret laboratory, a strange-looking alien is using some instruments and equipment that earthlings can't understand at all to analyze and study a set of battle clothes and a "watch".

If Tony Stark, Captain America and other Avengers were there, they would find that the suit was exactly the suit that the Avengers wore to travel through time and space.

That "watch" was exactly the "time and space watch" that the Avengers wore.

Beep, beep!

Not long after, such a prompt sound suddenly sounded, and a ball of something similar to an operating system was ejected.

It appeared in front of the "alien scientist".


"I finally succeeded!"

The alien scientist conducted some tests on those operating systems, and finally, his eyes showed extreme excitement.

"Are you sure you succeeded?"

A voice sounded slowly.

But Gamora, who was leaning on the side in a lazy posture, raised her head and asked.

"I succeeded, take me to see the master!"

The alien scientist said to Gamora heavily.

Gamora heard this, but a complex look appeared on her face, as if she did not want the other party to succeed.

But anyway, since the other party succeeded, she had no reason to refuse, so she had to put away her thoughts and brought the alien scientist to Thanos.


The alien scientist half-knelt on the ground and saluted Thanos with great respect.

"Father, Urba said he has cracked the time machine." Gamora reported to Thanos at this time.

Thanos, who was sitting in the honorable position in front, suddenly showed a touch of excitement on his face.

Two years ago, Thanos used Nebula to steal and replace the pillars, and successfully put an undercover into the hands of the Avengers who killed him in the future. He planned to cooperate with Nebula inside and outside, travel to the future, and catch those hateful Avengers in one fell swoop!

At the same time.

He also snatched the infinite gems collected by the Avengers for himself.

Originally, Thanos's little abacus could be said to be clacking, but who could have thought that the plan would fail.

Two years have passed, and Nebula has not teleported them as originally planned.

There is only one possibility for this situation, that is, Nebula failed.

There is no second possibility.

Although Thanos knew that Nebula had always hated him, he also believed that Nebula would be obedient and act according to his orders.

It seems that the group of future Avengers should not be underestimated.

But even though Nebula was a chess piece, Thanos could not give up.

He then summoned the top scientists in the entire galaxy and began to study the "shuttle equipment" obtained from the future Nebula.

It took two years to finally get good news.

"Urba, is it?"

Thanos' voice sounded, with great expectation on his face, looking at Urba, and asked condescendingly.

"Yes, my master, through the analysis of that control terminal, I have completely cracked the program of the time machine, and can edit and modify it accordingly..."

"I don't want to hear this."

But Thanos waved his hand and interrupted Urba, "You just need to tell me whether I can travel to the future."

"Master, theoretically speaking, it is possible."

Urba glanced at Thanos, considered his words, and answered cautiously.


Thanos's voice rose an octave higher, scaring Urba to the point where he knelt on the ground again, and his whole body began to tremble.

"Master, the host of the time machine is the core of completing time travel, and that host is not in our hands."

"Although I can modify the program of the time machine to a certain extent, I cannot control the host, but it is not impossible!"

"As long as those future Avengers activate the time machine again, I can counter-invade the time machine host through the control terminal in our hands and teleport the owner there."

Urba's anus tightened, and she quickly added to Thanos again.

Thanos's expression became better now.

"In other words, as long as they use the time machine again, I can travel there, right?" Thanos asked confirmingly.

"Yes, Master!" Urba replied seriously.

"Master! Those Avengers will definitely use the time machine again."

Hearing this, Ebony Throat said with great certainty, "They took back the gems from the past, and they will definitely go back to the past to return the gems!"

Everyone has learned about this plan in detail from the Nebula database from the future, and it is certain.

"Avengers, I look forward to that day!"

Thanos's eyes flashed with deep meaning.

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