American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 266 The final battle breaks out, the motherland ginseng comes

"What, what's going on?"

Bruce Banner was completely dumbfounded, looking at the spaceships flying out one after another, his eyes almost popped out.

Although Bruce Banner hadn't reacted to what was going on at this moment, even if he thought about it with his thighs, he knew that this was definitely not a good thing.

Pa pa pa pa!

Bruce Banner quickly operated on the operating table, trying to stop the continuation of this situation, but it didn't work at all, and the spaceship continued to transmit.

Tony Stark and Scott Lang, two great experts, also followed Bruce Banner to tinker around, but it was also a waste of effort.

"Destroy it!"

"Destroy it!"

Captain America saw this, so he couldn't help but shout to the Avengers in a hurry.

"Get out of the way!"

Tony Stark shouted at "One-Armed Man" Bruce Banner and Scott Lang, then quickly patted his chest, and the iron armor covered his body in an instant.


Tony Stark fired two palm cannons with both hands, hitting the console of the time machine.

The console was smashed to pieces in an instant.


It was useless.

Because the console had long lost control of the quantum channel.

It was just like a TV and a remote control.

The remote control can turn on and off the TV, change channels, and do other operations on the TV, but if the TV is turned on, even if the remote control is smashed, it will not affect the TV at all.

Swish, swish, swish!

Those interstellar fleets are still being teleported out of the time channel.

The faces of the Avengers at the scene were all ugly, as if they had been slapped hard several times.

"It's Thanos!"

"Thanos is coming!"

Captain America's voice murmured.

He raised his head and looked out the window at the Thanos fleet that covered the sky and the sun, his face was so solemn.

Not only Captain America, but the other Avengers also realized who the newcomer was.

The atmosphere at the scene was visibly depressed.

"Shit! Are you kidding? Why is this happening?"

Ant-Man Scott Lang couldn't accept it at all, and he murmured and cursed.

"We played with time, and time will play with us! I knew it wouldn't go so smoothly."

Tony Stark was open-minded.

After Bruce Banner successfully snapped his fingers, Tony Stark was excited, but he also felt a little uneasy.

He didn't know what the inexplicable uneasiness was, but it always lingered in Tony Stark's heart.

Tony Stark always thought that he was overthinking, but now it proves that he didn't think too much.

Time, a regular thing, is not so easy to use.

It really has to pay a price.

"Why is Thanos here again?"

Rorschach looked at the domineering and majestic Thanos fleet in the sky outside the window, and couldn't help but reveal a face full of question marks.

The spy Nebula has been caught, and no one is secretly controlling the time machine here, so how did Thanos travel here again?

It seems that I still underestimated Thanos's ability!


Since Thanos traveled here again, the final battle has finally broken out, so won't I be involved in this final battle?

After all, the Cosmic Cube in Rorschach's hands is what Thanos must get no matter what.

But Rorschach has no intention of handing over the Cosmic Cube!

Thanos, you have to do it!

You have to participate in the final battle!

In an instant, Rorschach made this decision.

There is no other way.

After all, this is not the original final battle. The six gems are well inlaid together, and Tony Stark can snap his fingers together. Now the other five gems are stored in some safe place by the Avengers.

The Cosmic Cube is in Rorschach's hands!

The original plot of Tony Stark snapping his fingers and sacrificing himself to kill Thanos in the movie will probably not happen.

This means that Rorschach's way of sitting on the mountain and watching the fight between the tigers and waiting for the Avengers to kill Thanos is not feasible.

No matter how you think about it, Rorschach must participate in this battle.

He doesn't believe it. What's so scary about a Thanos without gloves?

Rorschach can't beat Thanos with all gloves, and even Thanos with four or five gems may not be able to beat him, but Thanos without gems?

Rorschach is really not afraid.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Just when Rorschach and the Avengers had different expressions, the Thanos fleet floating above the Avengers headquarters building began to fire first.

Missiles one after another, spraying blazing flames and pulling long tails, bombarded the Avengers Building.


All the Avengers changed their faces.

Even if they are the Avengers, the most powerful heroes on Earth, they can't withstand this level of attack.

Of course, Tony Stark has armor to protect his body, and Bruce Banner is not an ordinary person, but Captain America obviously does not have the ability to deal with this level of crisis.

As for War Machine Rhodes and Ant-Man Scott Lang who are not wearing armor, they basically can't survive.


However, at this critical moment, a loud explosion sounded, and the countryman who was originally standing on the side appeared in front of the window.

He suddenly raised his hand and stretched it forward, and an invisible energy barrier appeared outside the Avengers Building.

Boom boom boom!

All the missiles launched hit the energy barrier fiercely, and then the whole thing exploded directly.

The fierce fire and the blazing flames spread out crazily and connected into one piece.

Looking around, the whole sky was filled with that kind of sea of ​​fire, even the fleet in the sky was blocked.

The momentum was exaggerated.

It’s not that Rorschach jumped out to show off at this time. Since he decided to deal with Thanos, Rorschach naturally had to try his best to ensure the strength of his teammates, so that he could have a better chance of winning.

You know, in the original movie, except for Thor, the god of thunder, everyone else was embarrassed and dirty by this wave of bombing.

"Homelander has taken action!"

"Homelander helped us block Thanos' bombing!"

"Homelander... is still so exaggerated!"

The Avengers at the scene were all excited when they saw Rorschach blocking Thanos' bombing.

If Homelander had participated in this battle, the chances of winning would have been greatly increased.

The Avengers, who were originally extremely pessimistic about fighting Thanos again, were all greatly encouraged.

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