American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 267 Thanos was shocked: Homelander, why is it you!

Thanos main ship.

Thanos sat majestically on the throne, and in front of him, there was a large screen similar to a digital projection.

The scene where all the missiles outside the Avengers Building were blocked was displayed on the big screen intact.

"Master, they actually defended against our fire attack."

Ebony Throat said somewhat unexpectedly.

"Is this the future Avenger? Sure enough, he has some tricks."

Thanos' face also showed a look of surprise.

He knew that Earth was not a planet with advanced technological civilization and advanced technology in the entire universe.

In fact, it can even be called a relatively barren planet.

This energy shield-like defense method is really beyond Thanos' expectations.

"Master, give me ten minutes, and I will destroy those annoying Avengers for you!" Ebony Throat immediately volunteered and said to Thanos.

"Not in a hurry!"

Thanos waved his hand, "No matter what, they are the ones who killed me once. They did something that no one in the universe has ever done."

"Although they are my enemies, they are worthy of my respect!"

"Open the portal, I'll go down and meet them first."

"Yes, Master!"


A beam of light suddenly shot from the Thanos main ship to the ground.

When the light dissipated, Thanos' tall figure appeared in the yard outside the Avengers Building.


Thanos thrust his double-edged sword into the ground, took off his helmet and placed it on the head of the sword. He casually sat down on a big rock next to him.

He looked at the surrounding environment leisurely, as if waiting for someone.

This gesture cannot be described as arrogant.

He simply didn't take the Avengers seriously.

However, considering Thanos's strength, the other party is indeed qualified to be so arrogant.

"It's Thanos!"

The Avengers immediately saw Thanos' figure, and their expressions changed.

Especially Captain America and Tony Stark, who had just faced Thanos, their brows were even more wrinkled like chrysanthemums blooming in late autumn.

The two of them really know how powerful Thanos is!

One tried his best, but could only leave a trace of blood on Thanos' face.

The other one was knocked over by Thanos with a casual punch.

Thanos still left a certain degree of psychological shadow in his heart.

"Is this Thanos?"

"It looks really ugly, just like a purple sweet potato."

Ant-Man Scott Lang couldn't help but complain when he saw Thanos for the first time.

"We killed him once, let's do it again!"

Captain America clenched the shield in his hand and glanced at Tony Stark beside him.

"Captain, you and I have finally reached a high degree of agreement on one thing."

Tony Stark thought, and the originally opened helmet automatically covered his head.

"Fathers of the motherland, are you going to fight alongside us this time?" Captain America glanced at Rorschach.

"Of course." Luo Xia said matter-of-factly. He weighed the box containing the Cosmic Rubik's Cube in his hand, "I don't have the final say in this kind of thing, right?"


The people of the motherland are completely aware of Thanos' collection of Infinity Stones and other things.

"You don't really have the ability to predict the future, do you?" Ant-Man Scott Lang glanced at Rorschach in shock.

Having seen through the undercover Nebula before, Ant-Man now also shows this kind of foresight. Ant-Man is increasingly convinced that Rorschach can predict the future.

Rorschach did not say anything more to Scott Land, but continued to say to Captain America, "Captain, keep the gems in your base for a while. I will come and get them after we kill Thanos."

Captain America nodded, took the box from Rorschach without saying any more nonsense, then quickly turned around and ran away.

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube was stored in the safe in the base and returned immediately.

War Machine and Ant-Man took the opportunity to put on their respective equipment.

"OK! It's time to go out, don't keep Thanos waiting!"

Iron Man greeted everyone, then took the lead and walked out.

Captain America, Ant-Man, Scott Lang, Hulk, Bruce Banner, War Machine, and a Rorschach.

A bunch of people were waiting.

He began to walk out of the building in a majestic manner and came to the courtyard outside.

Standing face to face with Thanos.

"A native of the motherland?"

"how come?"

Thanos's eyes swept across the Avengers with stern eyes, but when his eyes fell on Rorschach, his expression obviously changed slightly.

He even asked in surprise.

Rorschach couldn't help but feel slightly speechless. His reputation was even known to Thanos, the overlord of the universe?

And looking at Thanos's appearance, it is obvious that he is also very afraid of himself.

It seems that my future self is very active.

"No, you are not from the motherland, no, you are from the motherland, but you are from another motherland..."

However, Thanos stared at Rorschach for a while and saw some clues.

This person from the motherland is not the person from the motherland that he knows at all.

Apart from anything else, this Homelander gives people a feeling that is far worse than Homelander.

Otherwise, he really wouldn't dare to invade the Earth casually.

"What's the situation... Rogers, have I fought Thanos before?"

Rorschach ignored Thanos, he just glanced at Captain America beside him with curiosity.

"I'm not too sure."

Captain America shook his head, "But you did leave the Earth before and traveled in the stars for a period of time. It's not impossible that you fought Thanos."

Did he actually leave the Earth in the future?


Rorschach's first reaction was to be a little shocked, after all, this sounded a bit exaggerated.

But on second thought, it's not a strange thing.

He has the ability to fly, and if he is stronger, he will be another Captain Marvel.

What's so strange about reaching the interstellar level?

It's natural, okay?

"Homelander, this is between me and the Avengers, it has nothing to do with you."

The voice of Thanos sounded at this time, his eyes were solemn, and he spoke to Rorschach solemnly, "I don't know why you want to get involved in this battle, is it because of the mutants? If so, I can promise you that when I get the gems, I will not touch any of those mutants, what do you think?"

Thanos could actually offer such a condition, which shows how much Thanos feared his future self.

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