American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 268 Rorschach: Have I also beaten Thanos?

When Thanos said this, not only Rorschach, but also Captain America, Tony Stark and others around Rorschach could not help but be secretly shocked.

Even War Machine Rhodes and Ant-Man Scott Lang could not help but widen their eyes and glanced at Rorschach beside them in disbelief.

Thanos, is he so afraid of Homelander?

This is Thanos!

Has Homelander even beaten Thanos?


This is too shocking.

It can only be said that Homelander is worthy of being Homelander, and he is so fierce.


The Avengers immediately recalled something that made them feel so upset:

The person standing next to them now is not the Homelander they know, but the Homelander from the past.

The Homelander from the era when Homelander just began to rise.

In other words, it is not the Homelander at its peak.

Whether such a Homelander will be Thanos' opponent, the Avengers have no confidence in their hearts.

"Thanos, whether I join the war or not is not up to me, but up to you."

Rorschach spoke at this time, with a serious look on his face, and he didn't look like he was perfunctory or fooling Thanos.

"What do you mean? Aren't the conditions I offered enough to prove my sincerity?" Thanos raised his eyebrows.

"Thanos, I know your purpose. The other five gems have nothing to do with me, but the space gem is mine."

"So, whether we are enemies or other relationships does not depend on me."

Rorschach shrugged and made his words clearer.

Thanos frowned.

How could the space gem belong to Homelander?

According to his intelligence, the space gem should be in Asgard.

But Thanos still has a certain understanding of Homelander. He knows that since Homelander said so, there must be a good reason, and the other party will not use such words to evade him.

This is not Homelander's temperament.

If Homelander really wanted to go to war with him, he would have attacked him directly, and would not have found these messy excuses.


Thanos' heart moved again, and he fell into deep thought.

There was always something wrong with the Homelander in front of him, and he was completely different from the Homelander in his impression.

There was no sense of oppression that the Homelander brought him.

It was like another Homelander!

Could it be...

This Homelander is really not that Homelander?

However, Thanos did not have a God's perspective. Even if he had just experienced time travel, it was impossible for him to think that the Homelander on the other side was actually like him, and also traveled from the past.

But no matter what, he would never give up the Space Stone.

Even if it was against Homelander!

What's more, although he didn't know what was going on, the Homelander in front of him was obviously not the Homelander in his prime!

"It seems that we all have no choice, right?"

Thanos slowly stood up, took off his helmet and put it on his head.

He used his actual actions to show his position.

"It seems... that's the case."

Rorschach nodded in agreement.

The development of the matter was basically consistent with what he expected. Thanos would definitely not give up the Space Stone.

And he, of course, would not give up either.

Even if he was facing a cosmic overlord like Thanos!


Rorschach still had a faint expectation in his heart. He wondered how big the gap was between himself and Thanos now?

You should know that according to Marvel's power rating system, except for Thanos' speed of 6, all other parameters such as intelligence, strength, endurance, energy emission, and combat skills were 7.

It is worth mentioning that 7 is the highest value.

So what is Rorschach's current value?

Leaving aside the irrelevant intelligence, Rorschach's strength of 2,000 tons is also 7, and his speed is supersonic, with a value of 5, while Thanos's setting in Marvel is also 7, superluminal.

Of course, this is just a comic setting. The movie has weakened this aspect. It is hard to say what it is, but it is definitely not 7 superluminal speed, nor 6 light speed. At best, it is just like Rorschach, supersonic speed.

In addition, there are two very important parameters: endurance and energy emission.

According to the numerical value, Rorschach's iron body is far beyond the level of 5 bulletproof, but it cannot reach 7 near immortality, so 6 is the most suitable.

Thanos is also 7 in the comics.

In the movie version, it is also weakened a lot, otherwise Iron Man cannot break through the defense. At best, it is also the same as Rorschach, also 6.

As for energy emission, Rorschach can emit heat rays for a long time, and 5 is absolutely worthy of the name.

But Thanos?

It seems that there is no energy emission skill in the movie!

So in a comprehensive comparison, even the current Rorschach is also capable of fighting against the universe overlord like Thanos!

Even if he can't beat him, he won't lose too badly.

Even if we take into account Rorschach's flight, heat rays, telekinesis and other means, the chances of winning will be even higher!

Don't be afraid of Thanos or anything like that!


Seeing the breakdown of the negotiations between Rorschach and Thanos, the Avengers all breathed a sigh of relief.

If Homelander really gave up, it would be a very bad thing for them.

They would lose an extremely powerful ally!

And losing such an ally could even lead to the failure of the war!

"Come on Homelander, it seems that there will be a battle between you and me, this is an inevitable fate!"

Thanos' voice sounded, he slowly picked up his double-edged sword, pointed at Rorschach with the tip of the sword, and declared a battle to Rorschach.

"Then... it's disrespectful to refuse!"


After saying this, Rorschach's body shook, and he unfolded at supersonic speed. He disappeared in the blink of an eye and appeared in front of Thanos in an instant.

He swung his fist fiercely and smashed it at Thanos.


Thanos' reaction was also very fast. In this moment of lightning and fire, he also punched Rorschach calmly.

The fists of the two men collided fiercely in the air.


There was a dull sound of collision.

Luo Xia only felt a force rebounding and acting on his body.

He was suddenly hit by a huge wave and fell backwards.


But soon, Luo Xia stabilized his body, only feeling that his whole arm was a little sore and numb, and his blood and qi were even a little blocked.

But he was not injured.

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