American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 269: The Great Battle: Homelander VS Thanos

There's a way!

Rorschach's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help showing an extremely excited look on his face.

Although he was at an absolute disadvantage and disadvantage in the head-on collision with Thanos just now, it also proved that there was no unbridgeable gap between him and Thanos!

Thanos did not have an overwhelming advantage over Rorschach in terms of strength.

This is a good thing.

You have to know that Rorschach has so many skills. How could he be so stupid as to abandon them all in the battle and just fight with Thanos with fists and strength?

The head-on collision just now was just a test and a trial.

And now, Rorschach has a better idea in his mind.

"You are not the countryman I know!"

Rorschach was not the only one who tested the other party, but Thanos was the same.

After that punch, Thanos also confirmed his previous guess.

He also showed an excited look.

No matter what happened to this Homelander in front of him, as long as he was not the Homelander in his prime, it would be easy to deal with!

Otherwise, although he brought a huge fleet and thousands of troops, Thanos was also very nervous.

"You seem relieved?"

Rorschach raised his eyebrows, tacitly acknowledging this.

"And you should frown!"

Thanos snorted coldly, swung his double-edged sword in his hand, and rushed towards Rorschach again.


Rorschach's mind moved, and he flew directly into the air. Two heat rays began to burst out from his eyes and shot at Thanos.

Rorschach would be crazy to go head-to-head with Thanos if he could fly and had long-range energy attack methods.


Thanos did not dodge or evade, and the double-edged sword in his hand began to rotate rapidly.

He actually... blocked Rorschach's heat rays directly!

This is totally unreasonable!

No matter how fast the sword rotates, how can it block the energy attack?

But it just blocked it.

Just like in the movie, when it blocked the energy attack of Iron Man and Thor, it completely blocked it.

Although he secretly complained in his heart, Rorschach did not dwell on this matter too much. After all, Thanos is the overlord of the stars, and this is a world where wizards, gods and other supernatural beings exist.

It is really normal for things beyond science to happen.

Rorschach continued to shoot Thanos with heat rays, and at the same time, he punched Thanos in the air.

Telekinesis started.


With a muffled groan, Thanos was immediately hit back by Rorschach's "throwing punch", but Thanos' physical fitness was still very, very strong, and Rorschach's punch did not cause any substantial damage to him, but only insulted and angered Thanos.


Thanos stepped on the ground with both feet, and a big pit suddenly appeared on the ground, and cracks spread in all directions.

Then he turned into a stream of light and shot towards Rorschach at lightning speed.

His speed was so fast that it was supersonic!

Rorschach had just reacted when Thanos's double-edged sword came in front of him and chopped at him fiercely.


Rorschach let out a low shout, and his telekinesis was fully exerted, forming an indestructible barrier in front of him.

Thanos' double-edged sword was like a rotten wood, breaking most of the telekinesis barrier in one go.

However, with this effort, Rorschach had already moved his body lightly.


A sound of breaking through the air sounded.

Thanos' body was "missed" and fell to the ground fiercely.


At this moment, before Thanos could stand firm, Rorschach's heat ray shot over again.

But Thanos was not to be underestimated. He dodged Rorschach's heat ray with ease.


Rorschach's heat ray immediately shot out long gullies on the ground.


Thanos dodged the defense while glancing at Rorschach in the sky with an angry tone, feeling depressed.

There was no doubt that Homelander's absolute strength was definitely not as strong as his, but Homelander's fighting style was really a bit rogue.

Relying on his inability to fly, he relied on his air superiority to suppress himself!

For Thanos, although Homelander could not hurt him, he was like a dog-skin plaster that stuck to him and could not be shaken off.

It was so annoying.


He let out a roar and shot towards Rorschach again.

Boom boom boom!

Bang bang bang!

That's it.

The two sides began to fight fiercely and fiercely in front of the Avengers, and the momentum was terrifying.

The two of them were like a tornado, destroying everything they swept into, turning it into ruins.

The two sides have been fighting until now, and the entire Avengers base has been almost destroyed.

"So, is this the true strength of Thanos?"

Iron Man couldn't help but murmured.

When he fought Thanos on Titan, it turned out that Thanos didn't use his full strength at all!

He just greeted him casually.

And now.

Facing Homelander, Thanos really showed his strength.

"Homelander is no match for Thanos, we have to fight too!"

Captain America said to Tony Stark and others in a deep voice.

The situation on the battlefield is still very clear. Although Homelander can temporarily deal with Thanos by relying on air superiority, it is obvious that Homelander cannot defeat Thanos.

This kind of thing is destined not to be so easy.

But even so, the situation is more optimistic than the Avengers imagined.

With Homelander withstanding most of Thanos' attacks, plus their words, defeating Thanos is not empty talk!

"What are you waiting for?"

Iron Man responded, and then rushed towards Thanos in a flash.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At the same time, he also fired several powerful missiles at Thanos.

As for Captain America, Bruce Banner, War Machine and Ant-Man, they all rushed towards Thanos at the same time.

Of course.

The first ones to "rush" to Thanos were undoubtedly Iron Man's missiles.

But Thanos is indeed not to be underestimated. In the battle with Rorschach, he just swept away a few boulders with a knife and easily blocked Iron Man's missile.

Boom boom boom!

The missile exploded not far in front of Thanos, and the fierce flames covered the sky. The huge shock wave and scorching heat were enough to cause a fatal blow to anyone.

But unfortunately, it did not cause any effect on Thanos.

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