American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 270 Thanos: Homelander, you have no moral principles!

Bang, bang, bang!

Bang, bang, bang!

War Machine Rhodes rushed to Thanos second, and the Gatling gun on his shoulder was like a free gun, pouring out at Thanos crazily.

Although it did not cause real damage to Thanos, it made Thanos feel very disgusted.


The angry Thanos grabbed a big rock from the ground and smashed it at the War Machine in the air.

War Machine shook his body slightly and dodged directly.

He continued to bombard Thanos.

In this short moment of fighting, the Hulk also rushed to Thanos, swung his one arm, and hammered at Thanos fiercely. Captain America also rushed towards Thanos with a shield.

A group of people launched a crazy siege on Thanos.

In addition, Rorschach acted as the main output in the air, and Thanos, who could have steadily suppressed Rorschach, was immediately at a disadvantage.

After all, the Avengers are indeed not covered.

What's more, two of the three giants are still here.

"Thanos, bleed for me again!"

In the fierce battle, Iron Man's domineering voice sounded, and his fist once again turned into a very exaggerated and huge fist. While Thanos was dealing with others, he jumped high and hammered Thanos hard.


But at this time, an inexplicable force suddenly appeared.

Iron Man found that his whole body was imprisoned in the air.

Suddenly reacted to something, immediately looked up and looked forward, and sure enough, he saw a thin and strange figure appeared on the battlefield.

It was Ebony Maw who had fought before.

"Squidward, it's you!"

As soon as Iron Man opened his mouth, people had the urge to beat him up, "You are still so ugly after so many years..."


Before he finished speaking, Ebony Maw stretched out his hand and waved it to the side, and Iron Man's huge body slammed directly to the ground.

A big hole was smashed on the ground.

Boom boom boom!

The sound of the earth shaking rang out at the same time, and the black dwarf, like a small mountain, rushed towards the battlefield.

He threw the huge hammer in his hand forward fiercely and smashed it directly towards Captain America.

Captain America couldn't dodge in time, so he had to raise his shield to block it.


In the dull sound of metal collision, the shield in Captain America's hand was knocked over, and the man fell out like a cannonball.

Captain America's "50-50 attribute" can't be activated all the time.

Captain America can never beat an interstellar powerhouse like Black Dwarf. He is just a casual punch of Thanos.

Without Thor's hammer, he is not qualified to participate in the final battle.


At the same time, a dazzling blue energy bomb flashed and blasted towards Rhodes in the sky.

But Proxima Midnight was also teleported to the battlefield, and immediately picked up the spear in his hand and attacked Rhodes.

The last member of the Black Order, General Corvus Glaive, wielded a spear and killed the Hulk Bruce Banner.

That's right, there are only these four Black Orders.

With the shining appearance of the Black Orders, the situation on the battlefield suddenly reversed.

All the others except Rorschach were instantly caught in a bitter battle.

It can even be said that they were suppressed by the Black Orders.

They no longer had the ability to "harass" Thanos.

Thanos was finally able to concentrate on dealing with Rorschach.

It's just a pity, will Rorschach cooperate with Thanos so obediently?

The Black Orders were too much of a hindrance, so of course they had to be killed as soon as possible!

Chi chi chi chi!

In a corner of the battlefield, the sound of breaking through the air continued to sound, but it was Ebony Maw controlling the "stone cones" one by one, shooting at Iron Man like an overwhelming force.

Iron Man's flying ability was also imprisoned by Ebony Maw using telekinesis, so he could only stay on the ground and be beaten honestly.

But Iron Man was not to be trifled with. With a thought, an energy shield appeared in front of him, completely blocking Ebony Maw's attack.

He also launched several missiles at Ebony Maw.

But unfortunately, under Ebony Maw's control, the missiles turned around and shot towards Iron Man himself.


Iron Man cursed and quickly shot down his missiles.


But at this moment, a huge rock suddenly appeared under his feet, knocking Iron Man away in an instant.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ebony Maw stretched out his hand and made another move. Countless rocks flew up and "buried" Iron Man.


But at this moment, a sound of breaking through the air sounded, and a huge gust of wind came towards him.

Ebony Maw's face suddenly changed, how could he care about Iron Man?

He suddenly attacked Rorschach, who appeared in front of him like lightning.

He used all his telekinesis to resist Rorschach's attack.


It was useless.

Ebony Maw tried his best, but it only made Rorschach's body slightly slow down, that's all.

Rorschach then broke through Ebony Maw's telekinesis defense with great dominance and appeared in front of Ebony Maw.

One hand directly grabbed Ebony Maw's neck.


With such a sound, Ebony Maw fell to the ground helplessly and turned into a corpse.

This series of processes is long to describe, but it actually happened in a flash.

Before Thanos could react, Ebony Maw was killed by Rorschach.


Thanos's extremely angry voice sounded. Homelander, this guy, did not play by the rules at all.

With the opponent's level, wouldn't it be bullying to attack someone like the Black Five?

But Rorschach didn't care about it at all.


He shook his body, leaving a sonic boom, and flew towards Black Dwarf again.

"Damn it!"

Thanos also shook his body, and with a ricochet on the ground, he rushed towards Rorschach, but was easily dodged by Rorschach.

At the same time, he stretched out his hand and used his telekinesis to imprison Black Dwarf.


A heat ray swept past and directly cut off the head of the black dwarf.

Then Rorschach kept moving, and easily killed General Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight with the help of Thanos.

Thanos was so angry that his face, which was already like a purple potato spirit, turned even purpler.


At this time, a dazzling colorful light suddenly fell from the sky.

When the light dissipated, the figure of Fat Tiger Thor appeared in front of everyone.

He held the Stormbreaker in his left hand and the Thor's hammer in his right hand, which was so majestic and domineering.

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