"Thanos, you are really haunting!"

Thor, the God of Thunder, stared intently at Thanos in front of him, and these murderous words burst out from his mouth.

His hatred for Thanos has not diminished at all!

Although Bruce Banner snapped his fingers and brought back all the people of Asgard who died at Thanos's snap, there were still too many people killed by Thanos' army.

Those people will never come back.


Thanos stood there with a golden sword, his face was cold.

The Asgardians are indeed very powerful, but so what, now Thanos has brought his most powerful fleet!

However, with the emergence of Thor, Thanos' original power is destined to be no longer pretendable.

He can't take down a native of the motherland, let alone the current battle.


So Thanos stopped talking nonsense, raised the long knife in his hand, and swung it diagonally upward.

Swish swish swish!

The fleet spacecraft behind him began to project rays of light downwards, and Thanos's thousands of troops appeared directly behind him.

Looking around, it is so densely packed that it makes people feel frightened.

at this moment.

Everyone's expressions were extremely solemn, and they felt extremely heavy pressure, as if there was a huge mountain on their chests.

Different from the last battle with Thanos, this time they will not only face Thanos alone, but Thanos' thousands of troops!

Even with such a strong helping hand from the motherland this time, everyone's hearts are heavy.


But fortunately, other people are also very helpful.

A familiar golden halo of light appeared immediately, with Doctor Strange taking the lead, followed by the Mage King, and a group of Kama Taj's mages shuttled in in time.

Tsk tsk tsk!

After Doctor Strange shuttled over, circles of light appeared one after another.

Wakanda, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and other human armies also appeared like dumplings.

Gathered behind the Avengers at the scene.


Ant-Man Scott Lang couldn't help but slap his thighs in excitement.

Iron Man, Captain America and other Avengers also showed excitement.

In this way, the Avengers, plus Rorschach, led the Earth Alliance army behind them, and faced off against Thanos' army on the opposite side.

A chilling air filled the air.

"A native of the motherland?"

Doctor Strange glanced at Rorschach in surprise.

He never expected that the people of the motherland would actually stand on their side and fight against Thanos together.

I don’t know why, but after returning to Karma Taj, Doctor Strange immediately used the Time Stone to observe the aftermath of Infinity War.

Observed what was going to happen next.

I want to determine what will happen in the future and whether the war with Thanos is completely over.

But it’s very strange and can’t be seen!

After the people from the motherland traveled through time, this timeline has become blurred!

This kind of thing has never happened before. The time stone will actually lose its effect, so Doctor Strange, like everyone else, is completely confused about what will happen next.

"I can't believe that I will one day fight side by side with my motherland. This feeling is really strange."

After hearing Doctor Strange's words, Thor couldn't help but glance at Rorschach and murmured softly.


Rorschach spoke at this time, and with a flash of his body, he appeared next to Thor.

He extended his hand to the other party and said, "Lend me your hammer."

It is true that Rorschach is no match for Thanos now, but what if he adds an artifact?

Rorschach is really looking forward to this!

Anyway, I don’t know why, but he can play Mjolnir very smoothly, and if Rorschach uses Mjolnir, wouldn’t it be much stronger than Captain America?

"No, don't try to hit me with a hammer!"

Thor shook his head subconsciously and made a gesture to protect his hammer, "Mjolnir is mine. It belongs to Thor, the God of Thunder. Only Thor, the God of Thunder, can use it!"


But Captain America said to Thor with a serious face, "I think this time maybe we can listen to the opinions of the people of the motherland. Can you use two weapons by yourself? And I believe that the people of the motherland will not miss the hammer." idea.”

"Aren't you worried that Hammer won't want you after he follows me?" Rorschach raised an eyebrow at Thor.

"Are you kidding me?" Thor snorted.

Although he was still a little reluctant, after thinking for a while, he still threw the hammer towards Rorschach.

Facts have proved that Thor is actually quite reliable at critical moments, and he naturally knows that handing another artifact to the people of the motherland is the right choice.

After all, putting two artifacts in his hands is really a serious waste. He cannot fully exert the power of the two artifacts.

You may even become unaccustomed to using it.


Rorschach gently stretched out his hand and took Thor's hammer in his hand, and a powerful aura suddenly burst out.

At this moment, Rorschach felt that his whole body was full of strength.

The artifact's addition to a person's strength is still very obvious.


After weighing the Thor's hammer in his hand with satisfaction, Rorschach's mind moved, and lightning flashed out, lingering around Rorschach.

At the same time, Rorschach's eyes also turned into the state of thunder.

A supreme thunder power burst out in an instant.

"Is that... Homelander?"

"Homelander has become Thor?"

"This... another Thor?"

Rorschach's cool "special effects" are so cool that the people of the Earth Alliance were immediately attracted by Rorschach.

After taking a look, they were immediately dumbfounded.

Homelander has become Thor?

What a joke!

"This guy must have done it on purpose!"

Thor was so dissatisfied that he also waved his Storm Axe, and lightning flashed on his body.

It's just a pity that Fat Tiger's current pregnant body can't compare with Rorschach.

It would be fine if he didn't explode lightning, but once he did, he was completely outshined by Rorschach, which made him even more embarrassed.


At this moment, a sonic boom sounded, and Rorschach, who had transformed into the god of thunder, flew in front of Thanos.

He swung the hammer in his hand and smashed it hard at Thanos.

He didn't explode lightning to show off, but to fight against the enemy!

Thanos had a cold face, and he chopped Rorschach fiercely with the double-edged sword in his hand.


There was a loud noise.

Thanos was actually knocked over by Rorschach with just one hammer.

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