American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 272 Thanos was beaten into a dog by Homelander!


Thanos flew dozens of meters away and hit the ground like a cannonball, creating a big hole in the ground.

It was like a heavy hammer hitting everyone's heart.

The nightmare of the entire universe, Thanos, the overlord of a generation, was actually knocked over by Homelander in one fell swoop?

No one dared to believe what they saw.

In any case, it was Thanos!

Even though Homelander was holding Thor's artifact.


Thanos immediately got up from the ground, and his face began to twitch.

Full of boundless anger, but also with deep solemnity.

Homelander actually joined forces with Asgard!

After Homelander got Asgard's artifact, his overall strength was greatly improved.

Although he still couldn't be compared with Homelander at his peak, at least he was not inferior to himself at all.

This was definitely not a good thing.

Considering that the five Black Orders were also killed by Homelander, it was a huge loss for their side.

Thanos's face became more and more gloomy.

"Great! Homelander defeated Thanos!"

"Homelander beat Thanos!"

"Thanos is no match for Homelander!"

Compared with Thanos's dark face, the Earth Alliance was very excited and their morale was greatly boosted.

It was like a shot of chicken blood, and they felt full of strength all over their bodies.

Rorschach's punch to Thanos can be said to have ignited the momentum and will of the Earth Alliance at once.

For a battle, this is actually very important.



Captain America saw this and immediately raised his arms and shouted without hesitation. He took the lead with his shield and rushed towards Thanos' army.



The shouts of killing that resounded through the sky rang out.

The Avengers led the way, and the rest of the Earth Alliance followed closely behind, like a galloping horse, rushing towards the Thanos army on the opposite side.

Thanos didn't say anything nonsense, just stretched out the big knife in his hand and pointed at the Avengers from a distance.

The alien army behind him immediately rushed towards the Earth Alliance like a tide.

The final battle broke out!

But for Rorschach, he has only one enemy so far, that is Thanos.


The sound of the sonic boom sounded, and Rorschach's body turned into a stream of light again, covered with lightning, carrying the thrilling supreme thunder power, and appeared in front of Thanos.

Thor's hammer was like a mountain, making a terrible sonic boom, and smashed towards Thanos fiercely.

Thanos naturally didn't say anything nonsense, and immediately swung the double-edged sword in his hand to resist Rorschach.


The hammer and the opponent's double-edged sword collided fiercely, making a dull sound of impact.

Another head-on collision.

After the first head-on collision between Rorschach and Thanos, he was at an absolute disadvantage and was knocked down by Thanos.

But this time, the situation was reversed directly.

Rorschach's body remained motionless, but Thanos once again took several steps back!

After being amplified by the artifact, Rorschach's strength surpassed Thanos in all aspects!


"It's worthy of being an artifact from Asgard!"

Rorschach's eyes lit up immediately, not to mention how excited he was.

He knew that he should be able to beat Thanos in the future, but he didn't expect that he could do this now.

Beating the overlord of the universe, this feeling is still very good.

"Damn it!"

Thanos shouted angrily.

If he could find an excuse to say that he underestimated Rorschach and was caught off guard when he was beaten by Rorschach before, then this time, the gap in strength between the two sides was completely exposed.

He, Thanos, is no match for Homelander!


As these thoughts flashed through his mind, the familiar sound of sonic boom sounded again.

But Rorschach did not give Thanos any chance to breathe, and once again swung Thor's hammer and began to attack Thanos like a storm.

As for why he did not use heat rays?

That's because the current heat ray attack is not as good as the attack of Thor's hammer!

Swinging a hammer seems to just hit people, but in fact, it is not a simple physical attack at all.

Every hammer that hits Thanos is not only brute force, but also the power of thunder!

That kind of damage is far greater than Rorschach's current heat rays.

So Rorschach simply abandoned other ways of attack and just used the hammer to hit Thanos hard.


In the fierce battle, the weapons of both sides collided fiercely again. Thanos staggered back and felt numbness in his hands.

Rorschach was relentless and appeared in front of him at supersonic speed in an instant, smashing down on him with his hammer again.

Thanos had to swing his sword to block again in a hurry, and staggered even more.


Rorschach seized this opportunity and did not give Thanos a chance to breathe. He launched a violent and torrential attack on Thanos, smashing him repeatedly.


After several consecutive hits, Thanos's double-edged sword was actually broken!

It was just like Thanos cut off Captain America's shield in the original movie.

But this time, it was Thanos's weapon that was broken.


Rorschach's hammer made another powerful move, and a blazing lightning began to fall from the sky and hit Thanos hard.


Thanos uttered a muffled groan, and was knocked over in an instant.

His body was charred and looked so miserable.

And this was just the beginning!

With his weapons broken, Thanos was defeated step by step, and was hammered from here to there by Rorschach, and from there to here, not to mention how miserable it was.

He was hammered like a grandson.

Summoning lightning from time to time was a fatal blow to Thanos.

The two sides fought until now, and Thanos was beaten to vomit blood by Rorschach, and even several ribs were broken by the hammer.

There was no trace of the original universe overlord.


"The motherland is so awesome!"

"Thank goodness the motherland is here!"

The Earth Alliance saw this scene, and they became more and more excited, and they became more and more powerful.

On the contrary, the morale of Thanos' army suffered a devastating blow.

No one was willing to believe that the universe overlord Thanos would be beaten into a dog!

"Open fire!"

"Open fire!"

Thanos, who could no longer hold on, began to ruthlessly issue this order to his fleet.

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