"Master, our people are still on the battlefield!"

The commander of Thanos' fleet hesitated after hearing Thanos' order.

If we launch a full-scale bombing now, the Avengers will indeed kill a lot of people, but the same will be true for their people!

"Hurry up and fire!"


But how could Thanos care so much?

If he didn't open fire, he would be beaten to death by the people of his motherland.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

next moment.

The muzzles of the Thanos fleet in the sky all turned around, aimed at the people on the battlefield, and fired mercilessly.

One round after another, terrifying energy bombs were shot onto the ground like an overwhelming force.

Both the Earth Alliance and Thanos' army have all suffered extremely serious blows.

I don't know how many people were killed on the spot.

Fortunately, Kama Taj's people had defensive magic. The mages scattered in various places on the battlefield condensed energy shields one after another, which was able to reduce the casualties of the Earth Alliance forces.

As for Rorschach?

Sorry, he let Thanos down.

The moment Thanos' fleet bombarded the entire battlefield, Rorschach immediately covered his whole body with telekinesis, forming an invisible energy shield.

Coupled with Rorschach's physical condition at this time, it can be said that those energy bombs will not have any impact on him at all.

Rorschach ignored it completely and continued to wield the hammer in his hand, blasting Thanos with a round of hammer blows.

On the contrary, Thanos himself does not have the means like Rorschach to resist the energy shells of his own fleet.

Coupled with Rorschach's attack, the situation became more and more messy, and Rorschach scored an even worse three points.

All we can say is that Thanos shot himself in the foot with this wave of attacks.


While Thanos was avoiding the shells of his own fleet, Rorschach summoned a bolt of extremely cold lightning, which struck Thanos entirely.


With this muffled groan, Thanos was knocked to the ground again.


He even spat out a mouthful of blood.

Seriously injured!

Thanos was completely seriously injured by Rorschach.


A flash of light flashed in Rorschach's eyes. He knew very well how to take advantage of your illness to kill you. After seeing Thanos was injured, he launched an even more violent attack on Thanos, completely beating Thanos. Out of breath.

Coupled with Thanos being injured and his strength regressing, there are also the extremely dense energy bombs in the sky...

Thanos' situation can be said to be worse than worse.

Bang bang bang!


In just a few minutes, Thanos was beaten to death by Rorschach.


Another hammer hit Thanos hard, knocking him to the ground.

Rorschach swayed and stepped on Thanos' chest like a god of war.

Trampled Thanos to the ground.


Thanos kept coughing, not to mention how weak he was.

He was so bruised and exhausted now that he had no strength to break free.

He just stared at Rorschach with a look of extreme unwillingness and resentment, that's all.

And at this moment.

The bombardment all over the sky suddenly stopped, and all the cannon muzzles on Thanos' fleet suddenly turned in one direction and pointed into the air.

Everyone subconsciously turned their heads and looked up, and saw a golden light appearing faintly in the sky.

This situation was so familiar that Rorschach immediately understood what was going on.

But others don't know why.

"Friday, what are they targeting?"

Iron Man couldn't help but ask.

"Something entered the atmosphere!"

Friday answered, but even Friday didn’t know what it was.

"Never mind that, the people of the motherland have defeated Thanos!"

Ant-Man Scott Lang's voice rang in the communication channel at this time, not to mention how exciting it was.

"What! Is there such a thing?"

When Iron Man heard this, he couldn't believe it. He immediately scanned the battlefield and his eyes widened.

Sure enough, he saw that the people of the motherland had trampled Thanos under his feet!

Not only Iron Man, but also Captain America, Thor, Doctor Strange and other superheroes also saw this scene, and their breaths all froze.

Even his body was trembling slightly.

The people of the motherland defeated Thanos!

Trampled Thanos under his feet!

If you hadn't seen this scene with your own eyes, no one would believe it.

"My motherland, I really can't believe that I worked so hard to plan all this, but in the end I was defeated at your hands!"

With everyone watching, Thanos spoke to Rorschach with great reluctance, gritting his teeth.

With his strength, even if all the heroes on earth unite, they cannot be his opponent.

He can kill everyone easily, even effortlessly!

But Thanos would never have imagined that he would actually meet people from his motherland on earth!

"Could it be that this is..."


Thanos was only halfway through his words when he stopped abruptly.

Because Rorschach swung his hammer hard and hit Thanos on the head.


Thanos' head was smashed by Rorschach, and it exploded like a watermelon.

Thanos' body shook, and then he lay on the ground motionless, and he was dead in the blink of an eye.

Thanos, the overlord of the universe, died in front of Rorschach.

I have to say, it is still a pity.

Iron Man, Captain America, Thor and others, their eyes widened instantly, and they were stunned.

It can be said that they were caught off guard.

Thanos, just died like this?

Was he killed by Homelander like this?

Originally, everyone was prepared to die, and they planned to do everything they could to resist Thanos, even at the cost of their own lives.

As for victory, they didn't dare to think too much.

But who could have thought that the Homelander had killed Thanos so soon after the war began!

"Oh, yeah!"

Rocket Raccoon was stunned for a moment, then he jumped up half a meter in excitement, "Great job!"

"Thanos, dead!"

Captain America muttered in his mouth, he was a little dumb, as if he couldn't believe it.

"His head was blown up, this is so tragic."

Star-Lord, the funny guy, grinned.

"Thanos is dead!"

"Great, Thanos is dead!"

Soon, the news spread throughout the battlefield, and it can be said that everyone in the Earth Alliance was ignited.

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