American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 274 Rorschach was shocked: Captain Jing and I are a couple?

"Master, he's dead!"

"Impossible, how is this possible!"

"It's fake, it must be fake!"

Compared to the excitement of the Earth Alliance, the Thanos army felt like they were struck by lightning, and their brains exploded.

Completely unable to accept this fact.

Some people even knelt down on the ground helplessly.

Morale suddenly reached an extreme low. Countless people lost any fighting spirit and their hands and feet were paralyzed.

The casualty rate suddenly increased sharply.

Boom boom boom!

At this time, an extremely violent explosion suddenly sounded, and terrifying energy fluctuations came from the sky, as if there was thunder.

Both sides on the battlefield subconsciously looked into the sky, only to see that the mothership of the Thanos fleet had exploded!


With the explosion of fierce fire, from the bottom of the mothership, a woman bathed in golden light sprang out majestically.

That's called domineering.

That's cool.

Surprisingly, it was Captain Marvel.

"It's Danforth!"

Captain America regained his energy, and an irrepressible smile appeared on his lips.

Captain Marvel, a super backup, has also arrived, and there is no suspense in this battle.

"Oh ho ho, great job!"

Rocket Raccoon's body that just fell from the sky jumped up again.

Needless to say, the other Avengers all had expressions of joy on their faces.

"Our mothership was destroyed."

"How could this happen? Why did this happen?"

"How is this possible?"

In stark contrast, is the despair of Thanos' army.

It's a pity that this is just the beginning.

Captain Marvel did not stop after destroying Thanos' main ship. He continued to fly around the battlefield in dazzling golden light, destroying all other spaceships in the fleet one after another.

Boom boom boom!

Accompanied by violent explosions one after another, Thanos' fleet in the sky was completely destroyed by Captain Marvel alone.

One person's power can actually be so powerful!

If you don't see it with your own eyes, who can believe it?

Everyone in Thanos' army was dumbfounded.

Those in the Earth Alliance who had never seen or recognized Captain Marvel were also stunned.

This woman is too terrifying, right?

"As expected of Captain Marvel, it really wasn't built up!"

Even Rorschach, who had known all this for a long time, couldn't help but look at Captain Marvel with eyes filled with approval.


There was a flash of golden light in front of his eyes, but Captain Marvel landed directly in front of Rorschach. He actually ignored Thanos who was killed on the ground, and instead stared directly at Rorschach with his eyes.

Looking at his face, there were expressions of excitement, excitement, and disbelief.

But more than anything, it was ecstasy.

? ? ?

what's the situation?

Captain Marvel's reaction made Rorschach stunned and confused.

Looking at it like this, the relationship between myself and my aunt is definitely extraordinary!

Could it be...that they are a couple?

Isn't this too shocking?

Rorschach couldn't help but shook his head fiercely.

"Rorschach, is it really you?"

Captain Marvel finally spoke next, but his mood was still difficult to calm down, which made Rorschach's heart tremble more and more.


Instead of calling yourself a native of the motherland as others do?

Is it true?

No, no, no.

"Our relationship seems to be very good?" Luo Xia raised his eyebrows.

These inexplicable words made Captain Marvel feel a little strange, but she quickly realized something.

The Rorschach in front of her didn't have the overwhelming aura she remembered from Rorschach.

That suffocating feeling.

This Rorschach is not that powerful!


This Rorschach also looks a lot younger.

Although they all have exactly the same faces, the spirit, momentum, and other details, coupled with Rorschach's words just now, make Captain Marvel unable to react.

"It seems that you are not the Rorschach I know, right?" Captain Marvel was stunned and said with a bit of disappointment.

It can only be said that these big guys are awesome, including Thanos and Captain Marvel. Even though they don't know about Rorschach's time travel, they can all recognize at a glance that Rorschach is not him.

"But you are the Captain Marvel in my impression." Rorschach smiled at Captain Marvel.

"Interesting. Although you are not the Rorschach I know, you must have a very interesting story."

Captain Marvel adjusted his mentality and smiled at Rorschach, "I think we have a lot to talk about when this is all over."


Captain Marvel stopped talking nonsense to Rorschach, turned into a golden light, and rushed into Thanos' army.

Screams and groans suddenly began.

How could those ordinary soldiers be Captain Marvel's opponent?

"Even Auntie is working so hard, so... let's end this battle as soon as possible!"

Rorschach shrugged, and the person also disappeared on the spot.

Now that Thanos has been killed, there is no need to retain the forces under Thanos. The only way is to eradicate the roots.

next moment.

Thunderbolts were scurrying around the battlefield like a terrible tornado.

No matter where they swept, they would definitely kill a large number of Thanos' soldiers.

"Those two guys really stole my limelight."

Iron Man complained slightly, and together with Pepper Potts, they acted as a pair of "Iron Man lovers" and began to attack the enemy.

The lethality was also great.

Bruce Banner, War Machine Rhodes, Ant-Man Scott Lang, Guardians of the Galaxy, Scarlet Witch, Doctor Strange...

And so on.

The powerful Avengers were also greatly encouraged, and they opened fire at full power and launched a ruthless massacre against Thanos' army.

With Thanos killed, the Black Order killed, and the fleet destroyed, the outcome of this war was no suspense.

After more than half an hour, except for Gamora who turned against Thanos and helped everyone to deal with Thanos, all of Thanos's men were killed by the Earth Alliance.

Looking at the piles of corpses and the devastated battlefield, everyone's face was full of excitement.

"We... won!"

Captain America stood proudly among the pile of corpses, looked around, and couldn't help muttering.

Even his eyes were a little red.

This battle was not just a simple victory, but a great victory!

This result was something Captain America never expected at the beginning.

"Yes, Captain, we won."

Bruce Banner nodded deeply on the side, with a face full of emotion and relief.

This result was worthy of everyone's previous efforts and sacrifices.

"Mr. Stark, we won!"

Spider-Man Peter Parker even swung the spider silk and came to his idol as soon as possible to share this joy with his idol.

"Yes, we won."

Iron Man also murmured in response, feeling deeply moved.

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