American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 275 Homelander, transcending the power of the Time Stone!

After the war, the Avengers, Doctor Strange, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and Captain Marvel, a group of "key personnel", gathered in a well-preserved room in the Avengers Building.

The atmosphere on the scene can be said to be very good.

This war with Thanos was a complete victory, and the other side was completely annihilated. This was something that no one dared to imagine at the beginning.

Of course.

The human coalition also paid a painful price. I don’t know how many people died in the battle. After all, it was an alien fleet, and it was impossible for no one to die.

Whether it was the wizards of Kamar-Taj, the warriors of Wakanda, or the other combatants, many were killed by Thanos’ army.

But in any case, there were no casualties among the important figures, which may be the only consolation.

"How about we have a party tonight?"

Rocket Raccoon looked at everyone with great interest and made a proposal, "It's a wonderful thing for the strongest warriors in the universe to drink and dance together."

"I think... what the rabbit said makes sense!"

Fat Tiger Thor immediately agreed, "I haven't experienced what a party feels like for a long time. To be honest, I really want to experience it again."

"The strongest warrior party in the universe? It sounds very interesting. I want to participate! I can't miss it!" Peter Parker's eyes lit up when he heard it.

"Mr. Stark, will you go too?"

Then Peter Parker looked at his idol Tony Stark again, "Come together, this will be an unforgettable party."

"Kid, I'm the protagonist of the party, of course I can't be missing." Tony Stark said with a coquettish look.

Basically, no one from the other "key personnel" raised any objections. After all, this was a big victory, and it was reasonable to celebrate together.

Although the "key members" were not from the same planet, they had something in common in celebrating after the great victory.

The matter was happily decided.

"Homelander, come on."

Captain America also invited Rorschach.

Although there were some unpleasantness between him and Rorschach before, Rorschach was still their comrade-in-arms and the hero who killed Thanos.

Captain America's attitude towards Rorschach changed a little.


Rorschach nodded after a little thought.

After all, the time machine had been destroyed and could not go back for the time being. Rorschach had nothing else to do in this world.

Going to have some fun seemed to be a good choice.

Considering that the Avengers headquarters had been destroyed beyond recognition, Tony Stark offered the luxurious banquet hall on the top floor of the Stark Building.

Everyone held a grand banquet in the tallest banquet hall in New York.

Magnificent hall, soothing music, rich food...

It must be said that this is something Rorschach could not enjoy at all in the 1960s. After all, the gap between the ages is an insurmountable gap.

Holding a glass of red wine in hand, chatting with the top powerhouses in this universe and exchanging feelings seems to be a very good thing.


During the banquet, Tony Stark came to his only opponent in pretending to be cool, Doctor Strange, with a glass of wine.

With a hint of curiosity, he asked the other party a question he had always wanted to know.

"Five years ago, on Titan, you said there was only one possibility to defeat Thanos. Is this possibility what we just experienced, that Homelander came from the past to help us kill Thanos?"

"No, Stark." Doctor Strange shook his head, "Frankly speaking, since Homelander came over, I can no longer see the future of our timeline."

"I don't know why, but Homelander seems to have a mysterious power that I can't detect."

This kind of thing, even now, Doctor Strange can't figure it out at all.

It can only be said that Homelander is indeed too mysterious.

"Such a thing actually happened?"

Tony Stark was very surprised, "That is to say, the victory of this war was completely beyond your expectations?"

"That's right!" Doctor Strange nodded heavily.

Tony Stark fell into deep thought.

Originally, he thought that since Homelander had helped everyone so much, he might be able to help Homelander to introduce Doctor Strange to use the Time Stone to check the past and find out the truth about the disappearance of all mutants.

But now it seems that this road is not feasible.

"Forget it, never mind." Tony Stark waved his hand, and then asked curiously, "You haven't told me yet, Strange, what did you see on Titan."

"Are you sure you want to know?" Doctor Strange grinned mysteriously.

"Of course, why not?"

Tony Stark spread his hands, looking as if it was a matter of course.

"Well." Doctor Strange opened his mouth and drank the red wine in the glass. "This wine is really good. Oh, by the way, you are still waiting for my answer, Stark. How should I put it? You should actually thank your countrymen."

"Why should I do that?"

"Because he saved your life." Strange spread his hands to Tony Stark.

Tony Stark's face showed a strange look: "You mean, I should have died?"

Thinking carefully, well, this is a war against the universe overlord Thanos, no matter who dies, it is not strange, Tony Stark can still accept it.

"Really? How did I die? I know without you telling me, I must have died as a hero, right?"

Tony Stark looked at Strange very confidently, with a smug look on his face.

"Although I really want to say no, but... yes, it is true. In fact, it was your sacrifice that brought victory to the war."

Doctor Strange then told Tony Stark roughly what happened in the original final battle.

"Wait, wait!"

Tony Stark stopped Doctor Strange directly, "I don't know what you think in that future, but I want to confirm with you now, do you really want me to snap my fingers when you extend a finger?"

Tony Stark really has a lot of complaints to complain about.

Is there any connection between extending a finger and asking him to snatch the gem and snap his fingers?

Why did he understand this meaning when he saw Doctor Strange extend a finger?


Doctor Strange shook his head, "I pointed to the sky and asked you to grab the gem and fly to the sky... But no matter what, we won the war."

Tony Stark: "..."

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