American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 276 Captain Marvel is actually my younger brother

"Rorschach, did you really travel from 1964?"

While the other heroes were talking lively in groups of twos and threes, Captain Marvel came to Rorschach.

He looked at Luo Xia with interest and asked.

Regarding the origin of Rorschach, Captain Marvel has learned from Captain America and confirmed that this Rorschach is not Peter Roschach.

But no matter what, this is also Rorschach.

Captain Marvel still has great enthusiasm and goodwill towards this other Rorschach.

From this, it can be seen that the relationship between the future self and Captain Marvel is absolutely extraordinary.

"It was a beautiful accident."

Rorschach spread his hands and briefly talked about Captain America and Tony Stark running into his hands to grab the Rubik's Cube.

"For Rogers and Stark, this is not beautiful." Captain Marvel grinned.

"Is this you before? Can I tell you how I feel?" Captain Marvel then looked Rorschach up and down.


Rorschach made an inviting gesture, and he was a little curious about his impression on Team Shock.

"Young! Although you just killed Thanos and are a hero like the God of War in the eyes of others, Rorschach, I have never seen you when you were truly powerful."

"You are like a big boy now."

Captain Marvel smiled.

Rorschach spread his hands, noncommittal.

He really doesn't know what he was like at his peak, so it's really hard to comment on Captain Marvel.

However, Captain Marvel has a close relationship with him, and it is becoming more and more evident.


And suddenly, Rorschach also realized something.

The birth of Captain Marvel was actually a complete accident.

In the original timeline, after SHIELD salvaged the Cube, it jointly launched a research project called "Pegasus Project" with the Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Air Force.

The main research object is naturally the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

There is actually nothing much to say about this plan. The only thing worth mentioning is one of the scientists named Lawson.

This man is actually a Kree spy!

His real name is Marvel.

Marvel developed a set of hyper-light engine technology based on the Cosmic Cube, hoping to help the Kree win the war.

But later Marvel discovered that the Kree were not a righteous party in the war, so he rebelled.

Refuse to hand over the hyperdrive to the Kree.

Killed directly by the Kree.

Before dying, Marvel told Danvers Carroll to destroy the hyperdrive, the Cube, and Danvers Carroll did so, and actually shot the cube into pieces.

This caused the body to be invaded by the energy of the Cosmic Cube, thus giving birth to Captain Marvel.

But that was just the original story line.

But now, the Cosmic Cube is not in the hands of SHIELD at all, and Project Pegasus does not exist at all!

Things have changed so much that Danvers Carroll's "shooting" of the Cosmic Cube should not have happened.


Captain Marvel was born anyway!

This is more interesting.

Taking into account Captain Marvel's current attitude towards him, Rorschach naturally came up with a natural guess: the birth of Captain Marvel is probably related to him!

There is a high possibility that I am the driving force behind it!

"Danfoss, tell me, what is the relationship between me and you in the future?"

Rorschach's voice sounded, and he didn't say any nonsense. Instead, he stared at Captain Marvel and asked curiously.

"What do you think?"

Captain Marvel raised an eyebrow at Rorschach and took a sip of red wine from the glass.

"They can't be a couple, right?"


Captain Marvel just drank the wine in his mouth and spit it out.

With a thought in her mind, Luo Xia used her telekinesis to block the drink.

Otherwise, Rorschach would have been sprayed directly by Captain Marvel and his heart would be chilled.

"What? Couple? Hahaha!"

Captain Marvel laughed uninhibitedly, "Although this guess is logical from your point of view, I'm sorry, I really couldn't hold it back."

"Well, it seems not."

Luo Xia spread her hands, feeling a little weird in her heart for a moment, and didn't know whether to feel lucky or regretful.

"You are my savior, my guide, and my life mentor."

"It's you who made me who I am today!"

Captain Marvel straightened his expression, looked at Rorschach and said.

Rorschach shrugged, feeling relieved.

It seems that his previous guess was correct, and the birth of Captain Marvel was indeed caused by him.

"If it weren't for you, I would have died in that war."

Captain Marvel then spoke eloquently and briefly told Rorschach what happened that year.

Although the Pegasus Project has not appeared, and some subtle aspects will be different, the general direction of the historical trend will not change.

The war between the Kree and the Skrulls eventually continued on the earth. The Kree eventually invaded the earth because of the huge energy source of the Cosmic Cube.

Danvers Carol, an airman, was seriously injured by the alien army. He was rescued by Rorschach when he was on the verge of death, and Rorschach used the Cosmic Cube to save his life and made him an extremely powerful warrior!

So this is the real reason why Captain Marvel and Rorschach are so close.

"What happened next?"

Rorschach raised his eyebrows, and he was still very interested in this.

In this way, Captain Marvel would not be taken back to Hala by the Kree and served as a space warrior for several years as before.

And without this relevant experience, how could Captain Marvel embark on the old path of maintaining peace in the universe?

Is Captain Marvel born with this temperament and destined to be the steward of the universe?

"After that, you gave me a task to help Xandar win the war, and on this basis, reach an agreement with Xandar."

Captain Marvel said to Rorschach.


Now it was Rorschach's turn to spray.

Is this the truth about Captain Marvel's wandering in the universe?

Is it because he sent her to intervene in the war on Xandar?

What the hell?

Why did he do that?

So what exactly is that agreement?

"An agreement to let all mutants immigrate to Xandar!"

Without waiting for Rorschach to ask, Captain Marvel glanced around, lowered his voice, and gave the answer carefully and cautiously.

All mutants immigrated to Xandar?

Rorschach raised his eyebrows. Is this the truth behind the disappearance of mutants?

But that's not right. If it's immigration, they can just take an interstellar spaceship. Why do mutants suddenly disappear as if they have evaporated from the face of the earth?

Since Captain Marvel has laid a good foundation on Xandar, it must be very easy to send a spaceship to Earth to pick people up.

And according to Captain Marvel's reaction now, it is obvious that he did not meet up with me on Xandar.

So what is going on?

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