American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 280: The Dual Ancestors' Meeting: The motherland meets the motherland again


At the moment when Gilgamesh swung his fist, the unique energy ripples that only appeared on his fists appeared immediately.

The power of the fists doubled!


The sound of breaking through the air was heard in the air.

It can be seen how strong Gilgamesh's punch is.

It's just a pity.

Under Rorschach's normal force of more than 2,000 tons, even a super warrior like Gilgamesh, who is known for his strength, pales in comparison.

After all, this is only the movie version of Gilgamesh, not the comic version.


Rorschach also punched forward, and the fists of both sides collided fiercely in the air, making a dull sound of collision.

Rorschach still looked calm and unmoved, but Gilgamesh was shocked as if struck by lightning, and was knocked over by Rorschach's punch.


Tina and Makari on the side were both shocked.

That's Gilgamesh!

His explosive power is one of the best in the entire Eternal Clan. At most, only Ikaris can be compared with him.

But now, he was beaten back by this guy in front of him with one punch?

Who is this guy!


Seeing Gilgamesh being defeated, Tina didn't say anything more. With a wave of her hands, an extremely sharp energy sword was condensed by her.

Without saying a word, she rushed over and swung the sword.


Rorschach turned his head slightly, and the heat rays in his eyes shot directly at Tina.

Tina's face changed slightly. She could clearly feel the terrible energy in Rorschach's heat rays. She didn't dare to underestimate it. Her left hand immediately condensed a shield.

It blocked Rorschach's heat rays in an instant.

Then he shook his body and continued to slash at Rorschach.


But at that moment, Rorschach suddenly disappeared.

When Tina reacted, Rorschach had already appeared at the empty door on the other side!

He punched Tina hard.


Gilgamesh shouted, stomped his feet on the ground, and rushed towards Rorschach like an arrow.

"Get out of the way!"

But Rorschach waved his other hand violently.

A huge mental force formed a powerful energy shock wave, which blocked Gilgamesh in just a moment.

And once again, he hammered Gilgamesh back.

In this lightning moment, Rorschach's fist also fell on Tina.

But Tina was not covered, and she hastily put the shield in front of her.


Rorschach's fist hit Tina's shield directly.

Tina's body flew backwards like a cannonball.


A blurry shadow flashed by, but Makari couldn't bear to watch it anymore, so he rushed towards Rorschach at full speed.

It must be said that Makari's speed is indeed not to be underestimated, and it is completely superior to Rorschach's speed now, enough to cause some trouble to Rorschach.

But it is only a certain degree of trouble.

There is no way, Rorschach has too many means. Even if his speed is not as fast as Makari, it is almost impossible for the other party to hurt him.

Because the next moment Rorschach flew up directly.

But Makari can't fly at all.

With this point, Rorschach will always be invincible.

Even if Rorschach doesn't fly, he can build a layer of "telekinetic armor" for himself to completely defend against Makari's attack.

But since there is a simpler way, Rorschach naturally doesn't need to waste time and effort to use telekinesis for defense.




That's it.

Rorschach relied on his air superiority to mercilessly sweep the three Eternals on the ground with his heat rays.

He then used telekinesis to restrict the opponent's movements, and soon beat the three people like grandsons.

They were in a mess, and even had various wounds of varying degrees on their bodies.

"Okay, stop, surrender, we surrender!"

Gilgamesh's voice sounded, and he dodged Rorschach's heat rays with a headache, while waving his hands to Rorschach for mercy.

Rorschach paused his attack after hearing this, but he still hovered in the air from a high position, looking at these Eternals with cold eyes.

If the opponent dared to play any tricks, he would not mind launching a more violent attack on them.

"Can fly, can use heat rays, can speed, can use telekinesis, and the physical quality is so abnormal... This is simply another Homelander."

Gilgamesh panted and said his judgment, "Although I don't know who you are, you can't be unrelated to Homelander."

Rorschach did not comment on this and did not answer, still staring at Gilgamesh oppressively.

"Listen, I can give you the answer you want, but this answer cannot be told to you by me, because we don't know who you are at all, but you can go to Homelander."

"Homelander can give you the answer to everything you asked me before."

Gilgamesh said to Rorschach seriously.

"Is this the answer?"

Rorschach raised his eyebrows and snorted, "I'm sorry, I'm not satisfied with this answer."

Although Gilgamesh's words also conveyed a very important message, that is, the Eternals do have an extraordinary relationship with Rorschach.

Moreover, it seems that the possibility of a positive relationship is greater than a negative relationship.

But the same sentence.

At this time, Rorschach did not believe Gilgamesh.

Although the movie shows that Gilgamesh is a heartless and honest man, he is still an old monster who has lived for thousands of years. How honest can he be?


But at this moment, a sonic boom suddenly sounded, and at the same time, an extremely powerful airflow rushed towards him.

Even Rorschach didn't react, he felt his eyes blurred, and then he found that there was one more person on the scene.

Looking around.

That person and Rorschach are simply carved out of the same mold.

Except for the clothes on their bodies and the different auras revealed by the two people, there is no other difference.

Rorschach, the homelander!

That's right.

This shining figure is none other than the 2016 Rorschach of Homeland!

"Is this my future self? He is indeed so strong that it makes people feel suffocated!"

Rorschach glanced at the person opposite him, feeling the aura of oppression emanating from him, and could not help but secretly gasp.

While Rorschach was looking at 2016 Rorschach, 2016 Rorschach was also observing Rorschach himself.

His face was as calm as an ancient well, without any emotional fluctuations.

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