American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 281 The Battle of Two Ancestors: Homelanders VS Homelanders

"It's interesting. You can't say it's very similar to me. I can only say it's exactly the same."

After a moment, the 2016 motherland man spoke expressionlessly.

There was a cold look on his face, which inadvertently gave Rorschach a sense of oppression.

"You don't know who I am either?"

Luo Xia's brows furrowed slightly, and she still had some doubts.

In 2016, shouldn’t the people of the motherland know who they are right away?

After all, this is me in 2016!

He has experienced everything he has experienced.

So I traveled through time twice, made a transit in 2023, and came to 2016 to investigate the disappearance of mutants. The other party should have experienced it too!

After all, I did these things in 1964!

Normally, wouldn't it be right to immediately realize your identity as soon as you see yourself?


But then, Rorschach realized again that he had fixed his mind.

His thinking just now was based on the mainstream thinking of "changing the past can change the future", but Marvel's time rules are not like this.

In Marvel, changing the past cannot change the future!

This is because when a person travels to the past and tries to make any changes, a new branch universe will immediately be created, or it may be called a parallel universe, a mirror universe, etc.

Everything after being changed will all happen within that branch universe.

The original universe will not be affected by any interference!

In other words, when Captain America and Iron Man in 2023 traveled to 1964 to find themselves, a branch universe was also born!

The 2016 Rorschach in that branch universe has indeed experienced what Rorschach is experiencing now.

But Rorschach now, returning from 2023, is still the original main universe!

Rorschach in this main universe has never seen Iron Man and Captain America from the future.

Naturally, there was no such thing as going to the future with these two future visitors, participating in the endgame, and then returning to 2016 to investigate the past.

Then, it is natural not to know yourself.

"This is a big deal."

After realizing this, Luo Xia's face couldn't help but show a slight pain in the balls.

Yes, he still has to prove who he is to his other self!

"Should I know?"

2016 Rorschach raised his eyebrows, and the pressure in his voice became more serious. "You only have five seconds, otherwise I won't be polite."

Rorschach: "..."

Sure enough, he is indeed his other self!

This character is really cool!

As Rorschach, Rorschach naturally knew that this other self was definitely not alarmist, but just stating a fact.

If you cannot prove your identity within five seconds, the other party will definitely do so.


Rorschach was really curious, how strong was he in 2016?

After all, my future self is a person that even Thanos is afraid of.

There is no doubt that he should be a universe-level boss, right?

Rorschach is still very interested in this point.

Of course.

Before that, Rorschach really should say something, lest he be killed directly by another Rorschach because of his ignorance.

Otherwise, it would be too tragic to be killed by another self just after traveling to the past.

"The king of heaven covers the tiger of the earth, the chicken stews with mushrooms!"

Rorschach suddenly opened his mouth and shouted to 2016 Rorschach.

Then Rorschach saw that 2016 Rorschach was stunned for a moment, showing a look of surprise and disbelief.

This is also understandable.

Because the word "The King of Heaven and the Tiger of the Earth" is not a word from the Marvel world, but a word from Rorschach's previous life!

"The flying snow shoots at the white deer, and the laughing book hero leans on the blue mandarin duck!"

"I, Lu Benwei, am not cheating!"

"I bet you don't have bullets in your gun!"

After pulling out a few words that only people in the previous life could know, Rorschach saw an increasingly unbelievable look on 2016 Rorschach's face.

Gilgamesh, Makari and Tina, who were standing aside, were completely confused.

They had no idea what Rorschach was talking about!

But it sounds very enigmatic.

"Isn't it true that it's what I think?"

2016 Rorschach spoke, looking at Rorschach calmly and asked.

However, Luo Xia could clearly feel that the other party was no longer hostile to him.

Obviously the other party has guessed that he is also a Rorschach, but because this kind of thing is too unbelievable, he cannot believe it for the time being.

"What do you think?" Luo Xia raised an eyebrow.

"Tell me the name of the goddess in your dream."

In 2016, Rorschach was quite cautious. After some reflection, he asked Rorschach for confirmation again.

This question can be a very personal question. Apart from Rorschach himself, there is almost no possibility of it being known to outsiders.

"If you want to know, then you have to pay a certain price."

Luo Xia smiled and said, "Let me see how much you weigh now!"


Before he finished speaking, Rorschach shook his body, unleashed his supersonic speed, and rushed towards 2016 Rorschach.


But his eyes suddenly blurred, and before he could react, he heard a gust of wind coming from behind him.

He turned his head subconsciously and saw that 2016 Rorschach was standing behind him with a smile on his face.

"Be careful!"

As he said that, the other party punched Rorschach directly.

Rorschach did not dodge or evade, but took a deep breath and used all his strength to fight 2016 Rorschach.


With a loud noise, Rorschach only felt his body shake, and a huge force that he could not resist at all rebounded, almost shattering his bones.

At the same time, he was like a cannonball, flying backwards directly.

If 2016 Rorschach hadn't raised his hand and condensed a telekinetic barrier behind him, Rorschach would have been knocked over by the hammer for at least several hundred meters.

This street would probably be destroyed beyond recognition.


I have to say that my future self is really too strong!

Judging from the other party's posture, he didn't use his real ability to deal with me at all, but just waved his hand casually, that's all!

But for Rorschach, this is already an overwhelming force.


Rorschach became more and more excited, he stopped talking nonsense, and shot two heat rays at 2016 Rorschach again.

2016 Rorschach seemed to know what he was thinking, and also abandoned other means of attack, and also used heat rays to fight back.

The two heat rays collided in the air.

But after only a stalemate for a moment, Rorschach's heat rays were quickly suppressed by 2016 Rorschach's heat rays, and then he was knocked away again.

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