American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 282 Future Rorschach: You are really Rorschach too!


After getting up from the ground, Luo Xia swayed and turned into a phantom, rushing into the air and disappearing.


But then, another sound broke through the air, and it was 2016 Rorschach who had easily caught up with Rorschach.

Through this brief trial, Rorschach could clearly feel that the other party was far superior to him in every aspect.

And comparing it with his experience of fighting Thanos, Rorschach can easily come to a conclusion: his future self will indeed completely crush Thanos.

It's no wonder Thanos is so afraid of him in 2023.


Just like that, two figures flew quickly over the city, and soon flew out of the city and arrived at the desolate mountains and mountains.

At this time, the 2016 Rorschach in front just landed, like a feather, falling gently to the ground without making a single sound.

The same goes for Rorschach.

Falling next to 2016 Rorschach.

"Zhang Min!"

Before 2016 Rorschach asked, Rorschach took the initiative to give his answer.

The goddess in my previous life was Zhang Min.

When 2016 Rorschach heard this, he remained calm and continued to ask Rorschach a few very personal questions that no one except Rorschach could possibly know. Rorschach answered them fluently without even blinking. .

Five minutes later.

2016 Rorschach just stopped. He looked at Rorschach curiously: "So, you are really another me? What is going on? Traveling through time and space? Parallel universe?"

This is the most natural guess.

"Yes, I am you from another timeline."

Rorschach nodded and told 2016 Rorschach exactly what happened in 1964 when the Iron Man two traveled through time.

Considering Marvel's unique timeline, 2016 Rorschach quickly realized everything.

As for what Rorschach said about the mysterious disappearance of all mutants in the future, 2016 Rorschach also expressed great concern and concern about this.

"So... did my plan still have an accident?"

2016 Rorschach couldn’t help but frown.

"What's going on? Why did you decide to put all mutants..."


Rorschach was only halfway through asking when he was interrupted by 2016 Rorschach.

The other party faced Rorschach with a serious face and made a silent gesture, "This is not the place to talk. Let's talk when we get back."

Then 2016 Rorschach thought of something and couldn't help but grin at Rorschach: "You said that all mutants will disappear in the future, so you probably haven't seen what the mutant country was like in the prosperous period, right?"

Having said this, 2016 Rorschach took out his mobile phone and made a call: "Hank, come over here and call Charles and Eric."

After informing the other party of his specific location, 2016 Rorschach interrupted the call and started talking nonsense with Rorschach.

However, 2016 Rorschach seemed to be worried, worried that the conversation between him and Rorschach might be leaked. He did not say anything important to Rorschach, it was all nonsense and irrelevant things.

This made Rorschach even more curious.

In 2016, Rorschach was so powerful that he could crush Thanos, the overlord of the universe. Who else could make him so afraid?

So cautious?

However, Rorschach was also very sensible and didn't ask any more questions. It was also very interesting to chat and chat with another future self.

It wasn't until almost dozens of minutes later that a Blackbird fighter jet landed next to the two of them.

Charles, Eric and Hank got out of the fighter plane one after another and glanced at the scene, only to find that there were actually two people from the motherland. They were all dumbfounded.

"Rorschach, what's going on?"

Charles asked, looking at 2016 Rorschach blankly.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of thing would not be difficult for Charles. After all, he has psychic abilities and can know everything just by sensing it.

But right now, both natives are completely immune to his abilities!

Even Charles, who has the most powerful brain in the world, is blind.

"Let's talk about it when we get back to the plane."

2016 Rorschach waved his hand and asked everyone to return to the Blackbird fighter plane and sit down. Then he said to Charles seriously, "Charles, I need you to ensure that the conversation between us will not be leaked."

Seeing the serious look on 2016 Rorschach's face, Charles still didn't understand the seriousness of the matter.

Without any nonsense, he immediately used his powerful psychic ability to build a mental barrier at the scene.

2016 Rorschach felt a little more relieved.

"Rorschach, who is he? What is going on?"

At this time, Eric couldn't help but stare at 2016 Rorschach and asked.

"The me from the future, no, I should say the me from the past and the future, say hello to my friends."

2016 Rorschach just smiled at Rorschach at this time.

In a word, the three people mentioned, Charles Eric and Hank, were completely confused.

From what 2016 Rorschach said, the other person is actually Rorschach, and he is from another timeline, but this is both the past and the future. What timeline does the other Rorschach come from?

"Charles, Eric, Hank, you are really much older!"

Rorschach glanced at these old friends from the future and couldn't help grinning, "I am Rorschach from 1964, but I came to see you from 2023."

"Wait a minute, you are also Rorschach."

Hank's voice sounded, he interrupted Rorschach, still confused, completely confused, "You are Rorschach who traveled from 1964, but you went to 2023 first, and then came back to us from 2023?"

"Yes, that's right." Rorschach smiled and nodded.

Charles, Eric and Hank on the side couldn't help but look at each other, but still didn't come back to their senses.

Even for people like them, traveling through time is an incredible thing, not to mention traveling through time again and again.

However, there is no doubt about one thing: since this Rorschach from the past traveled through time many times, it must be for extremely important things!

So it is understandable that Rorschach in his own timeline is so cautious.

"It's like this. Another me learned that all of our mutants mysteriously disappeared a month later and were nowhere to be found, so I traveled through time to investigate the truth of the matter."

At this time, 2016 Rorschach slowly spoke and briefly told Charles and Eric about the general situation.

After listening to it, the faces of several people immediately became extremely serious.

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