American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 283 New Stage of Evolution: Silver Homelander

"We mutants will disappear in a month. Rorschach, I'm sorry, Rorschach from the past. What do you mean by disappearing? Are we no longer on the earth or..."

Hank frowned and after thinking for a moment, he looked at Rorschach and asked.

"Hank, I know what you mean, but you were not transported to Xandar as you wished. Captain Marvel did not wait for you."

"Even in the years that followed, Captain Marvel has been searching for your whereabouts across the stars."

"And during the long years that Captain Marvel was looking for you, Xandar was finally wiped out by Thanos, and the Infinity War still broke out."

Seeing that Hank and the others were still a little confused, Rorschach explained it again in a more detailed and comprehensive manner.

Only now did Hank and the others finally understand.

They looked at each other, their brows wrinkled like an old chrysanthemum blooming in late autumn.

"In other words, our plan failed!"

Eric's expression began to become extremely solemn, "We have launched our plan and carried out the teleportation, but in the end... Rorschach."

Halfway through his words, Eric set his sights on 2016 Rorschach for confirmation, "Have you told him our plan?"

Although Rorschach called himself, Charles and Hank to discuss matters in 2016, he also called this other Rorschach, which in itself shows Rorschach's attitude: he trusts this other Rorschach.

But this matter was too important, and Charles was also unable to use psychic abilities on the other party, so Eric still confirmed it with 2016 Rorschach.

"Eric, I haven't had time to say it yet, but he already knows a lot about us. Don't forget that he came from the future."

2016 Rorschach smiled. He understood what Eric meant and waved his hand, "Don't worry, he can be trusted. I actually want to know where the problem lies."

Eric, Charles and Hank knew what was going on.

"So Rorschach."

Charles' voice sounded. He looked at Rorschach and asked, "What do you know about our plan?"

"I only know a rough framework." Rorschach told the truth, "You sent Captain Marvel to Xandar to reach an agreement to immigrate mutants. At the same time, you cooperated with the Eternals and decided to teleport all mutants to Xandar. Star Dar, but there must have been a problem with the transmission, and all the mutants disappeared mysteriously.”

"That's all I know."

Rorschach's words made several mutants at the scene frown deeply.

"Could it be Ikaris? Rorschach, you said that Ikaris is an unwavering supporter of Alisem. If he knows the truth, he will spare no effort to destroy it."

"We have always been careful to keep Ikaris and others confidential. I am sure that the problem is not on our side. Could it be on Ajak's side?"

"Although Ajak is the leader of the Eternals, it is obvious that she cannot suppress Ikaris at all. After all, Ikaris is the most powerful of all."

"I don't think so. Maybe Ikaris noticed something himself. This man is not a reckless man who only knows how to fight."

Everyone started to look serious, and they started to have a heated discussion.

And he also came to almost the same conclusion as Rorschach: the problem is probably due to teleportation.

As for the matter of transmission, there are many factors involved, and it cannot be discussed by simply meeting here.

But everyone is highly suspicious of one person: Ikaris.

But whether it is Ikaris or not, everyone can do nothing but make some speculative inferences.

"You have really reached cooperation with the Eternals."

Rorschach listened for a while, and after several backbone mutants digested and discussed it, he spoke, "So what is going on? In the future, why did you make a plan with all the mutants?" People’s decision to immigrate? And why do we cooperate with the Eternals?”

These are the two important questions that Rorschach cannot understand the most.

Needless to say, the first one is that there must be a compelling reason behind the immigration of a whole family. It is impossible to guess in the absence of relevant clues. There is nothing to say.

But Rorschach really didn't understand the second thing.

Wouldn't it be nice to immigrate to Xandar or something like that by taking an interstellar spaceship?

Just because Captain Marvel helped Xandar defeat Ronan, and let Xandar come to earth to pick up someone, isn't it a matter of course?

Why choose to cooperate with the Eternals?

No matter what, it doesn't make sense.

"Okay, seeing as you've been holding it in all this time, I'll tell you everything now."

In 2016, Rorschach did not hesitate too much and made such a decision directly. After he verified Rorschach's identity, he naturally chose to believe in the other person unconditionally.

"In the past, you must know the best about our own abilities, right?"

2016 opened his mouth and said to Rorschach meaningfully.

Rorschach naturally understood.

2016 Rorschach talks about systems.

But is this still related to the system?

"After the battle with Mr. Sinister, our abilities have been improved, and they have been improved to an important stage."

Eric and Charles may not understand this, but Rorschach understood it all at once.

What 2016 Rorschach refers to is the 100% unlocking of the Homelander template.

When it comes to this, Rorschach becomes curious: "Yes, so how have our abilities evolved since then? Have we awakened new abilities?"


2016 Rorschach nodded, "After that, our abilities entered a new stage. I call this new stage the Silver Stage."

Silver Stage?

Oh my god, Silver Homelander?

Only Rorschach, who is also a time traveler, understands the meaning of Silver Homelander. Isn't that just copying Silver Superman?

"In the Silver Stage, I awakened a very important ability, which is to absorb cosmic energy!"

Absorbing cosmic energy!

Rorschach couldn't help but raise his eyebrows fiercely, and his heart beat fiercely, unable to remain calm at all.

This thing is a bit against the sky, right?

Superman absorbed the energy of the sun, and as a result, he directly absorbed the energy of the universe?

Doesn't this mean that he has greater potential than Superman in the future?

"I know what you are thinking, but although absorbing the energy of the universe is powerful, it is not as powerful as you think."

2016 Rorschach knew what Rorschach was thinking as soon as he saw his expression, so he couldn't help but say.

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