American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 284 The ultimate enemy is actually the Celestial God Group

Even though 2016 Rorschach said this, it did not extinguish Rorschach's own enthusiasm. After all, he had already fought against 2016 Rorschach and experienced the opponent's power personally.

It's just five steps ahead of Thanos.

Although Rorschach doesn't know how strong Odin is, Rorschach guesses that 2016 Rorschach must also be at the level of Odin, right?

Even stronger!

But when he thought about it again, Rorschach was so powerful in 2016 that he actually made the decision to immigrate all mutants, and he couldn't help but start to secretly sigh.

Who or what could push such a strong man to this extent?

"Moreover, the problem lies precisely in my newly awakened ability. This is the source of all troubles."

But then, 2016 Rorschach shook his head and sighed.

This made Rorschach more and more curious. Could absorbing cosmic energy cause problems?

After all, the energy of the universe doesn’t belong to anyone, so you can’t offend anyone because of it, right?

"I believe you must know something about the Eternals, but one thing you definitely don't know is that the source of the Eternals' power is actually cosmic energy."

In 2016 Rorschach’s voice continues to ring.

"So... shouldn't you be enmity because you absorbed too much energy from the universe and left them with nothing to absorb?" Luo Xia couldn't help but gasped.

Of course, he just wanted to complain. He felt that things couldn't be so bloody.

Besides, the energy of the universe sounds like the aura of heaven and earth in Xianxia novels. How could it be sucked dry by one person?

"It is precisely because I can absorb cosmic energy that I attracted the attention of the Eternals, because apart from the Eternals, there is no other intelligent life on earth that can do this."

"If I could simply absorb cosmic energy, it might not be too shocking, but coincidentally, I am still a mutant!"


Luo Xia couldn't help but raise her eyebrows, and now she was really confused.

Even if he is a time traveler and has foresight, he still can't figure out what this has to do with his status as a mutant.

"Mutants are actually the same as the Eternals. They are created by the Celestials. Do you smell something?"

Rorschach sharply pointed out this point in 2016, which really made Rorschach deep in thought.

That's right.

The Eternals were indeed created by the Celestials, and there is no problem with that, but mutants were actually created by the Celestials.

It can't even be called a creation of the Celestials, it's just an experimental product of the Celestials on Earth, nothing more.

Compared with the Eternal Race created by the Celestial God Group specifically to eliminate mutant races, they are actually inferior.

"So strictly speaking, mutants and the Eternals are inextricably linked, and it is an indisputable fact that mutants are a relatively inferior race in front of the Eternals."

"A lower race created by the Celestials, just like the Eternals."

"There are certain similarities and connections between the two races, but there are also countless differences, the most important of which is that mutants cannot absorb cosmic energy."

"Rorschach is the only exception." Charles added.

"so what?"

Rorschach shrugged, and his expression became serious.

Rorschach said so much in 2016, seeming to imply that the mastermind behind the scenes is the Celestial Group!

And what kind of existence is the Celestial God Group?

The super boss who can shape planets, create galaxies, create light and heat, and even everything in the universe with his bare hands!

Only such a big boss can make the people of the Silver Motherland feel suffocated and helpless, and have to make the helpless decision to immigrate mutants.

"At the beginning, Ajak didn't know the history of mutants, but she was surprised that besides them, there were people who could absorb cosmic energy, so she went to ask Alitham. As a result, the mutants who had been forgotten by the Celestials were found again. Once it caught the attention of the gods."

"They were also surprised by the changes in mutants' ability to absorb cosmic energy. They also saw the possibility of mutants, a lower race, evolving into a higher race, so..."

Having said this, 2016 Rorschach showed a helpless smile, "Arisham decided to capture all mutants on the earth for experiments."

Although this kind of thing did not happen to him, but in another parallel universe, Rorschach still felt a sense of anger.

A kind of depression.

These living people, or even a whole race, are actually just insignificant mice in the eyes of the superior gods.

It’s clear.

Rorschach finally figured out who the enemy was that forced all the mutants to flee.

That is indeed a despairing existence.

Rorschach finally understood why this matter was related to the Eternals.

"But fortunately, Alitham doesn't know that after countless years of killing, many Eternals have doubts about their beliefs, and Ajak is one of them."

"After Ajak received Alitham's order to capture all mutants, she did not do that. Instead of killing the lives of eight million mutants, she chose to save these eight million people!"

"In short, we and Ajak finally made a plan, a plan to deceive Arisom."

"On the surface, Ajak's Eternals will start the teleportation ceremony they prepared and teleport all mutants to Arisom's experimental field, but secretly, we will deliberately create some accidents to disrupt the ceremony."

"The original plan was that I would use my psychic ability to trigger Tina's eternal magic at the beginning of the teleportation ceremony, so that Tina would disrupt and destroy the ceremony." Charles said on the side.

"Once the ceremony is disrupted, it is hard to say where the teleported object will be teleported to, right?"

Eric also said on the side.

It turns out that this is the case!

Rorschach suddenly realized.

It can be said that he completely understood it.

No wonder this matter involves the Eternals, and no wonder they use the teleportation array instead of taking a spaceship.


Even if this is the case, it is probably just a stopgap measure, right?

Because Arsem has already targeted the mutants, even if the mutants hide secretly on Xandar, who knows how long they can hide?

Will Arsem find them again?

All this is unknown.

This is a big deal!

Rorschach never thought that the fate of mutants would be so bumpy in the future.

"But now it seems that an accident really happened during the transmission." Charles laughed helplessly at this time.

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