American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 285: The Greatest Trump Card of the Homelanders: The Homelanders

"Or maybe there was no accident!"

But Eric said this meaningfully.

It is true that if something unexpected happens, the transmission may indeed be deviated, but what if the Eternals are not trustworthy in the first place?

Did they still teleport the mutants to Alitham's testing ground?

The scene suddenly became quiet, and the atmosphere became a little depressing.

Everyone glanced at Eric blankly.

If what Eric said is true, then it would be such a sad and pitiful thing.

"Eric, I think you are thinking too much."

Hank shook his head and gave his opinion, "I believe Ajak and Circe are trustworthy."

"Hank, you are still like this after all these years. You are always so easy to trust others. This is your weakness."

Eric shook his head.

"No, Eric, I think what Hank said makes sense. If Ajak and the others really planned to send us to Alitham, why did they inform us in the first place? Wouldn't that be unnecessary?"

Charles also echoes Hank, which makes no logical sense at all.

"I think this is exactly what we need to figure out." Eric said meaningfully.

Rorschach was also lost in thought.

This is true for both Rorschachs.

However, they have the same opinion as Charles Hank. The people in Aijak Sese can be trusted.

After all, both of them had watched the movie and knew who Ajak and Sersi were.

"Who among the Eternals knows this plan."

After Rorschach pondered for a moment, he stared at 2016 Rorschach and asked.

"Ajak, Cirsi, Phastos, Makari, Tina, and Gilgamesh." 2016 Rorschach answered Rorschach.

Rorschach combed through the list and found no major problems.

These people are indeed the more trustworthy people among the Eternals.

In the movie, it was these people who opposed the destruction of the earth to create the Celestials.

As for the other people.

Needless to say, the most powerful Ikaris is a loyal dog of Alitham, and he will carry out any request made by Alitham without any compromise.

Golden hook?

This person is a little fan of Ikaris. If there are no special circumstances, he will follow Ikaris unswervingly.

The water elf is a child who has not grown up. Even in Rorschach's opinion, he is a child who is not very mature mentally. Naturally, he is not worthy of trust.

The same is true for Druid. This person lives in his own circle and is neither "Ai" nor "Yi".

In 2016, Rorschach plotted something that was related to the safety of the entire mutant population, so naturally he did not dare to leak any information to such a person.

But even so, Rorschach still feels that the list of people so far is a bit too long.

"No way, teleporting millions of people is not a simple matter. This is not something that a person from the Eternal Race can do."

2016 Rorschach saw Rorschach and seemed to understand what he was thinking, so he took the initiative to introduce Rorschach.

"That requires all the Eternals to unite and use their 'unified will' to achieve it."

"And this is just a foundation. Before that, Fastos needs to arrange the corresponding teleportation array in advance."

After 2016 Rorschach's explanation, Rorschach finally understood.

"Okay Rorschach, we're here!"

Hank's voice sounded at this time, and Rorschach could clearly feel that the Blackbird fighter plane had landed.

"Charles, I'd like to trouble you for a second. I think it's better to keep it secret for the time being."

2016 Rorschach said to Charles before stepping off the fighter plane.

"I see."

Charles nodded and responded directly.

There is only a short month left before the mutants' "teleportation plan", so the preliminary preparations have naturally been completed.

Fastos had already built a specific teleportation array, or it would be more appropriate to call it a teleportation device.

That thing is said to be magic, but it is not pure magic. It is more of a high-tech equipment.

But although it is said to be high-tech, it actually also has some supernatural elements.

That teleportation array can detect all mutants on the earth by detecting the X gene, and then bring everyone into the teleportation range.

This is also the reason why Rorschach was immediately targeted by Macari as soon as he traveled to this time and space.

This is also the reason why those people in Macari are so sure that Rorschach is not Rorschach.

Nothing else.

Fastos' teleportation array suddenly detected a new X gene, so Macari and several people went to check the situation.

But since the people dispatched are Macari, everyone can naturally draw a natural conclusion:

Ikaris probably doesn't know about this yet.

But even so, we must be careful not to leak even a single bit of information.


In fact, Rorschach has another plan in 2016. The disappearance of mutants can be said to be a mystery without any clues, and it is undoubtedly very difficult to investigate clearly what happened in the future.

In this case, having an extra trump card is not a bad thing anyway.

That other self is the ultimate trump card of 2016 Rorschach!

Of course, it must be kept secret.


With the sound of hydraulic transmission, the hatch of the Blackbird fighter slowly opened.

Charles put his finger on his temple and activated his psychic ability.

"Okay, my past self, let's go home!"

2016 Rorschach stood up at this time and made an invitation gesture to Rorschach.

All of them got off the Blackbird fighter and walked towards the largest palace in Krako.

Along the way, there were countless mutants coming and going around, but under the influence of Charles' ability, they only saw three people in this timeline, but they could not see Rorschach at all.

That's it.

Rorschach followed 2016 Rorschach and others and came to a magnificent hall in a swaggering and silent manner.

That was the place where the king Rorschach lived.

"So, you really became the king!"

Rorschach looked at the magnificent and even luxurious palace, and couldn't help but sighed at 2016 Rorschach, "The peak of life that I had imagined before has finally come true."

"Don't be envious, you will achieve it sooner or later."

2016 Rorschach smiled at Rorschach and greeted him casually, "Sit down and visit as you like, just treat it as your own home."

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