American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 286 Another Rorschach, the ultimate weapon to save mutants

"As expected of me."

Luo Xia walked in the luxurious and spacious hall and nodded repeatedly, "This style completely suits my taste, not bad!"

2016 Rorschach and Eric Charles found a random place to sit down and ignored Rorschach.

Rorschach was allowed to roam freely in this Krakow powerhouse.



2016 Rorschach seemed to have noticed something. He quickly took out an inconspicuous-looking bead and placed it on the ground.

A projection of light suddenly shot out from the bead.

Ajak's figure just appeared in front of 2016 Rorschach.



After the two parties briefly exchanged greetings, Aijak stopped talking nonsense and directly asked 2016 Rorschach, "So~ what happened to that mutant who suddenly appeared and was exactly the same as you? "

The reason why 2016 Rorschach appeared so promptly was because the Eternals contacted each other and asked about the whereabouts of the other Rorschach.

"Ajak, we need to meet."

After 2016 Rorschach pondered for a while, he made such a request to Aijak.

There is no way, the truth of the matter is really involved and must be discussed in person.

Ajak didn't ask any more questions.

Seeing that even someone like 2016 Rorschach was so solemn, how could she not know that something extremely important must have happened?

"The day after tomorrow, the same place!"

After Ajax pondered for a moment, he spoke to 2016 Rorschach.


2016 Rorschach nodded, and then told the other party, "Also, how many people know that you have discovered a new mutant?"

"Fastos discovered the anomaly and told me. I asked Macari and the three of them to check the situation. Apart from that, there was no one else."

"Very well, Aijak, please keep this matter a secret!"

In 2016, Rorschach told Aijak again with a serious face.

"I see."

Aijak responded, and the two parties ended the call.

At this time, Rorschach had almost completed his visit, so he returned to 2016 Rorschach without any further delay.

The chief butler Rui Wen and the elder White Queen and the two imitating cats were also called over by Charles one after another.

A group of people just gathered together.

"Is this Rorschach from...another timeline?"

"Our plan actually failed?"

2016 Rorschach briefly introduced Rorschach’s identity to a few people, as well as the current problems everyone is facing.

There is no doubt that several people were stunned.

It took a long time to accept this incredible thing.

Needless to say, everyone began to have a heated discussion on the important matter of the disappearance of mutants.

"I knew those guys from the Eternals couldn't believe it. How could a group of executioners with countless blood on their hands find their conscience? What a joke!"

Copycat couldn't help but sneered.

"But Charles and I have used our psychic abilities to investigate, and Ajak is sincerely helping us."

The White Queen frowned and interjected.

In fact, not only Ajak, but also Sirsi, Phastos and other Eternals who cooperated with everyone, Charles and the White Queen all used their psychic abilities to conduct investigations.

All confirmed that the other party was trustworthy.

After all, this is a major event related to the future of eight million mutants. Before officially launching cooperation, the mutants must be cautious and cautious.

"I believe that if there is any problem with Ajak and Sersi, it will not happen to them."

Raven's voice sounded, and she also expressed her opinion, "Instead of staring at Ajak and the others, it is better to focus on Ikaris and the others."

Whether it's the 2016 Rorschach's prophetic intelligence or the investigation by Charles White Queen and others, it all shows how sincere Ikaris is to Alitham.

After receiving Alitham's order, he unswervingly planned to carry out Alitham's order.

"On the issue of how to deal with mutants, Ajak and Ikaris had a dispute. In the end, they could not convince Ikaris, so they chose to obey Alisem's orders. On the surface, they still planned to carry out Alitham's orders, but in fact they We secretly made a plan and built the plank road in secret. "

"I wonder if Ikaris noticed something?"

Hank rested his chin on his hands and also conducted a rational analysis.

It's just a pity, because this matter happened in the future, and even if everyone quarreled, it was impossible to come to a useful conclusion.

Everyone discussed and discussed, and only came to one conclusion: Charles should use his psychic abilities to continue to conduct psychic explorations of all Eternals to see if he could find any clues.

But in fact, everyone does not have much hope for this.

Because everything that should be investigated has been investigated, everything was business as usual without any problems, but now there is still one month before the implementation of the plan, but problems are suddenly detected, which is really sudden.

Of course.

In any case, mind exploration is still necessary.

"Everyone, at this point, we must prepare a strong back-up plan."

2016 Rorschach waited until everyone had discussed it for a while before expressing his opinion with a serious face.

"No matter what went wrong with the transmission a month later, it is an indisputable fact that our plan failed in the end."

"We had no way before, but now it is different."


When 2016 Rorschach said this, the eyes of all the mutants at the scene could not help but hit Rorschach.

Everyone knew that 2016 Rorschach was talking about the other self.

"Didn't you prepare a back-up plan before?"

Rorschach raised his eyebrows and glanced at the mutant backbones with some surprise.

"Of course we did, but it is obvious that the back-up plan we prepared is not strong enough."

Charles shook his head helplessly and smiled.

"When the Eternals start the teleportation ritual and use the 'unified will' to teleport us, all teleportation targets will enter a state of 'death', unable to move, without consciousness, even me."

"Our only preventive measure is some intelligent robots developed by Hank to ensure the smooth progress of the plan."

"But it is obvious that no matter what happens in the future, those intelligent robots have failed."

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