American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 287: The Homelander's Plan to Collect Infinite Gems

Although Charles said it lightly, since the mutants left them here to ensure the smooth implementation of the plan, even if one thinks too much, they can guess that the intelligent robots must be very, very powerful.

At least.

So powerful that the mutants inferred that they could deal with the Eternals.

Thinking of this, Rorschach couldn't help but secretly show a look of admiration.

Hank is really a treasure, and his genius is no less than Tony Stark.

Who can say that the robots that can deal with the Eternals are not as good as the Mark series armor?

It's just a pity that robots are robots after all, and the Eternals are Eternals after all, and things finally went wrong.

"My past self."

The voice of 2016 Rorschach sounded again, and he said to Rorschach with a serious face, "When the ceremony started, you were the only one who was not teleported, so everything depends on you."

"If there is any problem, I need you to interrupt the teleportation directly!"

"Rorschach, um, the other Rorschach."

Butler Raven also took over the words and looked at Rorschach with hope, "You are the only one we can rely on now."

"Leave it to me!"

After a moment of hesitation, Rorschach nodded and agreed.

In fact, when Rorschach traveled from 2023, he initially planned to just act as an "observer" silently.

Just find out the truth about the disappearance of mutants, and don't deliberately change anything.

Even the fate of mutants.

But Rorschach never thought that he would be detected by the Eternals as soon as he traveled.

If 2016 Rorschach hadn't asked Ajax to keep it secret, those "iron-blooded" people in Ikaris would definitely notice him.

There will definitely be trouble at that time.

Although it is hard to say what kind of trouble it will be, considering that in this special sensitive period, Ikaris will definitely not give up if he finds out that there is a "weakened version" of Homelander.

Of course, with Rorschach's current strength, he is completely fearless of Ikaris, but if so, Rorschach will inevitably confront the Eternals, and may also enter Arisom's sight.

Since 2016 Rorschach has helped him solve some troubles, then Rorschach should naturally return the favor.

What's more, facing the request of another self, it is difficult for Rorschach to remain indifferent.

Seeing that Rorschach agreed, the backbones of the mutants couldn't help but show their gratified expressions.


At this time, Charles looked at Rorschach in 2016 again and said, "I think we must have an alternative plan. If this transmission fails, how will we deal with the crisis of Arisom?"

As soon as these words came out, the scene immediately became quiet, and the atmosphere became visibly depressed.

The Celestials!

Such a behemoth is a terrible enemy that the current mutants can never deal with.

To deal with such an enemy, it is not a matter of a few people getting together to discuss and discuss.

In fact.

How to deal with Arisom has been discussed countless times. If there is really a practical and effective method, everyone will not choose to unite with the Eternals to deceive Arisom.

"I think there is only one way!"

In the quiet scene, Eric's eyes sparkled and he spoke forcefully.

"No, Eric, I know what you are going to say, but we can't do that..."

As soon as Hank saw Eric's look, he immediately shook his head.

Other people at the scene also began to express their opinions and had a fierce debate.

"Eric, we mutants will not initiate wars. We are a peaceful and friendly race."

"Now it's the moment of life and death for the race. Why consider so many useless things? If the race is gone, what's the point of peace and friendship?"

"If you ask me, we should have done this a long time ago. I agree with Eric's opinion!"

Rorschach was curious when he heard it on the side.

From what everyone said, could Eric have a way to deal with Arisom?

Rorschach asked curiously.

And immediately got an answer that made him dumbfounded: collect the Infinity Stones!

Eric actually planned to collect six Infinity Stones like Thanos to fight against Arisom!

Rorschach was really stimulated for a while. It must be said that Eric is Eric, and his courage is indeed not covered.


If you think about it, it seems that this is indeed a feasible method!

According to the impression, although the Celestials are powerful, powerful enough to sweep across Odin and other gods in the single universe, they are not powerful enough to be invincible.

Even Odin can create the Destroyer to fight against the Celestials. Whether he can win or not is another matter, but at least it shows that the Celestials can win.

So, if the current Silver Homelander has the most powerful force in the universe, what will happen?

Rorschach thinks it is still very promising.

"If things really come to a desperate point, I can only be Thanos for once."

While everyone was arguing, 2016 Rorschach spoke up and made such a decision.

Charles and Hank obviously disagreed with this plan, but they also knew that 2016 Rorschach had made the decision, and it would be useless for them to say anything more.

What's more.

This is just a backup plan.

Things may not really develop to this point.

"Charles, contact Danvers and ask her to find another planet suitable for mutants as quickly as possible."

"Everyone, if our plan fails this time, we can only hide on another planet first."

"Then collect six gems before Alisham finds us and get enough power to fight Alisham!"

2016 Rorschach stood up at this time and said without question.

The basic direction was determined.

Rorschach saw clearly how everyone in this other timeline struggled and planned, and he was very emotional about it.

After the meeting, Rorschach found 2016 Rorschach alone and asked him carefully about how he was targeted by the Eternals.

Some details were also asked in great detail.

In this way, Rorschach can be prepared to avoid the same thing from happening again, to avoid the Eternals' attention to this matter, and to delay it as much as possible.

Or even to avoid this kind of thing completely.

Before he knew it, it was night, and 2016 Rorschach prepared a sumptuous dinner in his palace to entertain Rorschach.

Needless to say, both the host and the guests were very happy.

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