American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 288 A life-or-death moment for the entire mutant race

In the following time, Rorschach became a secret trump card of 2016 Rorschach, hidden in the deepest part of King Krako.

Except for a few absolute backbones such as 2016 Rorschach, no one knows the whereabouts of Rorschach.

As for the Eternals.

In 2016, Rorschach met Ajak as agreed, but after some thinking, he did not confess Rorschach's true origin to him.

After all, time travel is too important. Even if 2016 Rorschach believed in Ajak, he would not do that.

The more people who know about this kind of thing, the greater the risk of it being leaked.

And Ajak is obviously not a very qualified leader. Although Ikaris has always respected Ajak, it is an indisputable fact that Ajak cannot suppress Ikaris.

Even among the Eternals, there are people who are more inclined to follow Ikaris.

Under such circumstances, 2016 Rorschach would naturally not tell the truth to Ajak.

In 2016, Rorschach just lied to Ajak that the other Rorschach was his clone to ensure the smooth progress of the plan, nothing more.

Aijak naturally believed in this explanation.

Apart from twin brothers, two people from the motherland who are almost identical can only be explained by clones.

"Ajak, I believe in you, and I believe in Circe, but I'm sorry that I can't believe in all the Eternals like I believe in you two."

"So I left a clone just in case. This matter is related to the fate of our eight million mutant population. I hope you can understand."

2016 Rorschach said to Aijak with a serious face.

"Rorschach, I understand!"

Ajak let out a long sigh.

She was not trying to deal with Rorschach, but she truly understood Rorschach's approach.

"Thank you Aijak, so I need you to help me cover up this matter."

2016 Rorschach said to Ajak with a serious face, "I don't want Ikaris and the others to know."

"I understand!" Aijak nodded.

Even if 2016 Rorschach didn't explain this kind of thing, she would still do it.

If Ikaris knew about this, it would also be a huge trouble for her.

An agreement was quickly reached.

Until the two separated, 2016 Rorschach did not tell Aijak about the transmission problem.

Since he chose to conceal Rorschach's true identity, knowing the future cannot be revealed.

not to mention.

Telling Ajak probably won't do anything.

In 2016, Rorschach had already told Charles and the White Queen to often use brainwave enhancers to explore the Eternals to see if they could find anything useful.

This kind of investigation is much better than letting Aijak investigate.

It can also effectively prevent Ajak from alerting the enemy.

It's just a pity that Charles and the White Queen conducted inspections almost every now and then, but they couldn't find anything.

During their investigation, there was nothing unusual about Ikaris or the other followers of Ikaris.

"This doesn't make sense!"

All the mutant backbones can be said to be puzzled by this.

According to the investigation of Charles and the White Queen, the people of Ikaris were kept in the dark by Ajak and others from the beginning to the end, and they had no idea of ​​Ajak and others' plans.

In other words, there is no problem with the Eternals.

Could it be that……

Is it a factor from outside the Eternals?

Things are getting really confusing.

And if it really comes from factors other than the Eternals, it will be even more impossible for everyone to find out something in the absence of corresponding information.

The backbones of the mutants gathered together every three days to discuss, investigate, and repeat, but no useful conclusions were reached.

Seeing that day by day passed, and the time for teleportation was getting closer and closer, it can be said that the backbones of the mutants began to become a little anxious.

Charles, Hank and others, who were not very supportive of Rorschach's plan to collect infinite gems in 2016 at the beginning, gradually changed their attitudes.

no way.

The uncertain fate of the mutants is really weighing them down.

When it was obvious that nothing useful could be found, and no such possibility was seen, everyone naturally began to help 2016 Rorschach make other corresponding preparations.

Time passed in this anxious and depressing atmosphere.

Finally, the crucial moment of July 22 arrived.

"Everyone, what is the fate of us mutants, today!"

In the King's Hall of Krakow, 2016 Rorschach looked solemn and spoke in a deep voice to the mutant backbones.

The atmosphere at the scene can be said to be depressing.

Everyone's chest felt as if there was a big stone, which was heavy.

no way.

Even at this moment, the mutants have not found any definite clues.

No one has a clue as to what went wrong with the transmission.

He could only start the teleportation in a daze.

"Rorschach, everything depends on you!"

Charles looked at Rorschach with a solemn look and spoke to Rorschach.

"Rorschach, please!"

Eric was the same.

Raven, White Queen and other backbones also looked at Rorschach with hopeful and solemn eyes.

Even Rorschach felt the heavy burden on his shoulders, but since he had agreed, he would naturally take responsibility.

"I will do my best!" Rorschach nodded heavily.

At this time, Ajax also sent a communication invitation. Rorschach didn't say anything nonsense and answered it directly.

He didn't ask Rorschach to avoid it, so he answered it directly.

At this critical moment, Rorschach was about to take action, and Ajax would know it immediately.

There was no point in avoiding it now.


The next moment, Ajax's projection appeared in front of everyone.

"Hey, Ajax!"

The mutant backbones greeted Ajax.

"Rorschach, everyone!"

Ajax also nodded to everyone, and after glancing at Rorschach, he didn't say much.

"We will start the transmission ceremony in two hours. Is everything going well? You know, once we start, we can't stop."

Ajax confirmed to everyone with a serious face.

"Let's get started, Ajax!"

2016 Rorschach and several key members around him looked at each other, and then nodded to Ajax.

At this point, the arrow has been set on the string and has to be shot.

"Everyone, then wish us all the best this time!"

After saying this, Ajax directly interrupted the communication.

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