American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 289 The murderer who plotted against the entire mutant race appears!

Alondi Dak Mountains.

A relatively flat and spacious valley.

This place was originally a deserted forest with few people. Even some hikers who love mountaineering would not come to such a place.

But at this moment, there are ten people wearing fancy uniforms gathered here.

These ten people are men and women, tall and short, with different expressions.

There are even children.

But there is one thing that these ten people have at the same time, that is, each of them exudes a powerful aura.

Even the blindest people can see at a glance that these people are not ordinary people.


That's right.

These ten people are the Eternals who have been dormant on Earth for thousands of years!

"Ajak, I'm ready!"

In the quiet scene, Faustos' voice sounded, and he spoke to Ajak.

Ajak glanced at the tribesmen at the scene and nodded: "Then let's start!"

With Ajak's order, the ten Eternals at the scene began to gather together and stand in a certain direction.

Looking carefully, I saw that there were already golden "energy stripes" flashing on the ground, forming a complex and incomprehensible pattern.

The pattern was not understandable to ordinary people, but it was roughly seen that ten "array eyes" were specially reserved.

Each Eternal stood on an array eye, in an orderly manner.

And on the core array eye in the center was the "magician" Fastos.

Fastos slowly raised his hands and rubbed them.

With his control, a golden striped ball that no one could understand at all was suspended in the air.

It was spinning.

It was also flashing with a blinding light.

That golden ball was the core of the "teleportation array" specially made by Fastos.

Not only that, it also incorporates a unified will, which can connect the power of all the Eternals and mobilize the terrifying cosmic energy.

In the original movie, this power was enough to fight against the Celestial God Diam. Although it was Diam who had not yet been fully born, it was also terrifying enough.

In addition, the "teleportation array" that Fastrous had originally arranged was used to teleport eight million mutants.

"Now, start the ceremony!"

Fastrous's voice sounded, and he began to make a corresponding movement with his hands at this time, and the big ball in front of several people began to rotate and change.


The speed of its rotation became faster and faster, and the light became more and more dazzling.

Chi Chi Chi!

As the big ball continued to rotate, one golden thread after another suddenly burst out from it.

Ordinary people could not see those threads, only these Eternals could perceive them clearly.

Those golden threads just exploded in all directions, and each thread pierced a mutant.

It was just a short moment.

All eight million mutants on Earth, except for one Rorschach, were included in the teleportation ritual.

As the ritual was running, the cosmic energy between heaven and earth flowed into the bodies of every mutant in a unique way.

According to the consciousness of the ritual, it began to operate.

At that moment.

All the mutants were imprisoned, as if they were hit by a spell and could not move.

Even their consciousness was stagnant.

"OK! The ritual has started to run, and all mutants have been locked!"

After controlling the teleportation ritual for a while, Fastos said to all the Eternals at the scene in a deep voice, "Now, start connecting to the unified will and send them away!"

When Fastos said this, Ajak, Sersi, Gilgamesh and Tina looked at each other calmly.

According to the plan.

After connecting to the unified will, Tina's Eternal Demon will be triggered by the mental imprint that Charles had reserved in her mind in advance.

Just like Charles could leave a corresponding mental barrier in Phoenix's consciousness, he could also leave other mental marks besides the barrier.

This operation was not difficult for Charles.

As long as Tina consciously recalled a specific word in her mind, her mental mark would be activated directly, without anyone noticing.

When Tina's eternal demonic attack began to disrupt the ceremony, Fastos would change the ceremony and directly teleport the mutants to Xandar.


However, plans are never as fast as changes!


At this critical moment, Ikaris suddenly appeared and made a request, "Let me host the next ceremony."

Whether it was Ajak, Fastos, or Cesitina, they were all stunned.

Ikaris is a warrior in the Eternals, and Fastos is a mage. Why would Ikaris make such an obviously unreasonable request?

Ajak and Sersi couldn't help but look at each other, and each of them smelled a very bad premonition.


Ajak immediately spoke, "What are you talking about? That's Phastos's responsibility, not yours! You just do your own thing and let Phastos do his!"

"So what is his responsibility?"

At this time, Ikaris sneered, "Ajac, I have always respected you. Please, let me take over next. Please don't let things go to an irreversible point!"

The faces of Ajac and Cersei changed slightly.

No matter how stupid they were, they understood that Ikaris already knew their plan completely.

"Ikaris, please make it clear!"

Ajac's face suddenly became ugly, and she stared at Ikaris with her eyes, "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Ajac, do you really want to bring everything to the surface?"

Ikaris glanced at Ajac and the others, and the corners of his mouth twitched, "That night, did you really think it was Cersei?"

"Sorry Cersei." The water elf spoke on the side.

Whether it was Ajac or Cersei, as well as several other insiders, their faces became ugly.

The matter was already very clear. Ikaris used the water elf to pretend to be Cersei, mixed into their meeting at that time, and knew everything!

"Ajac, let me preside over the ceremony, and I can pretend that nothing has happened!"

Ikaris' voice sounded again, and he looked at Ajac in an almost pleading tone, "Please!"

"Ikaris, I'm sorry, it's me who made you go down the wrong path and never look back."

Ajac shook his head firmly.

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