American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 290 Homelander takes action and challenges the Eternals

"Ajax, please!"

Ikaris's face became more and more ugly, and he begged Ajax again.

"Ikaris, you may not understand now, but the meaning of our existence is not just killing and destruction, we can also bring hope to people!"

"This is our real meaning!"


Ikaris interrupted Ajax, and the expression on his face can be said to be quite tangled.

On the one hand, he was very sad about Ajax's stubbornness, and on the other hand, he was naturally determined to implement Alisem's plan.

Even if... it was to kill Ajax for this!

"Ajax, you left me no choice!"

Ikaris's mouth twitched, and he shouted at Ajax in a deep voice, his face full of murderous intent.

Ajax's expression did not change, but the expressions of "Ajax"'s Cersei, Fastos and others suddenly changed.

The same was true for the water elves, druids, golden hooks and others of the "Ix", all of whom changed their expressions.

The atmosphere at the scene became depressing and dull in an instant.

No one expected that things would develop like this.

A civil war was about to break out among the Eternals!

And once this civil war broke out, it would tear open a deep, unhealable wound among the Eternals who had fought side by side for tens of thousands of years.

Even if it went wrong, someone would die!

In fact, in the original story development, someone did die.

Ikaris led the people of the "I system" to fight against the people of the "E system", and the result was naturally needless to say.

As the strongest fighting force, Ikaris was enough to challenge the entire Eternal Clan alone, and he easily won the war.

Then Ikaris used Ajak's life as a threat to force Fastos and other "E system" people to obey, and then teleported all eight million mutants to the test site of Alism.

But after everything was over, Ajak still died due to serious injuries.

It can be said that it was still very tragic.

But now...

There is a change.

Except for Ajax, the Eternals didn't know that a powerful mutant had been lurking around!


Cersei's voice sounded, and she said to Ikaris in a deep voice, "What are you going to do? Are you going to disobey Ajax's orders?"

"It's not me who disobeyed the orders, Ajax, you forced me to do it!"

After Ikaris growled this sentence in great pain, he said no more nonsense, and his eyes immediately shot out two heat rays at Ajax.

Ajax's body suddenly jumped and dodged Ikaris's attack, but the next moment he felt a flash in front of his eyes, it turned out that Ikaris had flown in front of him.

In just one moment, he grabbed Ajax's neck.


The sound of breaking through the air sounded, but it was Tina on the side who suddenly condensed a spear and stabbed Ikaris fiercely.


Golden Hook was not idle either. He immediately took action and fired two energy bombs at Tina.

Tina had to temporarily abandon Ikaris, and she lay sideways, once again condensing a shield to block Golden Hook's shooting.


At this time, Ajax had been knocked away by Ikaris.

"Sersi, everyone, I'm sorry!"

The voice of the water elf sounded, and she waved her hand at this time, and several figures of Ikaris suddenly appeared.

Flying around in the air, intertwined together.

It's hard to avoid the truth.

This civil war among the Eternals broke out just like that.

Boom boom boom!

Bang bang bang!

For a moment, it was like a landslide and the earth was shaking. I don't know how many hills were destroyed, and the fight was so fierce.

"It seems that the mastermind behind the scenes is probably Ikaris."

Rorschach, hiding in the dark, saw this civil war very clearly.

But up to now, he has not planned to do anything.

The time has not come yet.

Because there is a question that Rorschach has never figured out. If the mastermind is really Ikaris, why can't Charles and the White Queen detect anything wrong?

This is obviously unreasonable.

So in addition to Ikaris, there is another mastermind other than the Eternals. Rorschach cannot be sure.

However, things have already progressed to this extent, the transmission ceremony has begun, and the only thing missing is a unified will, but his super hearing did not hear anything unusual!

In this place, apart from the Eternals fighting in front of him, there is no one else.

Could it be that the mastermind will appear in a while?

Rorschach does not know.

But he can only observe the situation secretly.

As long as the Eternals do not connect to the unified will, it is not a real critical moment for Rorschach.

If things really become uncontrollable, just take action before connecting to the unified will.

After all, once the Eternals connect to a unified will, then Rorschach will be really helpless.

After making up his mind, Rorschach continued to keep his troops in place and "watch the fight from the mountain" in secret.

Boom boom boom!

Bang bang bang!

This turmoil in the world did not last long. In just over twenty minutes, the battle on the battlefield was decided.

After all, the strength of the two sides in the battle is seriously unequal. Although the number of the "Yi" Eternals is small, with Ikaris around, the overall strength is far stronger than that of the "Ai" Eternals.

that's all.

The "Ai" Eternals were severely defeated by the "Yi" Eternals.

"Connect the unified will, and then let me preside over the teleportation ceremony! Otherwise, I will kill Aijak!"

Ikaris pinched Ajak's neck with one hand and shouted sharply at Fastos.

"You wouldn't do that, Ikaris..."


Before he finished speaking, Ikaris shot two heat rays directly on Ajak's chest.


Aijak couldn't help but screamed.

The expressions of all the Eternals changed wildly.

Whether it is a person of "Ai type" or a person of "Yi type".

Even if the latter follows Ikaris, it does not mean that they have no respect for Ajak and can watch Ikaris destroy Ajak.

In fact, they were also frightened by Ikaris at this moment. They did not expect that Ikaris would be so merciless to Ajak.

"Stop! Stop it!" Fastos surrendered.

Compared to saving eight million mutants, he is naturally more inclined to save Ajak.

"Fastos, don't..."

"I'm sorry, Ajak."

Fastos shook his head, then ignored Ajak and began to perform the corresponding operations as Ikaris said.


But at this time, a sonic boom suddenly sounded.

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