American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 291 The powerful Homelander swept through the Eternals like a whirlwind


Along with the sonic boom, there was a blurry shadow.

The Eternals at the scene only felt that their eyes were blurred, and they didn't come back to their senses at all, when they saw the shadow quickly crashing into Ikaris.


With an almost indistinguishable loud noise, the Icaris flew out directly.

It hit the mountain on one side like a cannonball.

A big hole was knocked out of the mountain.

At the same time, a figure appeared next to Aijak.

"Are you OK?"

The figure glanced at Aijak and asked expressionlessly.

But Aijak shook his head and produced several golden "energy stripes" with his hands.

The wounds on his body that were shot by Ikaris healed in a way that was visible to the naked eye.

It was as if he had never been injured.

Healing, this is exactly what Ajak is capable of.


At this time, all the eyes looked over, and they all focused on the figure who suddenly appeared, and the thunder knocked away Ikaris.

"People of the motherland!"

"Why are you, a native of the motherland!"

A series of exclamations sounded like this.

Shouldn’t the people of the motherland be imprisoned by Fastos’ teleportation ritual?

How would it appear here?

That's right.

The one who appears at this critical moment is undoubtedly Rorschach.

Although he has not yet waited for the man behind the scenes to appear, and even Rorschach does not know if there is a man behind the scenes, and the matter is still unclear, but Rorschach does not dare to wait any longer.

Once Fastos connects with the same will, even he is powerless.

Although there are still many things that are not understood, Rorschach can only choose to take action at this time.


There was a loud noise and gravel flew everywhere.

Ikaris flew back again at this time, and he slowly landed in front of Rorschach, his eyes filled with solemnity and confusion.

"You are not from the motherland, who are you!"

Ikaris asked Rorschach with his eyes fixed on him.

Although the person in front of him looks exactly like the people from the motherland, he does not have any cosmic energy in his body, and he is far less powerful than the people from the motherland.

Obviously not from the motherland.


Seeing that Rorschach was too lazy to answer him, Ikaris looked at Ajak again.

"He is a clone of the motherland!"

Aijak pondered for a moment and then gave this answer.

All the Eternals suddenly realized.

"Ajak, it turns out this is true. Ikaris said that you colluded with mutants and betrayed Alitham. I still don't believe it. I didn't expect you to actually do it."

Jin Gou's unacceptable voice sounded.

"Now that things have happened, there is nothing to explain. Today's matter must come to an end."

Ajak said so.

It seems that he is determined to help the mutants.

"Wait until I eliminate this mutant, Ajak, and then we can solve our problems."

Ikaris pointed at Ajak.

"Destroy me?"


Rorschach let out a cold snort, stopped talking nonsense, and shot two heat rays directly at Ikaris.


Ikaris responded tooth for tooth and eye for eye, not dodging or dodging, but the same two heat rays came towards him.

The two heat rays from both sides collided and intertwined in the air.

But after just one collision, the two sides decided.

Because the heat rays emitted by Rorschach are constantly "eating" Ikaris's heat rays and moving towards Ikaris!


Ikaris made such a low cry from his mouth, and used all his strength to activate the heat rays to fight against Rorschach.


This makes no sense.

Not to mention that he couldn't shoot Rorschach at all, so what if he could shoot Rorschach?

Rorschach would not just stupidly fight Ikaris against the heat ray when he clearly had many means.


At this time, he stretched out his hand fiercely, and a huge wave of telepathy surged out, hitting Ikaris all at once.


Ikaris was knocked away by Rorschach again.

But Ikaris was not blocked after all, and immediately flew back again and launched a fierce attack on Rorschach.

It's just a pity.

The absolute strength of Ikaris is weaker than Rorschach. He is no match for Rorschach. He was suppressed and beaten by Rorschach from beginning to end.

"No, the clones of the motherland are so powerful?"

"Ikaris was beaten so badly."

The Eternals around were stunned for a moment, and some even crossed their arms and watched the fun.

But the Eternals of the "Yi family" were a little anxious.

The water elf saw that Ikaris was no match for Rorschach, so he used his hands to activate his ability.

A group of Ikaris was created and flew towards Rorschach from all directions.

The real Ikaris was mixed in, forming the most perfect cover, enough to make anyone panic.

It's a pity that the water elf's move is completely useless in front of Rorschach.

Rorschach had more than one way to see through the water elf's tricks.

First of all, Rorschach's super hearing can tell that among so many Ikaris, only one has a heartbeat. In addition, Rorschach's mental power can accurately scan which ones are illusions.

The water elf was laughed at in front of Rorschach.


Rorschach shook his body, and he flashed out like a stream of light, and appeared in front of Ikaris in the blink of an eye.

With a casual punch, Ikaris was immediately knocked over.


The water elf was shocked.

Her ability actually had no effect on Homelander, no, on Homelander's clone!

"Get out of here!"

The next moment, Rorschach snorted coldly, and he punched the water elf in the air.

Apart from the ability to create illusions, the water elf was nothing, and before it could even react, it was knocked to the ground by Rorschach.

"Water elf!"

Cersei's face suddenly changed.

Although the water elves and she chose different camps this time, the relationship between the water elves of Circe has always been the closest.

Seeing the water elves injured at this moment, she immediately showed a worried look on her face.

But unfortunately, her ability is not of much use at present.

Chi Chi Chi!

On the contrary, Golden Hook, no longer talking nonsense at this time, stretched out his hands, and continuously fired energy bombs at Rorschach.


Rorschach's telekinesis protection, completely ignored, appeared in front of Golden Hook in the blink of an eye.

With one punch, Golden Hook also flew out.

"How unreasonable!"

The druid was angry.

He couldn't bear to watch the Eternals being beaten like this by an outsider, so he immediately activated his ability on Rorschach.

Try to control Rorschach's consciousness.

But then he showed a look of shock, his ability, unexpectedly, did not work at all on the opponent!

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