American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 292: The teleportation plan failed, all Eternals were captured

"What do you want to do?"

Rorschach glanced at the Druid with a sneer, his eyes full of sarcasm.


The druid's anus immediately tightened under Rorschach's gaze.


next moment.

Rorschach shot two heat rays directly, knocking the druid to the ground.


There was another loud noise, but Ikaris flew back again.

"You are really an invincible Xiaoqiang!"

Rorschach shook his head slightly and sighed, and the person rushed towards Ikaris like a cannonball.

Bang bang bang!

Boom boom boom!

An earth-shattering sound rang out.

This is how Ikaris's tragic career began.

Rorschach was like a sandbag being hammered from here to there, and then from there to here.

Since the water elf, golden hook, druid and others were all injured by Rorschach, no one came out to hinder Rorschach during the whole process.

Ikaris was beaten into the third grandson by Rorschach.


Another heavy punch, Rorschach in the air hit Ikaris hard.

Ikaris was like a cannonball, hitting the ground all of a sudden, making a crater in the ground.

And this time.

Ikaris could not jump out from under the ground again because he was knocked unconscious by Rorschach.

The Rorschach was suspended in the air, and he waved towards the big hole on the ground, using his telekinesis.

Only then did Ikaris, who was like a dead dog, be "fished out" and thrown in front of the Eternals.

So far, all those people from the "Iraqi" group have been taken care of by Rorschach.

However, Rorschach only injured or knocked out all the people, but did not kill anyone.

At the end of the day, he's just here to help, to make sure the mutants don't get hurt and plotted against, that's all.

The Eternals are also involved in a big deal, so it’s up to the rightful owner, 2016 Rorschach, to decide how to deal with it.

"Fastos, interrupt the transmission!"

Rorschach fell to the ground at this time and said to Fastos.

In any case, this time the plan to deceive Alitham planned by Rorschach, Ajak and others in 2016 was destined to be impossible to succeed, because the secret was actually learned by people like Ikaris.

Then it would be impossible for Ajak alone to hide this from Alitham.

In this case, the mutants naturally cannot immigrate to Xandar. Instead, they need to immigrate to another planet that even Ajak doesn't know.

And then.

In 2016, Rorschach had to start implementing his own plan to collect infinite gems, trying to obtain enough power to fight Alitham before Alitham found the mutants.

Fastos did not respond immediately to Rorschach, but looked at Aijak, asking for his opinion.

After seeing Aijak nodding, he started to perform some operations and canceled the originally prepared ritual of transmitting mutants.


It was at that moment.

A sonic boom sounded, but it was the figure of 2016 Rorschach that hit the scene hard.

Then Rorschach clearly saw that the faces of the Eternals at the scene changed slightly, showing a very depressed look.

"So it looks like our plan failed."

2016 Rorschach glanced at everyone present and knew what was going on.

"I'm sorry, my motherland, there were some unexpected situations here, and I couldn't handle them properly."

Ajak looked at 2016 Rorschach with an apologetic look.

By now, Ikaris has learned about her plan, and Ajak has no longer concealed his attitude towards 2016 Rorschach in front of the Eternals.

"It's not your fault."

2016 Rorschach looked calm, but then the conversation changed, "But in the next few days, I'm afraid I will have to ask you to come with me."

"Father of the motherland, what do you mean?"

Jin Gou's expression changed slightly, his eyes fixed on 2016 Rorschach.

"It means that I have prepared a room for you, with food and drink, but before you get my permission, you can stay there and you can't go anywhere."

2016 Rorschach said with an expressionless expression.

Since the plan to deceive Alitham failed, the next step was to implement Plan B.

Before this plan is completed, that is to say, before the mutants immigrate to a new planet, just in case, 2016 Rorschach must capture all the Eternals to prevent these Eternals from doing anything else.

Although Ajak and those people are trustworthy and are supporters of their mutants, there is no way Ajak can suppress Ikaris.

In case.

Naturally, people need to be watched.

"You mean, you want to arrest us all by force?"

The water elf raised his eyebrows and said in an unacceptable tone.

"That's right." 2016 Rorschach nodded solemnly, "If you find it difficult to accept, you might as well change the word, 'capture' or something like that. It is indeed too unpleasant to hear."

Water Spirit:"……"

Other Eternals: "..."

"This is not a negotiation. If it weren't for Ajak, all of you would be dead! Don't think that you Eternals are so great. In my eyes, you are nothing."

"Even if Aijak is here, if any of you dare not cooperate, I will kill him without hesitation!"

"I don't think any of you want to challenge my patience, right?"

2016 Rorschach then swept across the faces of the Eternals expressionlessly, causing all of them to shudder.

"Everyone, you know that Homelander will do what he says, and even I can't protect you from Homelander, so... I will ask you to follow Homelander's advice."

"I know what you are thinking, but I will give you an explanation for our affairs after this is over!"

"This is an order!"

"If you still agree with me as a leader."

Ajax was also serious and explained to his companions with a serious face.

Under the dual constraints of 2016 Rorschach's threat and Ajax's order, none of these Eternals stood up to cause trouble at this time.

They followed 2016 Rorschach obediently and went to the Kingdom of Krako.

Of course.

If Ikaris was awake, he would definitely not give in, but unfortunately, Ikaris was fucked to death by Rorschach.

But nothing can be done.

After keeping all the Eternals under strict supervision, Rorschach and 2016 Rorschach and other key members gathered together again.

Rorschach told 2016 Rorschach and other key members everything he saw at that time.

Everyone's brows were furrowed.

"So... the culprit of the teleportation failure is Ikaris?"

Mystique Raven couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

"If I don't stop it, the mutants will indeed be teleported to Alisom."

Rorschach nodded.

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