American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 293 Mission successfully completed, return to original timeline

Through Rorschach's description, no matter which way you look at this matter, the man behind the disappearance of all mutants is Ikaris.

But there was one thing that everyone, including Luo Xia, still couldn't figure out.

"Since this matter is really caused by Ikaris, why can't Charles and I detect anything?"

The White Queen also raised such a question.

"Could it be a druid?"

In response to this question, Rorschach put forward a very reasonable speculation.

After all, Ikaris's plan was about to be implemented successfully, and Rorschach didn't see another mastermind coming out.

After thinking about it, it was more likely that the man behind the scenes didn't exist.

Among the Eternals, there is still a guy who can control other people's minds.


Even judging from the performance of the movie, the Druid's ability to control other people's minds is more powerful than Charles.

That guy can control many people to complete a series of complex things at the same time.

For example, combat, and various other things.

He even took control of an entire village after he separated from the Eternals and lived in seclusion. He controlled everyone's every move for years and became a comfortable king there.

And this is something that Charles simply cannot do.

At best, Charles could just freeze people and make some simple movements, that's all.

However, if Charles wears a brainwave enhancer, his psychic abilities can be amplified hundreds or thousands of times!

In this case, is it impossible to break through the limitations of Druid?

Rorschach asked Charles specifically about this.

"There is a possibility."

After some pondering, Charles gave this reply, "If the druid uses his psychic abilities very skillfully, he can indeed make some disguises that even I can't detect."

"It's like the radar's detection range is very wide, but it can't detect low-altitude targets or targets without obvious reflecting surfaces."

"When I put on the brainwave intensifier, it is equivalent to turning on the radar. The druid does not have to be wider than the radar's radiation surface. He only needs to know how to avoid radar detection."

Charles' explanation still makes sense to a certain extent.

And if you want to verify it, it is actually very, very easy.

In 2016, Rorschach and Rorschach personally went to the Druid to confirm, and found that the facts were as explained by Charles.

Although the druid's psychic ability is not as powerful as Charles after being enhanced by the brainwave enhancer, there is an indisputable fact that Charles is far behind the druid in the use of psychic abilities.

Not on the same level at all.

This is understandable, after all, how many years did Charles live, and how many years did Druid live?

The druid couldn't compete head-on with the enhanced psychic ability of Charles, but through some delicate operations, there was no problem in hiding some related thoughts in Ikaris's mind without being detected.

Case solved!

The truth is out!

At this point, the truth behind the disappearance of the mutants has been completely understood.

It turns out that everything was indeed caused by Ikaris.

Rorschach has a very clear goal on how to prevent this kind of thing from happening again.

And now that everything has been cleared up, there is no need for Rorschach to continue to stay in this timeline.

It's time to leave!

"Are you leaving?"

Before he could speak, 2016 Rorschach guessed his intention.

All I can say is that he is a different person.

"Yes, I'm leaving." Rorschach nodded.

His mission was over, so there was no point in staying.

It is true that in this timeline, the fate of mutants is still in limbo.

Whether Rorschach's plan to collect infinite gems in 2016 can succeed, and whether all mutants can finally get rid of Alitham's shadow...

All of this is unknown.

But Rorschach had no intention of staying to help him.

After all, this is just a parallel universe, not my own world.

"Do you need to say goodbye to everyone?"

2016 Rorschach also did not try to persuade him to stay. He just glanced at Rorschach and asked for his opinion.

Rorschach thought briefly and agreed.

In any case, he also spent a month with the backbone of the mutants.

Now that they are leaving, they won’t even say hello.

2016 Rorschach immediately gathered all the mutant backbones together and informed the other Rorschach that he was leaving.

"Rorschach...young Rorschach, take care of yourself!"

"I hope you can lead the mutants in another world to a better world!"

"I guess we won't have a chance to see each other again in the future, right? However, I will miss this time."

Charles, Eric, Hank and others came forward to say goodbye to Rorschach.

"Well everyone...goodbye!"

Rorschach waved to the mutants, no longer hesitated, and pressed a button on the "watch" worn on his right hand.


Everyone saw that Rorschach in front of them seemed to be sucked into a black hole and disappeared in an instant.

The next moment.

The eyes blurred, and it was still the familiar feeling of traveling through time and space.

Rorschach only felt that the surrounding scenery changed, and he returned to the original mutant base again.


"Rorschach...what's wrong?"

Several voices sounded around him.

Rorschach turned his head and saw that Charles, Eric, Raven, Hank and other mutant elders were all there.

The time point when he traveled back now was exactly the time when he left before.

In this way, it can be guaranteed that no new branches will appear.

It can be guaranteed that he returns to his original world.

In the eyes of Charles, Eric and others, Rorschach has never left, so when they saw that Rorschach's expression suddenly seemed a little wrong, they couldn't help but ask.

"Everyone, I'm back."

Facing the puzzled eyes of the mutants, Rorschach couldn't help but smile.

"You're back?"

"You mean... you've traveled to the future, and then... you traveled back again?"

"That's right!"

The mutant elders were slightly stunned, and then they all started to get excited.

They couldn't imagine that time travel was actually successful.

And since Rorschach traveled back from the future again, doesn't that mean that Rorschach has already got the answers to those key questions?

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