American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 294: The shock of the mutants, shocking intelligence about the future

"I can't believe Rorschach, you actually completed a time travel?"

"What does it feel like to travel through time? It must be very interesting, right?"

"By the way, can you ask me some in-depth questions?"

After receiving a definite answer from Rorschach, all the mutants at the scene suddenly became excited.

All of a sudden, everyone gathered around, asking Rorschach all kinds of questions.

It made Luo Xia's head slightly big.

"Let's go in and talk."

Rorschach waved his hand and greeted the mutant elders to enter the meeting hall.

After everyone took their seats, the atmosphere at the scene began to become solemn.

Serious glances fell on Luo Xia one after another.

Everyone is waiting for Rorschach's answer.

"So...Rorschach, what exactly will happen in the future, and why will all us mutants disappear?"

Charles's voice sounded, and he stared at Rorschach with a solemn expression and asked.

"Things are a little complicated."

Rorschach spoke slowly, telling the elders everything about how he was targeted by Arisem, a group of gods, and then made a series of plans with the Eternals that failed in the end.

Everyone at the scene was stunned and completely confused.

"Our earth was actually created by the Celestials? Even the sun?"

"We mutants are actually the experimental products of the God Group?"

"The Celestials want to capture eight million mutants for experiments?"

One after another, incredible exclamations sounded.

Whether it was Charles, Eric, Raven or Hank, they were all shocked by the terrifying truth that was completely beyond their imagination.


All three views are shattered.

Couldn't keep calm for a long time.

They cannot accept the tragic fate of millions of mutants becoming other people's guinea pigs in the future.

But fortunately, this has not happened yet, and there is still a time span of half a century.

In such a long period of time, we can still do many, many things to change everything.

"We must not let this tragic fate of mutants happen again! We must do something!"

Eric glanced at the mutants present and spoke loudly and forcefully.

"Yes, we must change the fate of mutants! This is the second chance God gives us!"

Charles also echoed heavily.

The White Queen, Copycat, Hank, and Raven all had perseverance on their faces as well.

"Everyone, to be honest, the future of mutants is indeed a bit tragic, but you don't have to be so pessimistic."

Rorschach spoke at this time, boosting the low morale at the scene, "We have decades to prepare, what else can't be accomplished?"

The mysterious disappearance of mutants happened in 2016.

And now?

It’s only 1964!

More than fifty years, half a century.

This time is indeed very sufficient.

And not only that, Rorschach even had a general idea of ​​how to deal with Alitham.

That's what 2016 Rorschach did: collect the Infinity Stones.

For 2016 Rorschach, he must have never had the idea of ​​​​infinity stones before, so when he was targeted by Alitham, he had no effective countermeasures.

The impromptu decision to collect gems was undoubtedly very hasty.

This puts the entire mutant family at great risk.

But what if Rorschach started collecting Infinity Stones from now on?

Naturally, he is more calm and orderly.

So what if Alitham notices him again?

Rorschach still didn't believe it. Alitham could beat him even after he had collected all the infinite stones!

Of course, it's hard to say this kind of thing, and Rorschach doesn't have a clear idea of ​​how strong Alitham is.

Now Rorschach naturally has no way to make a conclusion as to who is stronger between the other party and the all-gem silver version of the motherland.

But even so.

The stronger the strength, the greater the space for vertical and horizontal manipulation. There is no doubt about this.

Although I don't know if collecting infinite gems can defeat Alitham, this is the only way Rorschach can think of to maximize his strength.

Then it's natural to do it.

Even if he really collects the gems, he still won't be able to defeat Alitham. That will happen in the future.

What's more, Rorschach didn't think Alitham was really that powerful.


The way forward is still very clear for Rorschach.

But before that, there is no need to worry too much about what to do.

Anyway, as a time traveler, he has the advantage of foresight. It is definitely much easier than Thanos to collect infinite stones and so on.

After Rorschach said this, the faces of everyone at the scene became slightly better.

It's not that Rorschach's words really brought much comfort to them. The most important thing was Rorschach's confident attitude as always, the gesture of having everything under control, which encouraged everyone.

"Okay everyone, don't think too much. These things will happen decades in the future. There is enough time for us to slowly figure out a solution."

"Now, our most important thing is to build a country."

Rorschach said to everyone again.

"By the way, Rorschach, has our country been successfully established in the future?"

As soon as this was mentioned, all the mutants present became excited.

They were all chattering around Luo Xia asking questions.

"That's natural. Our country, called Krakow, is located on a beautiful and fertile island..."

Rorschach described some situations in Krakow in the future to all the elders, and everyone was fascinated and excited when they heard it.

That's the country they built themselves!

This is their lifelong goal!

As Rorschach began to introduce Kraco to everyone, the depressing atmosphere gradually disappeared and became lighter.

The atmosphere at the scene was naturally great.

"Okay everyone!"

After basically introducing everyone and briefly communicating some other things, Rorschach suddenly stood up.

At this time, a cold light flashed across his eyes.

"This time I travel through time and space, basically these are the things that you need to discuss among yourselves first, while I go kill someone first!"

Rorschach said to the mutant elders.

Who to kill?

There is no doubt that it is Mr. Sinister.

Although this enemy who would plot against him in the future no longer poses a big threat to him, how could Rorschach let him go?

Naturally, the sooner it is done, the better.

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