American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 295 Mr. Sinister's shock: The Homelanders are so strong!


Hank was just stunned for a moment and immediately realized who Rorschach was talking about.

His eyes couldn't help but light up slightly, "Rorschach, have you found any trace of Mr. Sinister?"

The Celestials are still a bit far away from the mutants. Now, for everyone, the one powerful enemy that makes them breathless is Mr. Sinister.

That was an enemy that urgently needed to be eliminated.

"That's right."

Rorschach smiled.


Then his body swayed and disappeared.

next moment.

Rorschach's body suddenly appeared in Brooklyn.

He stopped over an ordinary courtyard that didn't look very impressive.

"what sound?"

In a room in the courtyard, Mr. Sinister was elegantly cutting a piece of steak with a knife and fork.

Like a British noble, so elegant.

But suddenly.

Mr. Sinister's movements suddenly stopped, because he heard a very familiar sound of breaking through the air.


Mr. Sinister's movements froze, and his face showed an extremely solemn and vigilant look.

That sound was clearly the sonic boom caused by someone's flight that broke through the sound barrier!

Mr. Sinister himself often flies around like this, so he is naturally very familiar with this sound.

And in this world, besides myself, who else can have this kind of flying ability?


Almost at the first moment, a young figure appeared in his mind.

"Will not!"

Mr. Sinister shook his head subconsciously.

He has more powerful psychic abilities than Charles, and he also has the means to block the other party's psychic exploration. It is absolutely impossible for that guy to find him!

Absolutely impossible!

These thoughts flashed through his mind quickly, and then Mr. Sinister subconsciously raised his head and glanced in the direction of the sound.

His face suddenly changed.

"People of the motherland!"

Mr. Sinister's expression was extremely ugly, he was frightened and angry.

He never expected that the people of his motherland would find him so quickly!

how come!

You have underestimated the people of the motherland!

It seems that I still underestimated the people of my motherland!

The eyes of both parties collided across the roof, far away in the air.

Under Mr. Sinister's gaze, Rorschach just grinned at him.

Then his body swayed and he plunged directly in with a fierce thrust.


A big hole was suddenly smashed into the roof, and Rorschach's body landed opposite Mr. Sinister with great domineering force.

"You are such a weakling, you are still alive."

Rorschach glanced up and down at the lively Mr. Sinister, and couldn't help but sigh in surprise.

It's one thing to get information from Captain America, it's another thing to see Mr. Sinister alive with your own eyes.

After all, Rorschach really reduced Mr. Sinister to ashes.

This guy's vitality is really comparable to Xiaoqiang.


Mr. Sinister frowned slightly.

Naturally, he didn't know what Luo Xia meant by Xiaoqiang, but it was obvious that he was a very tenacious person.

Of course it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that Mr. Sinister actually felt at this moment that the people of the motherland in front of him seemed different from before.

It seems... more powerful!

But how is this possible?

How long has it been since the original battle?

It’s not even a month!

It is very, very difficult for strong men like him and the people of the motherland to further improve their strength.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is as difficult as climbing to heaven.

Because the two of them are already extremely powerful.

Otherwise, why would Mr. Sinister go to such trouble to deal with Apocalypse?

Isn't it because it's too difficult to break the shackles of one's own strength?

Mr. Sinister believes that the people of the motherland must be like this.

But soon.

Mr. Sinister then discovered that he was wrong, and very wrong.

Because at the next moment, the people of the motherland suddenly took action against him.

It is really the character of the people of the motherland who are always clean and capable and never push too hard.


Along with this sonic boom, the figure of the motherland appeared in front of Mr. Sinister like lightning.

Its speed was so fast that Mr. Sinister couldn't react, and he was almost caught off guard!

"how so!"

A look of extreme shock flashed through Mr. Sinister's eyes.

The speed of the people of the motherland is faster than before!

And at the moment when Mr. Sinister was surprised, Rorschach's fist had already hit him in front of his eyes.

Mr. Sinister didn't care about anything else. He punched out hastily and almost instinctively, meeting Rorschach's punch.


The fists of both sides collided fiercely, making a dull impact.

And under that collision.

Rorschach's body was as stable as Mount Tai, but Mr. Sinister's body was severely shaken.

Then the figure flew backwards as if it had been hit by an anti-aircraft gun.


Several walls were penetrated by Mr. Sinister, and his body was ejected from the house.

It shot several hundred meters away before falling heavily on the grass outside.

A big hole was made in the grass.

"This is impossible!"

Mr. Sinister lost his voice in shock, his face was full of shock, and he couldn't believe what had just happened.

The strength of the people of the motherland has suddenly become so powerful?

How is this possible?


The familiar sonic boom sounded again, but it was Rorschach's body that once again flew in front of Mr. Sinister.

Mercilessly launched a violent attack on Mr. Sinister.

Bang bang bang!

Boom boom boom!

In such a dull voice, Mr. Sinister was beaten into a dog by Rorschach.

Without any power to fight back, he could only run away with his head in his arms.

"This kind of is it possible!"

"God, are these people from the motherland? It's terrible!"

"Isn't Mr. Even the opponent of the people of the motherland? No way!"

The other people in Mister Sinister's secret base almost had their eyes popped out when they saw the miserable state of Mister Sinister in Rorschach's hands.

Can't believe it anyway.

That's Mr. Sinister!

Except for one Apocalypse, that is the most powerful mutant in the world, and even the people of the motherland cannot be their opponents!

But now.

The people of the motherland blasted Mr.

No one can accept such a scene.

Bang bang bang!

Boom boom boom!

Under the horrified gazes of everyone, Mr. Sinister was beaten to a pulp by Luo Xia.

In the end, he lay on the ground unable to move like a dead dog.

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