American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 296: Twenty Years and Changing Future Directions

"how so?"

"How could you suddenly be... so powerful!"

An extremely weak and incomprehensible voice sounded.

But it was the dying Mr. Sinister, his eyes widened, looking at Rorschach in disbelief.

Everything inside is shocking.

A month ago, although he was almost killed by Rorschach, in the final analysis it was not that he was not strong enough, but that he was tricked by Rorschach.

Mr. Sinister never expected that the tried-and-tested instrument that blocked mutant abilities would be completely ineffective against Rorschach, and Rorschach was caught off guard.

And before that?

Mr. Sinister had fought against Rorschach. Both sides tried their best, but in the end neither could do anything to the other and had no choice but to give up.

The two are evenly matched.

but now?

The other party actually crushed me all at once!

Mister Sinister simply couldn't accept this scene.



Mr. Sinister's next sentence was cut off mid-sentence.

Because Rorschach waved his hand and crushed Mr. Sinister again.

Just like last time, he used his huge telekinesis to crush Mr. Sinister into a puddle of mud.

But then.

The puddle of mud actually began to aggregate on its own, just like a scene from a horror movie. It looked so disgusting and nauseating.


Mr. Sinister actually appeared in front of Rorschach again.

But at this moment, Mr. Sinister looked so weak.

It's like a patient suffering from a terminal illness and about to die at any time.

His face was as pale as paper, his breath was weak, and he seemed to have no strength to even stand up.

Not to mention continuing to fight Rorschach.

Rorschach knew it well. It seemed that Mr. Sinister's resurrection was not unlimited, and the consumption was much greater than he imagined.

But think about it, this is only reasonable. After all, it is resurrection, how can it be without cost, how can it be easy.

It is estimated that if Rorschach crushes Mr. Sinister to death again, he will not be able to be resurrected.

"People of the motherland, wait a minute, there is actually no deep hatred between us, there is no need to fight to the death!"

At this moment, Mr. Sinister's face showed panic and nervousness, and he immediately spoke to Rorschach urgently.


Rorschach's guess just now was correct.

If it happened again, Mr. Sinister would probably be in trouble, otherwise the other party wouldn't suddenly start to give in.

"I am not your enemy, on the contrary, I am actually your powerful ally! All of our mutants will face a terrible enemy in the future, even you. Everything I do is to deal with The enemy prepares!"

"People of the motherland, I told you what I told you the first time I met you, do you still remember?"

"Are you talking about the apocalypse?"

Luo Xia smiled, "Sorry, I don't need your help to deal with Tianqi."

"You...know about Apocalypse?" Mr. Sinister was stunned for a moment.

He never expected that Rorschach actually knew this ultimate secret!

It seems that I have underestimated the people of my motherland before. The people of my motherland are far more mysterious and unpredictable than I imagined.

"Since you know Apocalypse, you should know that Apocalypse is an existence that you can't deal with..."


Rorschach ignored Mr. Sinister and once again exploded him into a pulp.

But this time, the puddle of meat was lying on the ground motionless.

There is no getting back together like the first time.

However, to be on the safe side, Luo Xia naturally would not just abandon it and leave. He left the scene in a flash, but soon returned.

But there was an extra barrel of gasoline in his hand.


Rorschach couldn't help but pour all the gasoline on the puddle of meat, and ignited it with a fire.

It wasn't until a few minutes later that the puddle of meat was completely burned to ashes, not even the residue was left.

"I don't believe it. How can you still live like this?"

Luo Xia couldn't help but snorted coldly, and then struck out with a palm of his hand, and the huge mental power swept through like a hurricane.

Mr. Sinister's ashes were raised directly.

It was true that all the ashes were raised.


Then Rorschach swayed, and with the suppressed and low sonic boom, he disappeared.


next moment.

Rorschach's body reappeared in the mutant base.

Charles, Eric and Raven Hank were still discussing in the meeting hall and did not leave.

Because it actually didn't take long for Rorschach to kill Mr. Sinister this time.

Fully calculated, it only lasts for more than twenty minutes, nothing more.

In such a small amount of time, Charles and the others just spent a few words discussing each other.

Even to them, it was just like Rorschach went to the toilet.

It has the flavor of warming wine and killing Hua Xiong.

"Rorschach, is the problem solved?"

Raven glanced at Luo Xia and asked confidently.

"This time, I burned Mr. Sinister to ashes and then spread his ashes. I think it should be fine, right?"

Rorschach spread his hands and sat down in his own seat.

The mutants at the scene were completely relieved when they heard this.

If he didn't die like this, Mr. Sinister would not be a human, but a god.

The first powerful enemy who had made all the mutants breathless was officially ended at this moment.

The atmosphere at the scene was very good.

In addition to Mr. Sinister, there are two more powerful enemies that the mutants will face in the future: Apocalypse and the Celestials.

The Celestials are still a bit far away, and there are some things that are hard to deal with. For the mutants, the real enemy they need to pay attention to is actually Apocalypse.

In addition.

Considering Rorschach's current abnormal strength and Charles Eric's right-hand man, basically no one can stop the mutants.

This is indeed the case.

In the following period of time, the mutants' lives returned to peace, and there was nothing worth mentioning.

In addition to paying close attention to the dynamics of Apocalypse, the mutants have been quietly accumulating strength to build a country.

Silently, but steadily moving forward.

In this situation, time has unknowingly come to 1983.

The war ended eight years ago. Unlike the tragic fate of a large number of mutants forced to go to the battlefield, this time, thanks to the management of Rorschach and Charles, the number of mutants going to the battlefield is much less than before.

The power that several people secretly built among the mutants has reached a very considerable level.

Wolverine, who was supposed to travel back and forth to reverse the future, did not appear. It seems that the crisis of the Sentinel robot was indeed strangled by Rorschach in its infancy.

In addition, except for Howard Stark's son's full moon thirteen years ago, Rorschach invited Rorschach to attend the banquet, there is nothing worth mentioning.

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