American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 297 Template upgrade, officially promoted to Silver Homelander!

February 16, 1983.

Moscow, deep in the Voklamsk Plain, inside a very ancient castle.


The ear-piercing roar of the monster resounded through the sky, echoing throughout the castle.

It was like a thunderous explosion, enough to make anyone dizzy and confused.

Bang bang bang!

At the same time, there was also an extremely noisy vibrating sound, and from time to time there were some muffled sounds and groans.

It turns out that there is a huge cave under the castle.

Inside the cave.

A man with red skin and a "stone right hand" was holding a big sword and fighting with a monster hundreds of meters high.

But I saw that the main body of the monster was like an octopus, with countless tentacles. With a casual wave, the red man could be knocked away.

Of course, that's if you win the lottery.

But the red guy is not covered. Although he is huge, his movements are very flexible.

Those who dart around among the tentacles that are constantly drawn from all directions can basically avoid the monster's attacks.

From time to time, he would slash with the big sword in his hand, and he could cut off one of the monster's tentacles in one go!

So although the monster looked scary, for a while, it actually couldn't do anything to the red man.

But no matter what.

After all, there was a substantial gap between the strength of the red man and the monster. After persisting for a while, he was finally caught by the monster.

One of the monster's tentacles, which was thicker than a human thigh, wrapped itself around the red man, making it impossible for the red guy to move at all.

"Oh,'s a little bad."

The red man's face showed a look of pain in his balls, but he didn't show much panic.


At this moment, a sonic boom suddenly sounded.

Then the man in red felt a sudden flash of light in front of his eyes, and saw that an Asian young man had already appeared on the scene.

"Are you kidding me, fellow countryman? What are you doing here!"

The red man glanced at the Asian young man who appeared in front of him, was slightly stunned, and then complained dissatisfiedly.

It can be seen that the relationship between this guy and Rorschach is not very good.

"It's really embarrassing, Hellboy."

Luo Xia glanced at the red-skinned man, with a sarcastic look on his face.

That's right.

This red-skinned man is clearly the famous Hellboy.

The monster who fought with Hellboy was actually the big boss in the first part of "Hellboy", a clone of the god and demon of hell.

If nothing else, at least this appearance is quite deceptive.

But for Rorschach, it was just a show of force.

In the original movie, it was outrageous that such a big monster was killed by Hellboy with a string of bombs.

So here in Rorschach, this monster is really not a big threat.

"You think I can't handle it? Just go away, you don't need to interfere!"

Hellboy was thrown around on the ground by the monster's tentacles. He was in a state of embarrassment, but he still persisted in speaking harshly in front of Rorschach.

How could Hellboy be willing to admit defeat to this man who stole his woman?

Although Rorschach has no intention of competing with Hellboy for Liz Sherman.

And this is precisely the place that deals the biggest blow to Hellboy.


Hellboy was just halfway through his words when he let out an exclamation.

Because after the monster beat Hellboy several times, it began to wrap Hellboy with its tentacles and stuff it into his mouth.

Plan to eat Hellboy directly.

But just at this moment.


A heat ray burst out, instantly cutting off the monster's tentacles.


Hellboy fell from a height of several hundred meters and hit the ground heavily.

But Hellboy is also a demon from hell, and he is not an ordinary demon, but the son of a demon king in hell. Of course, he cannot fall to death.

It's just that he was smashed so badly that his bones were about to fall apart.

"I'm going to kill him soon. I don't want you to save me, fellow countryman!"

Hellboy shouted angrily at Rorschach.

This feeling of being saved by a love rival is really uncomfortable, and it is an insult to Hellboy.

But Hellboy actually thinks too much.

Rorschach had no intention of saving him at all, but just "prevented" Hellboy from killing the monster in advance.

Because according to the plot, it was the monster that ate Hellboy into his stomach, which led to him being "exploded from the inside" and being blown up to death.

This way.

Rorschach's mission failed.

That's right.

Luo Xia came here to deal with this monster this time. Naturally, he didn't come here to help others after being full.

It's purely to earn Origin Points, nothing more.


Ignoring Hellboy's complaints, Rorschach suddenly rose into the air and flew to the monster's head.

Easily blocking all the attacks from the monster's tentacles, a heat ray cut off the monster's head.


The monster's corpse fell to the ground with a crash, like a mountain collapsing. The sound was terrifying.

[Mission completed, congratulations to the host for receiving a 10,000 Origin Points reward! ]

At this moment, the system prompt sounded in Luo Xia's mind.

After all, it is a hell god and demon, but there is only a mere 10,000 Origin Points reward?

Luo Xia curled his lips slightly, this hell god and demon is too low, right?

But think about it again, even Hell Baron can kill it, well, this guy's cards are not high.

[It is detected that the host's remaining Origin Points have exceeded 300,000, and the template can be upgraded. Do you want to upgrade? ]

And the next moment, the system sent such a prompt sound again.

This made Luo Xia feel excited immediately.

In the past 20 years, Luo Xia has accumulated a lot of Origin Points by extracting energy sources and completing tasks, but unfortunately, the Homelander template has reached 100%, and those Origin Points cannot be used to continue strengthening.

It can only be accumulated little by little.

In addition, the system did not give any other prompts at all, and did not give any explanation of what the use of accumulating Origin Points is.

If Rorschach hadn't known that his future self would be upgraded to Silver Homelander, he might not have been able to hold on.

Even so, Rorschach was already a little impatient, after all, it had been nearly twenty years!



The system finally sent a prompt to upgrade the template.


What else can I say?

Rorschach immediately chose to upgrade.

[Congratulations to the host, the template upgrade is complete, and the Homelander template has entered the second stage. ]

[Please name the second stage Homelander template. ]

"It's called... Silver Homelander!"

Rorschach said without hesitation.

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