American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 298 The powerful strength of the Silver Motherland people!

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The system immediately sent out such a prompt sound, and then Rorschach saw his attribute panel, which immediately changed.

[Host: Rorschach]

[Age: 38 years old]

[Speed: 1800 m/s]

[Strength: 3000 tons]

[Physique: 2500 (average value of healthy adult men 10)]

[Mental strength: 2400 (average value of healthy adult men 10)]

[Current template: Homelander (Silver stage 0/1000000)]

[Abilities: Perspective (advanced), Super Hearing (advanced), Heat Ray (advanced), Flight (advanced), Absorbing Cosmic Energy]

[Origin Points: 72 points]

Rorschach glanced at the panel and found that this wave of upgrades had greatly improved all the attributes that had not changed for nearly 20 years.

The strength was actually directly increased to 3,000 tons.

Rorschach couldn't give a definite answer to what level this power was in the universe, but through the battle with Thanos in the final battle, Rorschach felt that Thanos was probably at this level.

As for speed?

The speed of nearly two thousand meters per second is undoubtedly far beyond Thanos!

In other words, overall, even now, Rorschach's strength has reached the level of the universe overlord like Thanos.

It is not difficult to understand why the future Thanos would be so afraid of him.

In addition, his physical fitness and mental strength have also been much stronger than before.

However, considering that this was exchanged for 300,000 origin points, Rorschach's enthusiasm was like being poured with a basin of cold water on his head, and it was extinguished a lot.

With so many origin points, if they were strengthened according to the original unlocking progress, I'm afraid the data would be several times higher than now, right?

But Hua said again, if the ability to absorb cosmic energy is taken into account, these 300,000 points are definitely worth the money.

This means that in addition to relying on the system, Rorschach has another way to become stronger.

This is undoubtedly a good thing.

The only annoying thing is that there is a huge hidden danger in absorbing cosmic energy, which will attract the attention of Arisom.

However, Rorschach believes that when he collects all six infinite gems, even Arisom will not be a problem.

Before that, just be careful not to let the Eternals notice that he also has this skill.

Soon, leaving all these distracting thoughts in his mind behind, Rorschach began to feel his current ability to absorb cosmic energy with great interest.

He just calmed down a little, and immediately felt that there were many "energy factors" floating around in the surrounding world.

At this moment, Rorschach is like an "energy factor sponge", which can actively absorb those ubiquitous "energy factors".

Thus, those "energy factors" can be used for their own use!

And then use those energies to strengthen and transform themselves!

"Not bad, very good!"

"Isn't this the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in some fairy tales!"

Rorschach nodded repeatedly with great satisfaction.

However, just as 2016 Rorschach said, his awakened ability to absorb cosmic energy is indeed a cheat, but it is obviously still a huge gap compared to Superman's ability to become stronger by basking in the sun.


2016 Rorschach would not be so afraid of Arisom.

"I'm going to kill it soon, Homelander!"

A dissatisfied voice sounded, interrupting Rorschach's thoughts.

It was Hellboy who got up from the ground, staring at Rorschach and shouting.

"What does it have to do with me?"

Rorschach curled his lips and directly scolded Hellboy.


Then Rorschach no longer paid attention to Hellboy, and he started at a speed far beyond the speed of sound, and disappeared in an instant.

Hellboy murmured and looked at the direction where Rorschach disappeared. After a long while, he shook his head and sighed: "Why do I feel that the freak is more powerful than before?"

In the past, Homelander was enough for him to look up to, but he didn't expect the gap between the two to continue to widen.

How can people live like this?

It will be a long time to get Liz back from the other party?

With Rorschach's current speed, in the short moment when Hellboy was complaining, he had already returned to the mutant base.

"Supreme, you are just in time! Charles and Eric are here."

Serena, who was patrolling the compound with people, saw Rorschach and immediately greeted Rorschach respectfully, and then reported the situation to Rorschach.

In the blink of an eye, twenty years have passed, and everyone in the mutant base has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The former boy has grown into a mature and stable adult, and the former youth now has a bit more vicissitudes on his face.

Only Selena, twenty years have passed, and she is still as cold and beautiful as before, and the years have never left any traces on her face.

It is also worth mentioning that when Rorschach completely controlled the Mikaelson family, he got a lot of magic rings from the other family.

When worn on the hands of vampires, those rings can make them completely immune to the sun, like the Daywalker Blade Warrior, who can walk in the sun in broad daylight.

So now Serena doesn't need to use a parasol at all.

If you ignore her sharp sexy teeth, she is almost the same as a normal person.

Of course, there are not many such rings, only Serena and several vampire elders have them. Other ordinary vampires should just use an umbrella.

"I know."

Rorschach nodded, and his super hearing spread out. Sure enough, he caught the voices of Charles and Eric at once.

He didn't say much nonsense and went straight to the meeting hall.

Sure enough, Raven, Hank, the White Queen and Copycat were chatting and laughing with Charles and Eric.

The young Raven and Hank of the past have disappeared, and now Rorschach is a mature and capable mutant backbone.

Charles and Eric are obviously much older, and have become real vicissitudes of life uncles.

But how to say it, some people are different. They are handsome men when they are young, and they are charming uncles even when they are old.

Charles and Eric belong to this type.

"Rorschach, you came just in time, there is good news!"

When Eric saw Rorschach, he immediately waved to him with great interest.

But Charles beside Eric also had a smile on his face.

"You look so happy, could it be that the Great Bear Country also supports us in establishing a country?"

Rorschach found a seat among the crowd and sat down, looking at them expectantly and asked.

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