American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 299 A huge incident, the Cosmic Cube was stolen!

"That's right, Rorschach!"

Charles nodded heavily, his eyes full of excitement, and the same was true for Eric next to him, "It took almost twenty years of hard work, although it is long, but everything is worth it. The Big Bear Country has supported our founding!"

In today's world situation, the Big Bear and the United States are still the two giant countries in the world.

Although the Big Bear Country was already at a disadvantage in the Cold War with the United States, especially in the past few years, the Big Bear Country seemed to be in a hurry to seek medical treatment, and carried out various random reforms, causing chaos and turmoil in the country.

But no matter what.

Centipede insects are dead but not stiff, not to mention that the Big Bear Country is far from that point, and it still has a very important position in the world.

And what about the United States?

Because the Laughing Boy himself is a mutant, the work on the Laughing Boy's side is actually much easier, having been completed ten years ago.

——It is worth mentioning that the laughing boy was not assassinated as in history and became an Internet celebrity for future generations. Mutants saved the laughing boy.

After all, it would be good for everyone's cause to have a mutant sitting in that seat.

Although the laughing boy has long since retired, when he was in office, he had already used his own energy to cooperate and infiltrate with the mutants, forming a huge community of interests.

So even now, American officials still support the establishment of a nation for mutants.

This is inseparable from Charles Eric’s twenty years of unremitting efforts.

Of course.

It is even more inseparable from Rorschach's nuclear bomb-like strength.

"Charles, if you listen to me and use your abilities, I'm afraid we won't have to wait so long."

Eric complained on the side, but it was just a compliment, nothing more.

Eric also understands that using psychic abilities to control is not a long-term solution. If you want to truly gain the support of others, you must continue to work hard and clear the way.

In the past twenty years, God knows how much effort and effort he and Charles have put in to achieve today's great results.

"The difficult bone of the Big Bear Country has been broken, and we have almost made other preparations. Rorschach, I think we can substantively promote the establishment of the country?"

Raven's voice sounded, and she looked at Rorschach expectantly.

"What do you think?"

Rorschach did not answer, but glanced at the elders present.

But I saw that all the elders expressed their agreement expectantly.

"In that case, let's start pushing forward!" Luo Xia spread his hands.

The matter was decided just like that.

A group of mutant elders began to discuss various matters related to the founding of the country together with great interest. The atmosphere at the scene could be said to be great.

Dang Dang Dang!

Just when everyone was discussing very energetically, there was a sudden knock on the door of the meeting hall.

Silence returned slightly in the hall.

Charles glanced at Hank beside him and said, "It's Professor Rawls."

Professor Rawls is one of Hank's scientific research teams.

Although he is not a mutant, he maintains an extremely open attitude towards mutants and has passed the tests of Charles, Rorschach and others.

Gained the trust of many mutants.

He has worked diligently by Hank's side for more than eight years and has never had any problems.

He doesn't pay attention to anything except scientific research, so everyone is relatively reassured about this person.

And now.

Now that Professor Rawls is here, it is obvious that the problem is in the laboratory.

Hank stood up, and with a trace of doubt, he got up and opened the door.

Sure enough, he saw Professor Rawls, wearing glasses and looking a little unkempt, appearing in front of him.

But at this moment, Professor Rawls looked extremely anxious, and it was obvious that something urgent had happened.

"Professor Hank, no, the Cosmic Cube is missing!"

Professor Rawls said to Hank directly without any nonsense.


Hank was shocked.

After so many years, Hank naturally knows how important the Cosmic Cube is.

Not to mention, many of the weapons they developed based on alien technological transformations require the Cosmic Cube to power them.

Moreover, the core component of the energy protection system Hank designed for the mutants' new country, Krako, is also the Cosmic Cube!

Of course, this is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that Rorschach once said that this thing is one of the six infinity stones!

It is an important item used by Rorschach to enhance his strength and deal with Alitham.

There is no room for error!

"What's going on? Wait a minute, come in with me!"

Before Professor Rawls could say anything, Hank waved his hand and led Professor Rawls into the hall with a very serious expression.

Brought to the front of the mutants.

"What's wrong Hank?"

Raven saw that Hank's face was extremely solemn, and she knew that something big must have happened.

His own expression also became serious.

"The Cosmic Cube is gone." Hank said to everyone in a deep voice.


"How is this going!"

There was a burst of exclamation at the scene.

Hank's words can be said to have stimulated everyone at the scene.

"Professor Rawls, what happened, tell us."

Hank then said to Professor Rawls in a serious tone.

"Just now, I was going to do some testing on the Cosmic Cube, but I suddenly found that the Cosmic Cube was fake and was replaced by someone!"

"I don't know exactly what happened."

Professor Rawls himself was also dizzy, which made everyone anxious.

"Yesterday morning, I used the Cosmic Cube to charge a newly designed weapon. In other words, no matter who did it, it must have been between yesterday afternoon and today."

Hank thought about it for a while and summed up a fairly accurate time period.

The mutants at the scene couldn't help but cheer up slightly.

The theft time was not too long, which was a good thing.

"Charles, use the brain wave enhancer!"

The White Queen immediately reminded solemnly.


A group of people stopped talking nonsense and went to the brain wave enhancement room as soon as possible.

Hank quickly pressed the relevant buttons and started the instrument.

Charles immediately put on his helmet.

He activated his immense mental power, covering the entire earth at once, and began to read everyone's brains, trying to find the Cosmic Cube.

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