American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 300 The culprit actually went to heaven

Everyone is relatively confident about Charles's mental ability. It is no exaggeration to say that it is the most powerful brain in the world.

Especially after using the brain wave enhancer, Charles can kill all mankind with his brain power alone. How terrifying is that?


Even such a terrible brain power failed this time.

After Charles used the brain wave enhancer to search for a while, his face became extremely ugly.

"What's wrong, Charles? Didn't you find out who took the Rubik's Cube?"

The cat-like brows frowned slightly, and she couldn't help but stare at Charles and asked.

The eyes of the other people were the same, all hitting Charles.

"I'm sorry, I haven't found anything yet."

Charles' brows were also frowned like an old chrysanthemum blooming in late autumn, "I'll take a closer look."


After a while, Charles still couldn't find anything.

"Sorry everyone, I didn't find it. I read everyone's memory, but I didn't find out who took the Cosmic Cube."

After searching carefully for several times without success, Charles had to take off his helmet with a look of dejection and helplessness.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became dull.

Everyone's heart seemed to be pressed down by a mountain.

"Could it be that the other party has an instrument that can block Charles' ability?"

Raven thought about it, and after thinking about it, this should be the only possibility.

"They stole the Cosmic Cube and then used the instrument to block Charles' ability. No matter who is behind the scenes, they are well prepared and know us very well."

Eric's face became extremely solemn.

Everyone was silent for a while.

Originally, everyone thought that Mr. Sinister was killed and Apocalypse had not yet revived. During this period, mutants should not encounter any decent enemies. After all, the "configuration" of mutants is too amazing.

It was indeed like this in the twenty years after Mr. Sinister's death.

No matter what kind of enemy it is, it will hardly cause any obstacles to the mutants, and the mutants can easily solve it.

Even in most cases, things can't be exposed to the mutants, and they have long been solved by some vampires and the interest community that has been developed over the years.

But who would have thought.

Twenty years later, when everyone was just immersed in great joy, they were hit hard.

"This is bad. If the person behind the scenes can block telepathy, how can we find the Cosmic Cube?"

The copycat suddenly became a little irritable, "Don't let me know who did it, otherwise I will cut him into pieces!"

"Charles!" After a moment of hesitation, Raven immediately gave a very pertinent and useful opinion, "Hank's laboratory has a strict security system. It is almost impossible to steal the Rubik's Cube quietly, but the other party did it, which means..."

"There is a spy among us!" Eric added on the side.

Yes, this is the only possibility.

There is no other possibility to steal the Cosmic Cube without triggering any alarms or alerting anyone except "our own people".

"That makes sense! I know what to do!"

Charles was refreshed and immediately put on the brainwave enhancer again.

However, this time he did not check all the people on Earth, but only selected those in Hank's laboratory as his target.

He began to read the relevant memories of those people.

And this time, he really got something.

"Parker and Mossen went home to recuperate on February 7 and February 9 respectively because of physical discomfort, but at the same time..."

"They were impersonated! Someone disguised them and sneaked into the laboratory!" Hank said on the side.

He is the general manager of the laboratory, and no one in the laboratory has been absent during this period!

"And Dawn! According to the memories of other personnel, someone saw Dawn being hit by a car three days ago, but Dawn only rested for half a day in the afternoon and came to work as usual the next day."

"Dawn explained to others that he was not hit hard, but according to the memory of the person who saw him being hit, Dawn's injuries were far from being able to recover in half a day."

The matter is now obvious. There is definitely something wrong with that Dawn. He is most likely the culprit who stole the Cosmic Cube.

"Wait a minute! Found it! Dawn is recuperating at home now!"

"But two hours ago, people at the base saw him leave the base, and he was holding a box in his hand!"

The case is solved!

There is no doubt that the one who stole the Cosmic Cube was the person who pretended to be Dawn.

"Charles, since you know the specific time when that guy stole the Cosmic Cube, can you radiate around our base as a radius and explore everyone's memory during that time period?"

The White Queen immediately said on the side.

This method of casting a wide net can find out who saw "Dawn" at the time to the greatest extent possible, and thus track Dawn's whereabouts.

"I understand!"

Charles nodded, and immediately followed the White Queen's advice, starting with the mutant base as the radius, radiating to the surrounding area, and reading everyone's related memories.

Ordinarily, there is nothing wrong with this method, but Charles still couldn't find any useful clues.

Rorschach couldn't wait any longer.

"Two hours, no matter who 'Dawn' is, no matter what means of transportation he takes, he shouldn't be able to get far!"

"I'll go out and look for him myself!"


After saying this, Rorschach stopped talking nonsense, greeted the mutants, and disappeared in an instant.

The next moment.

Rorschach began to fly "carpet-style" with the mutant base as the radius at a speed far exceeding the speed of sound.

While flying, he also used his super hearing and perspective to conduct a 360-degree search without blind spots.

No, this should be called retrieval.

Rorschach didn't believe it. He searched every inch of New York, and couldn't find the Cosmic Cube?

"I didn't expect it to be so easy."

"Easy? Do you know how many faces I have changed? My muscles are aching all over now!"

"You did a good job. The commander will remember your contribution."

"Stop talking nonsense and leave this broken planet as soon as possible."


Sure enough.

In this way, Rorschach soon heard a very crucial conversation.

And this conversation actually came from the sky!

No wonder.

No wonder Charles couldn't find it after searching all over the earth.

After all this time, the person who stole the Cosmic Cube is no longer on the surface of the earth.

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