American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 301 The Skrulls were stunned: The Homelanders were so perverted!

"Fortunately, I have just been upgraded to a silver native, and my super hearing has also been greatly improved. Otherwise, I might not be able to hear this sound."

Luo Xia secretly felt happy.

His current super hearing is still very terrifying. Like Charles wearing a brainwave enhancer, he can easily cover the entire earth.


It's not Rorschach's limit at all.

Thanks to Rorschach's super hearing, the sound Rorschach heard now came from 10,000 meters above the sky!

Frankly speaking, Rorschach didn't have high hopes for hearing anything.

After all, two hours have passed, and the man behind the scenes may not talk about the relevant content.

Rorschach still placed his hope on his own perspective.

Rorschach believed that with his carpet scanning, he would be able to find the Cosmic Cube.

But who would have thought that the truth of the matter is that Rorschach's clairvoyance could not have played any role at all. Instead, the super hearing got heavy information.

They are in heaven!


Now that he had found the specific location of the person who stole the Cosmic Cube, what else could Rorschach say? He immediately launched his super speed and chased towards the source of the sound.

Thousands of meters high in the sky.

A starship is flying rapidly away from the earth.

On the spaceship, several strange-looking "monsters" were chatting and laughing happily.

On a platform in front of them, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube was firmly fixed there.

If Rorschach were here, he would find that these people in front of him are indeed Skrulls.

The Skrulls and the Kree have been looking for the Cosmic Cube, but after Rorschach flapped its wings, the Pegasus Project did not exist at all. It was natural that the Kree were undercover in the military to secretly study the Cosmic Cube. It won't happen either.

This time.

On the contrary, it was the Skrulls who found the Cosmic Cube first.

"I really didn't expect that the energy source actually exists on this barren planet."

The Skrull on the left looked at the Rubik's Cube shining in front of him, his face was filled with light.

The name of the person who spoke was Tujia, a soldier of the Fifth Fleet of the Skrull Seventh Legion.

Because of his outstanding military exploits in the war with the Kree, he was promoted by high-level officials.

Therefore, they were selected to come to Earth to carry out the extremely important task of finding energy sources.

And Tujia lived up to expectations and lurked on the earth for seven years. After tireless investigation and planning, he found the specific "hiding place" of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube in one fell swoop.

And he went on the field himself and stole it.

"Yeah, this is something I never expected."

Next to Tujia, another extremely muscular Skrull man sighed.

That was Tujia's close comrade-in-arms, and also an extremely powerful Skrull warrior, Yabo.

"C53 is a rather interesting planet."

Next to Tujia and Yabo, there was a general who looked very majestic and filled with explosive power.

This person is surprisingly the commander-in-chief who came to Earth this time to seize the Universe Rubik's Cube, Knuckle.

"It is obviously such a low-level planetary civilization, but there are actually some powerful beings on it that make us all extremely afraid."

Knuckle couldn't help but sigh.

"Sir Knuckle, are you talking about mutants?"

Tujia curled his lips, with a disapproving look on his face, "I admit that some mutants do have a few tricks up their sleeves, such as some people in the He is also a weakling in front of me.”

"But what can those very few strong men change? If we invade the Earth, we can easily destroy it!"

"Tujia, don't forget that there is another mutant."

At this time, Yabo remembered something and spit out a name to the other party, "Rorschach, a native of the motherland!"


At the mention of this name, even Tujia's expression could not help but straighten slightly.

He has been lurking on the earth for seven years, and he is naturally familiar with the name of Rorschach, a native of his motherland.

This person is known as the most powerful mutant in the world. It is said that one person can fight against an army.

It is said that more than twenty years ago, he led the mutants and defeated the Cybertronians led by the Decepticons with a special team of only a dozen people.

And that was really not a boast. Tujia had seen the relevant images circulated.

Those images show that Rorschach, a native of the motherland, is really powerful!

"That person is indeed perverted."

Tujia nodded with deep understanding.

But soon, he showed a disapproving look, "But so what? We have already obtained the energy source, and even the people of the motherland can't do anything to us!"

"Yeah, I know he can fly, but I don't believe he can fly to outer space. There's no way his body can withstand it!"

Yabo nodded in agreement, looking relaxed, "I don't believe C53 can have such a strong person!"

How many people in the entire universe can achieve the goal of “wasting away” in space with their physical body?

Even if they are the Kree who are at war with them, the absolute interstellar overlord race, how many of them can do it?

How could a person who is at the absolute top of the universe be born on a barren planet like C53?

That's impossible.

Beep beep!

But at this moment, the alarm of the spacecraft system sounded.

At the same time, there was a prompt sound.

"Warning, UFO detected!"

"Warning, UFO detected!"


Tujia and Yabo looked at each other, and saw a trace of vigilance and confusion in each other's eyes.

Where did the UFO come from?

The only life planet in this star field is C53.

But this planet is so backward that there is no decent spacecraft at all, and it is impossible to fly into space.

Could it be... that the Kree people are chasing us?

Nakel's expression tightened, and he hurried to the console and operated it.

The image of the UFO was immediately enlarged and projected.

Several people glanced at it, as if struck by lightning, and they were all dumbfounded and speechless.

That was not a UFO, it was actually a person.


"What a joke!"

"He actually caught up with our starship?"

Nackel, Tujia, Yabo, and the Skrulls around them were all speechless with shock, and they couldn't believe their eyes.

Not long ago, they were still confident that Homelander could not reach the level of "crossing the universe in the flesh", but in the blink of an eye, they were slapped in the face.

The beating was so thorough, with a loud bang.

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