American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 302 Hardcore, one man takes on an interstellar battleship

"It's really unbelievable that the people of our motherland can be so perverted."

"This man is a monster!"

"What about the monster? What if he comes after me?"

"Yes, I don't believe he can deal with our starship!"

After being extremely shocked, all the Skrulls quickly regained their composure, and their faces showed a cold look again.

That's right.

The people of the motherland were actually able to "flee the universe" to catch up with them, but in the end the other party was alone.

And they were driving star battleships!

They still don’t believe that the motherland can block their artillery fire!

"Sir, what should we do?"

Looking at the people of the motherland who were moving quickly in the image and the distance between them was getting closer and closer, Yabo couldn't help but look at Nakor and ask for his opinion.

"What else can we do? Since he has come to seek death, why should we be polite?"

Tujia on the side snorted mercilessly.

"Weapon system, prepare!"

Nuckl also said nothing nonsense, and immediately gave ruthless orders to the relevant pilots of the battleship.

"Yes, sir!"

The drivers responded and then quickly performed some operations on the advanced operating platform.

The cannon barrels on the interstellar battleship began to turn around, aiming at Rorschach, who was quickly pursuing him.

"The target has been locked. Do you want to launch an attack?"



Following Nuckl's order, energy cannonballs began to hit Rorschach like meteors one after another.

In an instant, the space in front of Rorschach was covered.

Carrying the power of thunder, it swept towards Luo Xia.

When Nakor, Tujia and others saw this scene, they couldn't help but have a proud smile on their lips.

What about the people of the motherland?

To dare to chase someone who doesn't know whether to live or die is simply overestimating one's own abilities and seeking death.

Even if this person has a high prestige on the C53 planet, he is still versatile.

In front of the Skrulls, it's not worth mentioning at all.

Wait until the next moment, the people of the motherland will be blown to pieces by their artillery fire.

"You're really not polite."

Under the gazes of all the Skrulls, Rorschach just curled his lips slightly.

He glanced at the overwhelming energy bombs and took no action at all.

The speed did not slow down at all, and he did not dodge at all, as if he didn't see it at all.

He just rushed forward.

It's not that Rorschach is showing off, but Rorschach is very curious at this moment about how strong his body is after his big improvement!

next moment.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

All the energy bombs hit Luo Xia's body, exploding into dazzling flames.

Huge flames surrounded Luo Xia's entire body.

A sarcastic smile appeared on the lips of Nakor, Tujia and others on the battleship.

The people of the motherland really didn't know what they were thinking. Did they not react at all? Or were the bumpkins from the barren planet frightened by the advanced interstellar weapons? They didn't even make any dodges and were hit easily.

They were blown to pieces.

Thinking about how they were frightened and panicked for a moment when they first saw the people from the motherland, Nuckl and others couldn't help but feel their cheeks burning.

Result, that's it?

He was killed instantly.

Not worth mentioning at all.

"Sir, look!"

But then a cry of surprise sounded.

But a Skrull warrior suddenly pointed at the projection screen in front of them with a shocked expression.

But in the fierce flames, a figure suddenly jumped out. Is it someone from the motherland or someone else?

And at this moment, the motherland man, not to mention injured, looked calm and calm, his face was not red, he was not out of breath, and not even a strand of his hair was messed up.

It's as if there has never been any attack!


"How is this possible?"

"He was actually...unhurt!"

There was a burst of exclamations at the scene.

The chrysanthemum smiles on the faces of Nak'er and others suddenly froze as if they had been struck by a knife.

What replaced it was deep shock and disbelief.

What a joke!

Are their cannonballs made of air?

Can't even kill a native on C53?

How funny!

"Sir, our firepower has had no effect!"

Someone reports.

Of course, this is pure nonsense. Everyone present is not a fool, so there is no need to point this out.

"Quick! Use the railgun!"

Nakor decisively gave this order.

Since ordinary artillery fire doesn't work, the only option is to use this heavyweight weapon.

The Skrull warriors around him couldn't help but secretly gasped when they heard this.

Railguns are specially used to bombard enemy fleets. As long as they hit, one shot is enough to destroy a warship!

Just so tyrannical.

But now, a weapon of this level is only used to deal with one person, one individual!

All the Skrull warriors were really stimulated.

However, looking at the performance of the Homelanders before, ordinary firepower was like scraping. Not to mention annihilating the opponent, it couldn't even break the defense. The only way was to use the rail gun.


When was the rail gun used to deal with one person?

This kind of thing is incredible to think about.

"Yes, sir!"

However, despite the incredible feeling, the relevant soldiers still strictly followed Nakel's order.

Immediately carried out some corresponding operations on the workbench.


The muzzle of the rail gun was immediately aimed at Rorschach, and a dazzling light began to flash on it, and terrible energy was rapidly accumulating.

At the moment of charging.


A terrifying energy shell hit Rorschach in an instant with a lightning speed.

Facing the rail gun, Rorschach didn't dare to be too pretentious. This thing is much more powerful than those ordinary artillery fire.

Even with Rorschach's abnormal physical fitness now, he didn't dare to resist it.

So Rorschach suddenly stretched out his hand, and a terrifying energy barrier suddenly formed in front of him.


The railgun directly hit the telekinetic barrier.

It was immediately perfectly defended.

"Is he dead?"

"He should be dead now, right?"

Rorschach's figure was once again covered by the energy light of the railgun, making it difficult for Nakel and others to see what happened.

They could only guess and infer.

"Do you still need to ask? That's a railgun!"

"It can even blow up interstellar battleships! What about a mere person?"

"What a superfluous question."

According to Nakel and others' guesses, they were very sure that Rorschach must be dead.

However, the next moment.

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