
A figure flashed by, and rushed out of the energy wave in the blink of an eye.

So majestic and heroic.

Who else could it be but Rorschach?

"He's not dead yet!"

"Are you kidding me?"

"What kind of monster is this!"

The Skrull warriors, including Nakel, who were very sure that Rorschach had been killed, almost popped their eyes out, and couldn't believe their eyes at all.

That's a rail gun!

The most powerful firepower equipped on their warships.

Even interstellar battleships can be directly destroyed, but now, they can't kill a mere mortal?

If they didn't see it with their own eyes, they would never believe it.

"Why is this happening? Why is there such a terrible strong man on C53?"

Tujia's face was covered with cold sweat, and his voice was full of panic, no longer calm and arrogant.

The same was true for Yabo beside him.

Even the supreme commander Nakel was not much better.

Although they didn't want to believe it at all, they had to believe that the people in their entire battleship could not do anything to the mortal body of the Homelander!

"Sir, even the orbital guns don't work, what should we do?"

Someone stared at Nakel nervously and asked.

Nakel's face was also very solemn, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.

Because he himself didn't know how to deal with such a terrible enemy!

"Quick, turn the speed to the maximum, we must rush to the jump point as soon as possible!"

"As long as we get to the jump point, everything will be over!"

After a while, Nakel only gave such a plan.

Simply translated, it's two words: escape!

That's right, at this point, in addition to escaping, Nakel can't think of any way to deal with Rorschach.

Although the Homelander is against the sky and perverted, as long as he reaches the jump point for interstellar jump, the other party can only watch his people escape.

After all, without an interstellar battleship, it is impossible to jump!

This is the only way.


But after Nakel gave this order, the soldier driving the battleship reported to him weakly, "The speed of the battleship... has reached the maximum."


Nakel was directly stimulated, and the expression on his face froze.

Speed... is it the fastest?

Then Nakel subconsciously looked at Rorschach on the projection, and saw that the distance between the other party and his battleship was very close, and he was about to catch up!


Nakel's forehead was immediately covered with cold sweat, his breathing became more rapid, and a flash of panic flashed in his eyes.

This expression rarely appears on Nakel, who has experienced many battles. It is really that Rorschach now brings them too much pressure.

They can't kill him, and they can't get rid of him. What should they do?

Tujia, Yabo, and the other Skrull warriors looked at each other, each with a look of confusion and tension, and they didn't know what to do at all.


"Keep firing!"

"I don't believe we can't kill him!"

In the end, Nakel could only make such a decision.


Boom boom boom!

One after another, the railguns were fired at Rorschach, and the energy light in the sky exploded, like a dazzling and magnificent fireworks show.

Nakel and others stared at the projection from beginning to end, hoping from the bottom of their hearts that they could kill the pervert Rorschach.


Things disappointed them again and again.

Homelander was able to rush out of their artillery attack unscathed every time.

They used all their skills to block and attack Rorschach, but they didn't have any effect on the opponent at all.

That's it.

Amid the artillery fire, Rorschach was getting closer and closer to the Skrull interstellar battleship.

In the end.


With a loud noise, the interstellar battleship trembled, and Rorschach in the original projection had disappeared.

The relevant projection was switched back on only after the soldiers on the console had made some operations.

But Rorschach was already standing on the hull of their warship!

In fact, without looking at the projection, Nakel and others knew what was going on. The atmosphere on the scene suddenly became depressing and tense.

Including Nakel, all the Skrull warriors subconsciously raised their heads and looked at the place where the sound was made before.

Everyone knew that the Homelander was standing there at the moment.



The blazing laser beam shot from outside and cut the hull of the warship alive, and then circled around the hull of the warship to form a closed loop.

"Quick, find cover!"

"Fasten your safety belt!"

The Skrulls naturally knew what would happen next, and they quickly rushed back to their seats and sat down, tying their safety belts around themselves to avoid being sucked out by the huge suction force that followed.

Some combatants tied their bodies tightly with something, or desperately grabbed something.

At the same time, they all took out their energy guns and pointed at the place where the top was cut.



A huge force hit, and a big hole suddenly appeared on the top of the warship.

A round "iron plate" was hammered into the warship, and a big hole was smashed in the floor of the warship.

A huge suction force suddenly poured in.

Fortunately, everyone was prepared, and no one was sucked out.


The next moment.

Everyone felt a flash in front of their eyes, and a figure fell in from outside.

Simply standing there, it was like an invincible king.

It brought great pressure to everyone, making everyone a little breathless.

It was Rorschach.

Although all the Skrulls held their energy guns tightly and pointed them at the unarmed Rorschach, they were all very nervous, and some of them even trembled with their hands holding the guns.

It seemed that the person holding the gun was Rorschach.

"Homelander, listen, I know you may think we stole your things, but actually this is a good thing for your planet."

Nackel's voice sounded, and he spoke to Rorschach with a serious face, trying to resolve the crisis with words.

"The Kree are also looking for this thing, once they..."


The sonic boom sounded, interrupting Nackel's voice, but Rorschach's body shook, and Nackel fell directly to the ground.

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