American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 304 The Skrulls’ Nightmare, the Invincible Homelanders

"Captain Nakel!"

"Captain Nakel!"

Several exclamations suddenly rang out at the scene, and several warriors including Tujia and Yabo went to check on Nakel.

They found that Nakel was just knocked unconscious by Rorschach's thunder, but he was not dead.

Only then could they breathe a sigh of relief.

That's right.

Rorschach did spare Nakel's life.

It's not that Rorschach was soft-hearted, but Rorschach intended to learn more about interstellar intelligence through Nakel.

After all, Rorschach will also be in the interstellar world in the future.

Whether it is Rorschach's rank or his desire to collect infinite gems in the future, Rorschach is destined to travel out of the earth and into the universe.


For things like mastering intelligence, Nakel alone is enough.

As for the others?

There is no need for them to live.


Rorschach stopped talking nonsense, and began to shoot out extremely blazing heat rays from his eyes, shooting ruthlessly at the Skrull warriors at the scene.


A scream suddenly sounded, and the Skrull's powerful warrior Tujia was shot in the head by Rorschach in the first moment.

Tujia's good friend Yabo naturally could not escape the disaster, and was cut in half by Rorschach.

As for the other Skrull warriors, they also fell under Rorschach's heat rays one after another.


"Kill him!"

"Ah! Die!"

The remaining Skrull warriors all had red eyes, and the huge fear and anger made them like crazy, frantically pulling the trigger in their hands and firing at Rorschach mercilessly.

Energy bombs shot towards Rorschach all over the sky, even submerging Rorschach's figure.

But Rorschach ignored it, did not dodge, and was even too lazy to use telekinesis to defend, allowing those energy bombs to hit him.

Anyway, those energy bombs were just tickling for him.


Rorschach completely ignored it and continued to sweep the Skrull warriors at the scene slowly.


The pungent smell of blood filled the entire scene. Of course, this smell of blood is different from that of humans, but it must be said that it is also very pungent.

So far, except for Knuckle, who was knocked unconscious by Rorschach, everyone in the entire battleship has been killed by Rorschach, leaving no one behind.

There is naturally nothing to say next. Rorschach picked up the Cosmic Cube, then grabbed Knuckle with one hand and flew out in the air.

Disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Admittedly, the Homelanders do not have a biological force field, but since Rorschach awakened his telekinesis, its function has been completely equivalent to a biological force field.

There is no problem at all with flying people.


Soon, Rorschach's figure fell heavily into the mutant base.

Charles, Eric and other mutant elders who had heard the sonic boom a long time ago all rushed out at the first time.

After seeing Rorschach holding a box in his hand, they all couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The Cosmic Cube has been found!

This is a good thing.

"Rorschach, is there a Rubik's Cube in here?"

Although it was almost certain, the matter was too important, so Hank couldn't help but ask Rorschach for confirmation.

After getting a positive answer from Rorschach, Hank was really relieved.


At this time, everyone's eyes naturally fell on Nakel, who was brought back by Rorschach.

"Who is this guy? Why does he look like a ghost?"

The White Queen couldn't help but grin, looking like she couldn't bear to look directly at him.

Although some mutants look weird, even ugly, the basic human appearance is still there.

But this one in front of him?

He doesn't look like a human at all!

"Is the one who stole the Cosmic Cube really a mutant? Why did he do this?"

Copycat couldn't help but say coldly.

Even if the one in front of him is their compatriot, Copycat has no intention of letting him go!

Traitors should be given the most severe punishment.

"No, he is not a mutant."

Charles showed an unbelievable look on his face, "He is... an alien."


Well, the mutants at the scene were also shocked.

But after all, they had experienced the battle with the Decepticons, and they were very accepting of aliens.

After a moment of subconscious shock, they quickly accepted such an amazing fact.

"Aliens? God, this is too exaggerated."

Raven covered her face directly, deeply stimulated.

She originally thought that the mastermind behind the scenes was a mutant, but it turned out that the mastermind behind the scenes was so powerful.

What virtue and ability did they have to be favored by aliens?

"Charles, why did he steal the Cosmic Cube?"

Eric looked at Charles with a serious face and asked.

"Let's go in and talk!"

Rorschach spoke at this time and waved his hand.

The mutants took Nakel back to the meeting hall together.

Charles began to search Nakel's head and immediately read out all his related memories.


Charles's face turned ugly.

"What's wrong, Charles? What did you see?"

Hank's face also sank, staring at Charles with his eyes.

Something that could make Charles frown must be very, very tricky.

"Everyone, things are much worse than we thought. Although the Cosmic Cube was taken back by Rorschach, this may be just the beginning."

Charles' face was extremely solemn, and then he told everyone about the war between the Kree and the Skrulls, and the "energy source", that is, the importance of the Cosmic Cube in this war.

Everyone at the scene was stunned.

Of course, except for Rorschach who had known the "plot" for a long time.

"The Skrulls believe that the 'energy source' is the key to helping them get rid of the Kree, and the Kree also believe that the 'energy source' is the key to helping them completely defeat the Skrulls?"

"In other words, there are two interstellar races, both eyeing the Cosmic Cube at the same time? Why do we encounter such a thing!"

Eric's voice couldn't help but rise several octaves.

Doesn't this mean that both the Skrulls and the Kree may come to Earth again in the future to fight for the Cosmic Cube?

In the future, will they have to fight against two interstellar races?

What a joke!

They have lived on Earth all their lives and have never been involved in some "interstellar grudges". Why do those interstellar races always come to Earth to make trouble?

"Charles, what kind of races are the Kree and the Skrulls? Are they very powerful?"

After a moment of silence, the White Queen asked such a key question.

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