American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 305: The people of our country have already stood at the top of the universe!

As the White Queen said this, everyone else's eyes were on Charles.

This question is so important that no one is not concerned.

"I know everyone wants to hear answers like 'they are not strong' and 'we can deal with it', but unfortunately."

Charles's expression became more and more solemn when he said this. "According to Nakel, oh, the guy in front of us, according to his memory, both the Kree and the Skrulls are very powerful interstellar races. In fact, they are still at the top."

"Especially the Kree, they are the overlords of the universe!"

"They have a civilization that is hundreds of years more advanced than the Earth. They have a powerful fleet that can sweep across the universe and colonize many galaxies."

"In the impression of their two races, the Earth is a 'barren' 'indigenous planet'."

"Yes, that's right, it's really frustrating, but I'm afraid we are really facing an extremely bad situation."

As Charles said this, the atmosphere at the scene began to become extremely depressing.

Everyone's heart seemed to be pressed down by a mountain, extremely heavy.

Even breathing seemed to become very difficult.

The Earth has not yet reached the interstellar age, but it suddenly has two potential enemies from the top interstellar races?

This kind of thing is really too hard to accept.

"The Skrulls have physical fitness that surpasses that of Earthlings, and they have very advanced fleets and weapons. In addition, they also have the ability to transform."

After a pause, Charles began to tell everyone about the relevant information about the Skrulls.

"The reason why the Cosmic Cube was successfully stolen was because a Skrull named Tujia used his ability to transform into one of ours, lurked in the laboratory for several days, and completely understood the situation of the laboratory, so he was able to steal the Cosmic Cube quietly."

Raven and Copycat at the scene couldn't help but show a strange look on their faces. They also have this ability.

"The Skrulls can not only transform, but also imitate, and it is a very realistic and perfect imitation, so realistic that even very close people, even family members, cannot find the flaws."

"So no one in the laboratory can find Tujia's disguise."

Through Charles' explanation, the whole process of how the Cosmic Cube was stolen came to light.

Everyone knew it in their hearts.

Because of this, everyone is full of fear of the Skrulls' abilities.

Because in this way, doesn't it mean that any of them may be disguised by Skrulls!

Except for people like Charles and the White Queen who can read the brain directly, who can distinguish the real from the fake?

"Charles, tell us everything you see!"

Eric spoke in a deep voice at this time, saying to Charles.

For the enemies that may appear in the future, the more you know, the better.

Charles nodded.

In fact, Eric would do this without him saying much, and then he told everyone all the relevant information about the Skrulls and the Kree that he had obtained.

The atmosphere at the scene became more and more solemn.

The more Charles talked, the more they could feel the strength of the Skrulls and the Kree.


When the atmosphere was solemn, Charles changed the subject and brought everyone the only comfort, "According to Knuckle's memory, Rorschach is already a strong man standing at the top of the universe! Even they were frightened by Rorschach and trembled. This is not an exaggeration, but an objective description."


One after another, eyes fell on Rorschach.

Even the mutant elders who had long known about Rorschach's extraordinary power could not help but secretly gasp.

They knew Rorschach was powerful, but standing at the top of the universe was too exaggerated, right?

"Do you know how Rorschach caught Knuckle?" Charles asked with a smile and glanced at everyone.

This question really whetted everyone's appetite.

After all, even Charles couldn't find this alien with his psychic ability, so how could Rorschach find it so quickly?

"After Nakel got the Cosmic Cube, he immediately evacuated on an interstellar battleship, so I didn't find him because he was no longer on Earth!"

Ah, this!

So, is this the case?

The mutants were stunned.

No wonder they couldn't find him. It turned out that it wasn't some device that blocked Charles' ability, but that he was not on the surface at all!

"So what happened later?" Hank pushed his glasses.

"Later, Rorschach flew to an altitude of tens of thousands of meters to catch up with them, destroyed their battleships, killed all of them except him, and then brought back the Cosmic Cube."

Mutants: "..."

Isn't this a bit exaggerated?

Even for someone like Rorschach!

It seems.

Even they never knew where Rorschach's true limit was, because the strength of the enemies on Earth was too limited, and no one could really inspire Rorschach's true strength.

And this is undoubtedly a good thing, and everyone has just gained a certain degree of comfort in their hearts.

That's right.

Only to a certain extent.

After all, no matter how powerful Rorschach is as a single person, he is still just one person. He cannot possibly stop his huge fleet, right?

"Charles, next I want you to do two things."

Rorschach, who had not expressed much opinions until now, spoke up at this time, "First thing, search for other Skrulls on the earth, and also see if there are any Kree lurking on the earth. "

Charles nodded and said nothing more. This kind of thing was natural.

"The second thing is that I want to pay attention to a person. Her name is Carol Danvers, and she is an Air Force officer." Rorschach said to Charles again.

Now that the Skrulls and Kree are coming to Earth, it means Captain Marvel is also coming online.

And once Captain Marvel comes online, who are the Kree and the Skrulls?

Coupled with a Rorschach, with the two of them on the planet, it would be as stable as a rock.

"Carol Danvers? Who is this?"

Raven immediately asked in surprise and confusion.

Looking for Skrulls and Kree is fine, but what the hell is looking for an Air Force?

"She will be our secret weapon to fight and even deter interstellar forces! I know that Charles just saw a worrying fact, but you don't need to worry, the earth is not a soft persimmon!"

Rorschach said to everyone meaningfully.

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