American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 306: Brutal attack, killing all Kree and Skrull people

Secret weapon?

Do you want to be so exaggerated?

In one sentence, the curiosity of all the mutants present was suddenly piqued by Rorschach.

With Rorschach's current rank, he can actually give such a high evaluation. Everyone really wants to know who Carol Danvers is.

"Rorschach, who is this Carol? Do you value him so much?" The imitation cat couldn't help but ask.

Others also looked at Rorschach with curious eyes.

"Carol is just an ordinary air force now, but in the near future, she will become a powerful warrior!"

Rorschach said to everyone confidently.

This matter has been verified by another parallel universe, and in his own world, Rorschach has not done anything that can affect the "storyline" of Captain Marvel.

So there is basically no doubt that Danvers Carroll will grow into Captain Marvel.

To ordinary people, Rorschach's words may sound a bit crazy. After all, how do you know what's going to happen in the future?

But since this was said by Rorschach, the mutants still believed it.

After spending such a long time with Rorschach, everyone has deeply felt the unfathomable nature of Rorschach.

In addition to his perverted strength, Rorschach also seems to have some kind of ability, or some kind of channel, to know many things that others don't know.

For example, the original Decepticon battle.

No one knew what those "robots" were, but Rorschach knew their origins.

There are also Lorraine, Mr. Sinister, etc., there are many such examples.

Not to mention, Rorschach has also been to the future once and knows about some powerful people who will be born in the future, which is a matter of course.

So everyone did not doubt Rorschach's words, but suddenly became extremely interested in Carol Danvers.

"Just pay attention to her. Is there anything else you should do besides paying attention to her?"

Charles' voice sounded, and he glanced at Rorschach and asked seriously.

"No need, just keep an eye on her."

Charles nodded.

Then the group of people stopped talking nonsense and came to the brainwave enhancement room again.

Charles once again put on the brainwave enhancer and began to explore the entire earth.

Soon, there was a harvest.

"Rorschach, your guess is correct. There are indeed some Skrulls and Kree lurking on the earth. They have infiltrated into many functional departments, and some even hold important positions in some core departments."

Charles's face became a little ugly, and everyone at the scene couldn't help but frown after hearing this.

Although it had been expected for a long time, no one expected that things would be so bad.

"It makes no sense. What do these guys think of the earth?"

Eric immediately snorted angrily.

Forget about the Decepticons, Lorraine and Mauga people more than 20 years ago, and the result is here again?

Do these interstellar races, one or two, really think that the earth is easy to bully?

Running to the earth one after another to cause trouble?

If the previous interstellar races all had their own goals and at least had no direct conflicts of interest with the mutants, but now the Kree and Skrulls' goals are the Cosmic Cube!

"Their goal is indeed the Cosmic Rubik's Cube?"

The chief housekeeper Rui Wen then asked.

"That's right, they infiltrated various departments just to investigate the whereabouts of the Cosmic Cube."

Charles nodded again, "Not only that, they already have a lot of clues. I'm afraid it won't be long before they find out about us."

The "they" here naturally refers to the Cree people.

The Skrulls have long known that the Cosmic Cube is in the hands of mutants. The reason why they still keep some people on the earth is, on the one hand, to pay attention to the movements of the Kree, and on the other hand, they have other ambitions.

Although the Skrulls are portrayed as victims in "Captain Marvel", in fact, this race is not a good bird.

"We should have made preparations early!" the White Queen said seriously.

And everyone still agrees with this.

Before the Kree found the Cosmic Cube, everyone already knew the Kree's purpose. This is our only advantage at present.

"Rorschach, what do you think?"

Hank looked at Rorschach and asked Rorschach for his opinion.

Others also set their sights on Rorschach.

Although the mutants are still led by the trio of Rorschach, Charles and Eric, there is no doubt that the one with the highest prestige is Rorschach.

"My thoughts?" Rorschach raised his eyebrows, a cold light flashed in his eyes, "Kill all those interstellar races, whether they are Kree or Skrulls, kill them all!"

Rorschach's words were resounding and powerful.

"That's right, these are the people from the motherland I know!"

The White Queen was the first to agree, "Those ambitious guys should all be killed!"

"I agree!"

Eric, who has always been extremely radical, is even less likely to have any objections.

As for the other backbone mutants, there is actually not much to say.

Even someone like Charles, who has always seemed a bit saintly, cannot have any undue sympathy for those interstellar races.

Those are invaders who have invaded the Earth, and there is nothing to say about wielding the butcher knife against them.

The only thing everyone is worried about is whether killing all those people will alert the enemy.

"Alerting the enemy? It doesn't matter now!" Copycat couldn't help laughing on the side, "The Skrulls have found out that the Rubik's Cube is in our hands, and the Kree have also grasped the real clues. It won't be long before they will find us. Why are we still considering alerting the enemy now?"

After a simple exchange, everyone quickly reached a consensus to kill all the Skrulls and Kree lurking on the Earth.

The only trouble is that those people have long been integrated into human society, and many of them hold important positions. If they act rashly, it may cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

It may even cause the relationship between mutants and ordinary people, which has been maintained with great difficulty, to deteriorate further.

This is something Charles doesn't want to see anyway.

"If this is what you are worried about, Charles, in fact, I have a perfect solution."

Rorschach smiled, "You can use your ability here to destroy their brains and kill them all silently."

Ah this!

The mutants were stunned by what Rorschach said, but soon their eyes lit up, because Rorschach's method was truly amazing.

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