American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 307 The Kree Fleet? Not worth mentioning!

Looking at all the mutants in the world, everyone's abilities can be said to be all kinds of strange and varied, and there are all kinds of abilities.

But generally speaking, they can actually be divided into two major categories.

The first is the combat type.

The most typical one is Rorschach, as well as Magneto Eric, Cyclops Scott, Liz Sherman, etc.

The second category is naturally the auxiliary type.

This type of mutant often does not have direct combat ability or aggressiveness, but can play a very important role in many other fields besides combat.

The most typical ones are Professor X Charles, Mystique Raven, etc.

Of course, this is just a simple and rough classification, nothing more.

There are many mutants who can take both types into account, such as Vincent in the current X-Men.

But for Charles, everyone has always regarded him as an auxiliary staff.

In addition to reconnaissance, providing tactical cover, etc., Charles' abilities have really not been thought of in other places.

So much so that it has always been overlooked that Charles' abilities can also be used to kill people!

And it is the kind of seamless killing that no one else can do!

When Charles projects too much mental power directly into a person's brain, the other person's brain will not be able to bear it at all, and will die directly due to brain overload or mental breakdown.

There is no visible injury from the outside!

In addition, Charles's killing completely transcends the limitations of the region, and he can kill people remotely from thousands of miles away without leaving any clues.

His mental ability is simply tailor-made for perfect killing.

In other words, Charles is kind-hearted. If his personality is swapped with Eric's, even Rorschach can't help but shudder.

"Why didn't I think of it?"

Eric immediately looked at Charles with an instigating look, patting Charles on the shoulder, "Charles, this is indeed a good idea!"

"That's right, Charles, if you take action, the problems you are worried about will not occur at all!" Raven said with great enthusiasm.

"No, I can't do this kind of thing, my ability is not used to kill people."

Charles shook his head again and again.

This kind of thing is really a bit beyond the bottom line for him.

Even when facing a real enemy, he has never used his ability to kill people.

"They are not human!" The White Queen said leisurely.

Others also kept making noises, hoping that Charles would take action and kill those enemies.

It's not that Charles must take action in this matter, but more of everyone's bad taste.

It's just a pity that Charles' nature is not so easy to change. Although he knows that this is indeed the most perfect method, he can't get over the hurdle in his heart after all.

"Okay, don't make things difficult for Charles."

It was still Rorschach who rescued Charles. He just had an idea on a whim, and he didn't have to ask Charles to do it.

Since Charles really didn't want to, Rorschach naturally wouldn't force him.

"Charles, leave those people to me, you are only responsible for what you should do, is there any problem?"

"Of course, I can do this."

"OK, then, let's start now! Emma?" Rorschach stretched out his hand to the White Queen.

There was no way, he had system protection, Charles could not communicate with him directly, and needed the White Queen to act as a medium.

And with the White Queen's psychic ability, Rorschach can also enter any place quietly.

Just like the two of them invaded the Intelligence Agency and the Pentagon.

"Glad to help. In fact, I miss the days when I killed people with you."

The White Queen smiled, took out the micro brain wave enhancer made by Hank, and then walked over and hugged Rorschach tightly.


A sonic boom sounded, and the figures of Rorschach and the White Queen disappeared.

With Rorschach personally taking action, there is no need to say more. It only took more than half an hour for Rorschach to kill all the Skrulls and Kree scattered across the United States.

With the White Queen, Rorschach's entire action was silent from beginning to end, and no one noticed it.

Even the bodies of the Skrulls and Kree were specially handed over by Rorschach to his vampire forces for disposal, and no traces were left.

In addition, the White Queen and Charles used their psychic powers to modify the memories of the relevant personnel, so those Skrulls and Kree people really died quietly.

No one noticed.

For now, the problem of those Skrulls and Kree people lurking on the earth has been temporarily solved.

But everyone understands that this is only temporary.

Whether it is the Skrulls or the Kree, it won't take long for them to find that all the people they infiltrated on the earth have been killed.

Then at that time, the other party will definitely take corresponding measures.

And for this, the mutants have already made corresponding preparations.

Especially for Rorschach, he has the advantage of foresight and knows the strength of the Kree and Skrulls better than others.

To be honest, he is not really afraid of the upcoming Kree fleet.

Although Rorschach thought that he might not be able to scare Ronan away like Captain Marvel, it was not difficult for Rorschach to resist an ordinary fleet.

This has been verified through the battle with the Skrulls in the air.

So Rorschach was not panicked at all.

"Everyone, the matter of the Skrulls and the Kree has come to an end for the time being. We should do what we should do next, don't worry."

Rorschach said to the mutants.

And in the following days, everyone did exactly that, and continued to be busy with matters related to the founding of the country.

It seemed that those Kree and Skrulls had never appeared.


Hala, the capital of the Kree Empire.

"What did you say, all our spies lurking on Earth have lost contact?"

Yong Logue looked at the warrior in front of him, and couldn't help showing a very surprised look on his face, "Are you sure, all of them?"

"Yes, sir, all of them!"

Yong Logue's brows could not help but begin to frown deeply.

You know, they have a lot of undercover agents on Earth, some of whom have been lurking on Earth for more than ten years, infiltrating various institutions and departments on Earth.

How could they suddenly lose contact?

This kind of thing means that someone can see through all their undercover agents on Earth and attack them at the same time.

In the whole process, they don't even let their undercover agents send signals!

This kind of thing is really too difficult.

Some people may not remember who Yon Logue is. He is the villain in "Captain Marvel", played by Jude Law.

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