American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 308 The arrival of the Kree and the beginning of the invasion

"What on earth did they encounter on C53?"

Yong Logue's brows suddenly wrinkled like an old chrysanthemum blooming in late autumn.

For this situation, he actually had a natural judgment, that is, all the undercovers they sent out were secretly killed.

This is the most likely explanation.

Otherwise, it is really unreasonable for the Kree people scattered in different places to lose contact.

But, there is only C53!

That barren and backward planet, the level of civilization is so primitive and backward, let alone entering the interstellar era, even by the standard of "civilization within the planet", it is very, very rough.

Such a planet should be very, very safe for them, the Kree.

Even if some accidents really happen, or encounter some crises, the Kree should be able to solve them.

Even if they really can't solve them, then it is impossible to report to the headquarters, right?

"In addition, we found the wreckage of an interstellar spaceship in the space near C53. It was the wreckage of the Skrull spaceship!"

A voice sounded again, breaking the silence at the scene, and the subordinates continued to report to Yong Logue.


Yong Logue's eyebrows raised.

At this time, a natural thought flashed through his mind: This matter was done by the Skrulls!

The Kree and the Skrulls have experienced wars for many years, and they don't know how many years they have been fighting. Yong Logue is naturally very familiar with this old opponent.

Of course, he is also very clear about the "characteristic" of the other party's perfect transformation.

If the Skrulls also sent undercovers and turned into earthlings, approached them silently, and attacked them, and made all the Kree lose contact, it is not impossible.

Although in Yong Logue's impression, the Skrulls do not have such a strong ability, it is almost impossible to find all the Kree undercovers.

But apart from this, Yong Logue really can't think of any other more reasonable reasons.

And even if it is unreasonable, it is more reasonable than the natives of the barren planet C53.

There is only one thing, who destroyed the Skrull warship?

First of all, C53 is absolutely impossible, so this point is ruled out first.

But at the same time, apart from the Kree and the Skrulls, no other interstellar forces have paid attention to C53. Who did this?

It's confusing!

There is no clue.

Even people like Yong Roger feel a mess.

"Is there any other relevant information?"

After Yong Roger put away his thoughts, he glanced at the Kree warrior standing in front of him again.

"Sir, this is all for now."

"I know, you go down first!"

Yong Roger waved his hand and sent his subordinate away.

After that, Yong Roger didn't say anything nonsense, and immediately flashed out and came to the most sacred and magnificent hall in Hala.

There, Yong Logue connected to the Supreme Wisdom and reported some of the intelligence he had just obtained and some of his own analysis to the Supreme Wisdom.

"Find out what's going on immediately!"

"'Energy source' is a very important thing, and it must be found!"

"The Skrulls, like us, also know that the energy source is hidden on C53. We can't let them find it first!"

The Supreme Wisdom gave an order to Yong Logue.

"I understand!"

Yong Logue responded respectfully, and then disconnected from the Supreme Wisdom.


After leaving the Supreme Wisdom, Yong Logue immediately called his most capable confidant and gave him an important task.

"Go to C53 and find out what's going on!"

"At the same time, find the energy source and bring it back!"

Yong Logue ordered Tarot in a sonorous voice.

"Yes, sir!"

Tarot also answered in a sonorous voice.

There was nothing to say next. Taro immediately led a combat formation and boarded an interstellar battleship to the earth.


Florida, a deserted wilderness.


A cool interstellar spaceship descended from the sky, spewing blazing flames and slowly landed on the ground.


The hatch opened, and Taro and several fully armed Kree warriors walked down from the interstellar spaceship one after another.


Taro stretched out his hand, and a projection screen suddenly popped up on a "wristband" on the arm of his combat suit.

Taro quickly clicked on it a few times and performed some corresponding operations.

The Kree battleship that was originally parked behind them suddenly became transparent.

Invisibility technology, this is a technology that the earth cannot master in this period of time or even for a long time in the future, but it has long been mastered by the Kree.

It must be said that there is indeed an insurmountable gap between the earth civilization and the Kree civilization.

After hiding his warship, Tarot did not stop, but continued with other operations.

Soon, a point was marked on the projection panel in front of him.

"Found it!"

Tarot's eyes lit up, and he began to search carefully on the scene according to the mark.

Soon, the figures of the group of people stopped at an "open space".

Tarot waved to some soldiers behind him, and someone immediately brought some equipment that the earthlings could not understand at all and handed it to Tarot.

Tarot took it and continued to operate on the equipment.

Ding ding ding!

Ding ding ding!

Not long after such a sound, in front of them, the light was distorted, and another interstellar battleship appeared in front of everyone.

That battleship was the battleship of the other Kree people lurking on the earth, and it had been hiding here all the time.

Just now, Tarot was cracking the relevant systems of this other battleship, canceling the relevant security protocols, and gaining control of this battleship.


After taking over this battleship, Tarot performed some operations again, and the hatch of the battleship opened directly.

Taro left a few soldiers on guard, and led the others into the warship, called up the warship system, and performed some operations.

In an instant, all the mission logs of the Kree undercover on Earth were retrieved by Taro.

After checking, Taro frowned slightly.

Through these mission logs, he did not find anything wrong.

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