American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 309 The shock of the Kree people: When did the earthlings become so strong?

Didi didi!

After checking the mission log, Tarot continued to operate on the panel.

All the mission logs of those undercover agents were sent to Yong Rogge in Hara.


Tarot began to frown and fell into deep contemplation.

It can be clearly seen from the mission log that even on the day of the mysterious disappearance, these undercover agents were performing their mission normally and did not find anything suspicious or suspicious people.

So, what happened to these people?

Tarot is puzzling.

He sensed that things might be a little tricky, maybe not as simple as he thought.

Didi didi!

Not long after, Yong Rogg sent a communication invitation to Tarot. Naturally, Tarot had no nonsense and immediately started to connect.

The projection of Yong Rogg suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Of course, no one else can see that projection, only Tarot can see it.

Similar to the panel you see when Tony Stark puts on the Iron Suit.

"There is nothing unusual about their mission logs." Yong Rogg also raised the same question as Tarot.

"Yes, sir."

"Apart from this, have you discovered anything else?" Yong Rogg asked again.


Tarot was about to answer when suddenly the Cree warrior outside let out a sharp shout.

"Sir, please wait a moment!"

Taro pondered for a moment, then said hello to Yong Rogg, and then took the soldiers in the battleship out to check the situation.

Then they discovered that two human soldiers had discovered them.

Tarot immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he thought something had happened, but it turned out to be two natives on the C53.

In front of their elite Kree warriors, this was a completely ant-like existence, not worth mentioning at all.

At this moment, the two indigenous warriors were holding ridiculous toy guns in their hands, subconsciously pointing at their own warriors.

But at the same time, their eyes kept glancing towards the extremely advanced Kree battleship on the side, with shock written on their faces.

"Who are you?"

One of the female warriors, with a touch of irrepressible shock and a trace of nervousness on her face, stared at the Kree warriors and asked.

It can be seen that the warship, which is far beyond the civilization of the earth, is severely impacting the three views of the female warrior.

And if Rorschach were here, he would find that this female warrior was none other than Danvers Carroll, whom he had asked Charles to pay attention to before.

Just half an hour ago, Danforth Carroll's military district detected an unidentified flying object flying through the no-fly zone. The speed was extremely fast, far exceeding the current various air force fighters.

So Carol Danvers was sent to investigate what the UFO was.

Frankly speaking, Carol Danvers had various speculations about this before coming, but no matter what, he never expected that it would be such an advanced aircraft.

"Kill them!"

However, Tarot ignored Carol Danvers at all and gave orders to his men ruthlessly.

When Carol Danvers and his comrades heard this, their expressions changed drastically.

He immediately raised the gun in his hand and pulled the trigger on the Kree soldiers.

Bang bang!

The piercing sound of gunfire suddenly rang out.

But at the same time.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Several blasts of sound also rang out, and several energy bombs were fired at Carol Danvers and his comrades at the same time.

After a brief period of noise, the scene quickly returned to calm.

Carol Danvers and her comrades both fell to the ground.

His comrade-in-arms covered his neck and twitched on the ground, but he couldn't stop the blood spurting out like a fountain.

Carol Danvers was also shot in the chest and was seriously injured.

She felt that her life was passing quickly, and the vision in front of her eyes seemed to become a little blurry.

She raised her head with great effort, only to see blue blood flowing out of a Kree warrior she had wounded.

That's not the color of human blood at all!

"What the hell are you...?"

Carol Danvers asked as she looked at the Tarot people with great effort.

Everything that happened today hit Carol Danvers' nerves like a storm.

If she didn't understand these problems, she would feel that she would die in a miserable way.

It's just a pity.

But no one cares about a dying person like Carol Danvers.


Tarot turned around and walked towards the battleship, completely forgetting the two ants.


But at this moment, a loud explosion suddenly sounded, and then a strong gust of wind hit.

The Kree warriors felt their eyes blurred, and they didn't even react when they saw someone suddenly appear on the scene.

"what's the situation?"

All the Kree warriors were all surprised. This man... actually flew over!

What a joke!

When will the natives on C53 be able to fly?

"Who is this guy?"

Even Yong Rogg, who saw everything through the images transmitted in the Tarot communicator, was stunned for a while.

There is no doubt that the person who suddenly appeared was Rorschach.

After Rorschach arrived at the scene, he looked down at Carol Danvers and found that the other party's injuries were still very serious.

If he was not treated in time, he might die at any time.

In this case, Rorschach did not say anything nonsense.

"Who are you?"

Taro's voice sounded at this time, and the other party stared at Rorschach with a solemn and alert face and asked.

Although this person looked like the natives on C53, he brought him a suffocating oppression.

That kind of oppression, even when he faced a powerful person like Yong Roger, he had never felt it.


How could Rorschach waste more time talking to these minions? He ignored them at all, and mercilessly shot out extremely hot rays from his eyes, sweeping them fiercely at these Kree warriors.

A scream and a sound of fear suddenly sounded.

Where Rorschach's heat rays passed, those extremely powerful Kree warriors fell to the ground covered in blood like fragile pieces of paper.

Their bodies were cut in half!

Chi chi chi!

Those Kree warriors also attacked Rorschach immediately.

Unfortunately, their energy guns were useless in front of Rorschach, and hitting Rorschach was like tickling.

It had no effect.

In this case, in just a blink of an eye, all the Kree people, including Taro, were killed by Rorschach.

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