American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 310 Captain Marvel is coming online

Rorschach immediately retracted the heat ray, and without even looking at the bodies of the Kree lying on the ground, he walked straight to Carol Danvers.


Carol Danvers naturally recognized Rorschach.

After all, Rorschach is now a national star. Whether they are mutants or not, there are really few people who don't know Rorschach.

Even looking at the whole of America, Rorschach actually has quite a few fans!

In any case, this is also the strong man who led the mutants to defeat the Decepticons and save the earth.

"You are seriously injured, don't talk."

Rorschach nodded to Carol Danvers, and then hugged him.

"Dan, Danny..."

Carol Danvers pointed at her comrade lying on the ground with difficulty.

"I'm sorry, he's dead."

Rorschach explained to Carol Danvers.

Then he stopped talking nonsense, wrapped the other party with telekinesis, and flew away in the air with a bang.


The next moment.

Rorschach's body fell heavily on the mutant base.

"Selina, call Ike over."

Rorschach immediately told Selina and quickly carried Carol Danvers to the sanatorium in the base.

Ike, formerly known as Ike Damon, is now a member of the Rorschach mutant family. His ability is quite practical: treatment.

No matter how much the injury is, as long as the person is not dead, Ike can use his ability to heal him.

For all the mutants, he is a treasure.


"Leave the person to me!"

The staff of the sanatorium saw Rorschach personally carrying a wounded person in, and did not dare to neglect it. He immediately stepped forward to take over Carol Danvers and pushed her into the ward as quickly as possible.


After receiving the news, Ike rushed to the sanatorium as soon as possible.

"Rorschach! What's going on?"

"What happened? Who's injured?"

Raven, Hank and other mutant elders also rushed to the sanatorium at the first time.

Rorschach's return with a wounded person also alarmed them.

That's right.

Although Rorschach asked Charles to pay more attention to Carol Danvers, Charles and Eric were busy with the founding of the country and were very busy all day long. They didn't have that much time to stare at others.

Even if Charles was not busy, he couldn't stare at Carol Danvers all day long.

So the person who discovered Carol Danvers's distress this time was not Charles, but Rorschach himself.

Because the moment Taro's starship flew to America, Rorschach heard it with his super hearing.

Everything that happened after that was under Rorschach's surveillance, including Carol Danvers' injury.

Of course.

With Rorschach's current abilities, it would be no problem to prevent the tragedy that happened to Carol Danvers.

Saving her before she gets hurt is as easy as eating and drinking.

But Rorschach didn't choose to do that.

After all, he was actually selfish from the beginning to the end, and his purpose was to use such a powerful hacker as Captain Marvel for his own use.

To achieve this goal, Carol Danvers naturally needs to get hurt, and then he will become her savior, and the next thing will naturally follow, just as another parallel world develops.

And another parallel world also gave Rorschach a reference: Carol Danvers will only get hurt, but will not die.

So Rorschach will make a brilliant appearance at the most critical moment.

"Ike, go in and save people first!"

In an emergency, Rorschach did not pay attention to the mutants first, but greeted Ike Damon and asked him to go in and save people first.

Then he explained to the mutant elders that the injured person was Carol Danvers, who everyone was familiar with during this period.

With Ike Damon there, Carol Danvers' injury would not be a problem, so the mutants were not too worried. Instead, they were curious and lay outside the window, looking at Carol Danvers.

They wanted to see what was so extraordinary about this woman that Rorschach thought so highly of her.

But after a glance, everyone was a little disappointed. Isn't she just an ordinary aunt?

"Dean, the person is fine, but he is a little tired mentally. He may need to sleep for a while."

Soon, Ike Damon came out of the sanatorium and reported to Rorschach.

"Thank you for your hard work. Go and get busy."

Rorschach patted the other person on the shoulder.

After handing Carol Danvers over to the staff in the sanatorium, Rorschach returned to the meeting hall with the mutant elders.

"Rorschach, what's going on? How could Carol be so badly injured?"

Raven couldn't help but look at Rorschach and ask.

Rorschach told the mutant elders the news that a Kree warship had flown to Earth.

"They finally came."

Hank said solemnly.

The other mutant elders were the same, and the atmosphere in the hall was a little dull.

Since Rorschach killed all the aliens on Earth, everyone knew that this day would come sooner or later, but they didn't expect it to come so soon.

"Don't worry, I know what the Kree people are doing, they can't make any waves." Rorschach said confidently.

Now that Big Mom has been settled in the base and has witnessed the aliens killing her compatriots, there is basically no problem in using the Cosmic Cube to irradiate Big Mom and transform her into Captain Marvel.

Rorschach still has great confidence in this.

After all, it's just copying homework from a successful case in another parallel universe. If this goes wrong, Rorschach feels that he can really commit suicide.

Seeing Rorschach's confidence, the mutant elders at the scene seemed to have taken a reassurance pill and felt much more at ease.

"Okay, don't think too much, there are some things we still need to deal with."

"The first thing is that I killed all the Kree people at the scene, but rescuing Carol is important. I didn't deal with the scene. Raven, this matter is left to you."

"Hank, the Kree have two intact warships parked there, I'll leave it to you."

Rorschach clapped his hands and ordered casually.

"Two interstellar battleships?"

Hank's eyes lit up all of a sudden.

That's really a good thing. Once it's studied thoroughly, how much will it gain?

There was no more nonsense, and he took Raven and other relevant personnel and set off excitedly.

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