American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 311 Howard's Death and Loki the Treasure Boy

(The title number is wrong, this chapter is Chapter 310)

Hala, the capital of the Kree Empire.


The blazing heat rays swept through the Kree warriors like the scythe of the god of death. Those Kree warriors had no power to resist and fell to the ground.

At the same time, the firepower of the Kree warriors had no effect on the native of C53!

Looking at the image that had been played several times in front of him, Yong Logue's face was still grim.

A question always lingered in his mind: Who is that guy with laser eyes?

Even if he was not "on the scene", Yong Logue felt a great oppression just through the image.

Too strong!

That guy is so strong that it's suffocating!

When did such a strong man appear on C53?

Wait a minute!

While frowning, Yong Logue suddenly changed his expression and remembered some relevant information.

Could it be that the guy is a mutant?

That's right.

Yon-Rogg knew about the mutant group.

According to intelligence, mutants are also human, but they are more like a subspecies of humans.

Everyone in this group has some "superpowers" that ordinary people do not have.

However, although there are some strong people in this group, the number is too small. Even if most people have "superpowers", their overall strength is still not outstanding.

So neither Yon-Rogg nor other Kree people took the mutant group to heart.

After all.

In front of the Kree's advanced civilization that far exceeds C53, individual bravery is not worth mentioning at all.

Even if you are a powerful mutant, can you still stop the Kree's weapons and warships?

It's just a joke.

But at the moment, the guy on the screen is completely beyond Yon-Rogg's expectations.

This person not only can fly, but also has terrifying attack and defense power. One person is enough to sweep a Kree team!

Let Yon-Rogg feel a huge threat.

"I underestimated C53!"

Yong·Roger was silent for a long time, and then he couldn't help but sighed.

C53 was not the soft persimmon he imagined that he could easily manipulate!

The appearance of Rorschach greatly changed Yong·Roger's previous view of the earth.

"If this is the case, could our undercovers also be the natives of C53? Or, the mutants?"

Yong·Roger then fell into deep thought again.

Before, because of the inherent prejudice and contempt for C53, Yong·Roger didn't think about it, but now it seems that this possibility is not impossible!

Although it is incredible to make all the Kree undercovers "disappear" at the same time, what if it is some special ability?

Wouldn't there be a certain rationality?

This matter was somewhat beyond Yong·Roger's expectations.

"It seems that I have to go there in person!"

After thinking for a while, Yong·Roger made such a decision.

And this time

Yon Logue will lead an elite force to reign over C53.

Let all the natives on that barren planet feel the fear from their Kree people.

Including the mutants!

As for the guy who killed Taro in the video, he must die.

At this moment, Yon Logue put the other party on his must-kill list.


Mutant base.

"Where is this?"

"I'm not dead?"

Carol Danvers slowly opened her eyes and saw herself lying in an elegant and high-end ward.

Subconsciously feeling her body again, Carol Danvers found that nothing happened to her.

But she clearly remembered that she was hit by several energy guns and was about to die.


"Yes, it was Homelander who saved me!"

Then, relevant memories came, and Carol Danvers immediately realized what happened.


Carol Danvers's face changed.

Her comrade Danny is dead.

She would have died like Danny, but Homelander showed up in time and took her away.

It was Homelander who saved her life!

"Are you awake?"

A voice sounded, and it was a short-haired woman in a black windbreaker who looked heroic and valiant, who appeared in the ward.

It was Selina.

"How do you feel?" Selina walked in front of Carol Danvers.

"Very good, thank you!" Carol Danvers thanked Selina from the bottom of her heart, and was amazed, "All those gunshot wounds on my body, those weird gunshot wounds, are gone, this is really magical."

"Ike Damon, he has the ability to heal others."

Selina simply explained to Carol Danvers.

Carol Danvers suddenly realized.

Homelander is a mutant, so now, she should be in the other mutant base!

Then it is not strange that there are some mutants with magical means in this base.

"It seems that today is my lucky day." Carol Danvers sighed slightly.

"Do you need to eat something?" Selina asked Carol Danvers.

"No need."

Carol Danvers waved her hand hastily. Although she felt a little hungry, she was in no mood to eat. "Where is Homelander? Can I meet him?"

Carol Danvers now had a lot of questions in her mind and wanted to figure them out!

"Come with me!"

Rorschach had already given instructions on the relevant matters, so when she heard Carol Danvers' request, she did not hesitate and immediately brought Carol Danvers to Rorschach.

Rorschach was originally flipping through some documents, not knowing what he was looking at. After Carol Danvers came, he temporarily put down the work at hand.

"How do you feel?"

Rorschach glanced at Carol Danvers, made a gesture of invitation to her, and asked casually.

"Thank you, Homelander, I'm fine now."

Carol Danvers sat down in front of Rorschach and first expressed her gratitude to Homelander for saving her life, "You saved my life!"

"It seems so."

Rorschach spread his hands and didn't say too much. After all, this is an indisputable fact.

"Homelander, you are such a big shot, I don't know how to repay you." Carol Danvers also told the truth.

Homelander has everything she wants, just like an emperor. A small person like her really doesn't know how to repay that huge favor.

"Tell me about your problem."

Rorschach waved his hand and didn't say much about it. "You seem to have a lot of questions."

Fainted, originally wanted to upload regularly, but accidentally uploaded directly by mistake, and uploaded Chapter 314. Fortunately, the content of the chapter was replaced with Chapter 310 in time. So the title of this chapter is wrong, but the content is correct. The title VIP chapter cannot be changed by itself, so it can only be like this for now, sweat.

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