American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 312 Carol's admiration: It is the people of our motherland who are protecting the earth

Carol Danvers is really full of questions!

"People of the motherland, who are those guys? I have never seen such weapons, and... their blood seems to be blue?"

Carol Danvers couldn't help but look directly at Rorschach and asked.

However, she was a little unsure when it came to the color of the other party's blood, because at that time her consciousness was already slightly blurred and her mental state was not very good. She was not sure whether she was hallucinating.

"You've already guessed it, haven't you?" Luo Xia raised an eyebrow.

Carol Danvers' heart suddenly sank.

After a moment, he raised his head: "So, they are really aliens? Like UB6 twenty years ago?"

Carol Danvers was not stupid. She had already made this speculation after seeing the battleships, weapons and equipment, etc., which were obviously beyond the style of the Earth and were much more advanced than the Earth.

It's just that this kind of speculation was so shocking that she didn't dare to accept it for a while.

"Yes, they're Kree."

Rorschach nodded and told Carol Danvers the truth.

"Kree? People of the motherland, why did the Kree come to Earth? What is their purpose?"

Carol Danvers stared at Rorschach anxiously and asked.

"That's what I need to figure out."

Rorschach spread his hands and did not tell the truth to Carol Danvers.

"Will they come again?"

Carol Danvers asked again after a moment of silence.

"Who knows?"

Rorschach spread his hands, but then told Carol Danvers some bad news, "But they are not the only Kree people who came to Earth. Before them, we also found other Kree people. "

Carol Danvers' face became increasingly ugly.

This is not a good thing for her.

But Carol Danvers never imagined that there was much more to it than that.

"What's worse is that the Kree are not the only aliens who have come to Earth." Rorschach added to Carol Danvers.


Carol Danvers' voice went up an octave, "Besides the Kree, are there other aliens on Earth?"

"Yes, the Skrulls." Rorschach nodded heavily, "According to the information I have, there are many Kree and Skrulls lurking on the earth, plotting some ulterior motives."

"Just half a month ago, a Skrull warship tried to invade the earth and was destroyed by us."

Rorschach's understatement made Carol Danvers' mood sink to the lowest point, hitting the other person's heart like a heavy hammer, making her feel heavy.

This extremely heavy fact made her breathless.

She was still a child when UB abused her for twenty years, but she also clearly felt the fear and despair caused by the alien invasion.

If the people of the motherland hadn't led the mutants to defeat UB6, the earth might have fallen by now!

"Will what happened twenty years ago happen again?"

Carol Danvers murmured that this kind of thing was simply unimaginable to her.

"The situation may be even worse. Although I also want to tell you some good news, there is no point in deceiving yourself. In fact, both the Kree and the Skrulls, according to intelligence, are more powerful interstellar races than UB6. "

Rorschach also said to Carol Danvers in a solemn voice.

"People of the motherland, if they really come again, you will still defeat them and defeat them like you did twenty years ago, right?"

Carol Danvers stared at Rorschach and said in a self-hypnotic manner.

"Carol." Rorschach spread his hands and showed a wry smile, "I can't guarantee anything, I'm not a god."

Seeing that even the people of the motherland had no obvious confidence, Carol Danvers' heart became even heavier.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became extremely depressing.

"But Carol, with your help, I think things might be a lot more optimistic."

But at this moment, Luo Xia suddenly changed the subject.

Carol Danvers was a little confused. She didn't understand what Rorschach meant at all: "People of the motherland, I am just a pilot. How can I help?"

"No, Carol, you underestimate yourself too much." Rorschach smiled, "In my eyes, you are very likely to be the second Captain America, no, you are going to surpass Captain America. "

Carol Danvers became more and more confused: "My motherland, what are you talking about?"

"Carol, what I'm going to tell you next are some secrets. No matter what your decision is, you promise me not to reveal it."

"Even if it's your superior officer!"

Rorschach looked at Carol Danvers seriously and said.

"Is it related to fighting aliens?" Carol Danvers was silent for a moment, then raised her head and looked at Rorschach and asked.

"Yes." Rorschach nodded.

"I promise you." Carol Danvers was silent for a moment and nodded heavily.


At this time, Rorschach opened the drawer, took out a piece of information, and handed it to Carol Danvers.

Carol Danvers looked at it with a hint of doubt, and her face changed immediately.

According to the records in the document, after the Cybertronians, that is, UB6, there were still other alien visitors to the earth.

For example, the Lorrainians and the Mauga people, but the problems of these two star races were properly solved by the Homelanders.

At this moment, the earth is mainly facing the threat of the Kree and the Skrulls, but in addition, according to the intelligence of the Homelanders, there are far more than these two interstellar races that may pose a threat to the earth.

There are also predators, Chitauri, Titans, and so on.

There are many more planets with life in the universe than I imagined!

The earth is just an insignificant one among them!

Whether it is willing or not, the earth may face threats from other interstellar races.

In addition to those interstellar races, humans also face various other unexpected threats.

For example, the underwater kingdom of Atlantis, such as the hell demon that the Homelanders just eliminated a while ago, but there are far more dimensional demons than that one...


Carol Danvers was completely shocked.

She never thought that the human situation would be so dangerous!

She couldn't imagine what kind of existence the people of Homeland had been fighting against for so many years to protect the Earth!

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