American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 313 Successfully tricked Carol Danvers into joining the pirate ship

"Homelander, is the human situation so dangerous?"

Carol Danvers suddenly raised her head, unable to suppress the turmoil in her heart, staring at Rorschach and asked.

"Yes, our situation is far less optimistic than we seem." Rorschach nodded seriously.

Carol Danvers felt more and more depressed.

"So, what can I do!"

After thinking for a while, Carol Danvers seemed to have made some kind of decision. She looked at Rorschach again and asked in a deep voice.

It's obvious.

Homelander chose to show her these confidential materials, which was definitely not aimless, and there must be a certain purpose.

Carol Danvers is not stupid, she can't react that Homelander probably has something to ask of her.

But if it is really to deal with those huge threats, Carol Danvers is willing to take risks.

"Just like the military created super serum and wanted to create super soldiers to deal with the threat of war, I have been doing similar research."

The foreshadowing is almost done, and Rorschach began to formally trick Carol Danvers.

"You are also trying to create a super soldier in secret?" Carol Danvers was very surprised, but she quickly reacted, "You mean, you want me to join your experiment?"

"That's right!"

Rorschach nodded heavily, "This may be destined. I have been struggling to find an ideal target, but I have never found anything."

"But this time I accidentally brought you back, but found that all your physical indicators perfectly meet our requirements."

Carol Danvers: "..."

If this is true, then she really has nothing to say.

Such a coincidence, except for destiny, there is no other explanation.

Carol Danvers did not think about whether Rorschach was lying to her, but this idea was almost thrown behind her mind in a second.

Because this is really unreasonable.

With Homelander's identity, status, and means, as long as he wants, what kind of experimental subjects can't he find?

Is it necessary to fool her here?

Not to mention, Homelander just saved her life!

Carol Danvers naturally trusts Rorschach a little more.

"But don't worry, Carol. Our experiment is much more mature than the original super serum, and the risk is much smaller. We are 70% sure that it will succeed."

Rorschach's voice sounded again, and he said to Carol Danvers in a very affirmative tone.

In fact, if it wasn't too fake, Rorschach wanted to tell Carol Danvers that the success rate was 100%.

After all, the method is known, and there are real cases. What questions are there?

"Homelander, can I consider it?"

After a moment of hesitation, Carol Danvers did not agree, but did not refuse.

And not refusing is a good thing in Rorschach's view.

And he can also understand Carol Danvers's mood at the moment.

After all, it is a human experiment. No matter how strong a person's psychological quality is, it will take some time to slowly accept it.

"Of course, Carol, please don't feel pressured. I never force others. Even if you don't agree, I will respect your choice."

Rorschach waved his hand at Carol Danvers and said very straightforwardly.

After leaving Rorschach, Carol Danvers' mood was still very complicated.

What happened in this short day can be said to have overturned all the cognition she had accumulated in her life for so long.

This universe is much larger than she imagined, and the earth is just an insignificant life planet among them, that's all.

Nothing special.

Even among those many life planets, the strength of the earth is very weak.

Not only that, even if we put aside the environment of the universe, there are so many threats inside the earth alone.

It is really lucky that the earthlings can live safely until now!


While in a trance, Carol Danvers heard Rorschach's voice from behind, and found that Rorschach had walked into the yard without knowing when.

"What's wrong, Homelander?"

Carol Danvers couldn't help but look up, glanced at Rorschach and asked.

"Stay in the base and don't run around, the Kree are coming again!"

Rorschach said to Carol Danvers.

Carol Danvers's face changed immediately.

She knew that the Kree would not give up, but she didn't expect the Kree to come so quickly.


She wanted to say something to Rorschach, but Rorschach didn't say anything more to Carol Danvers. With a shake of his body, he disappeared directly.

Carol Danvers subconsciously raised her head and looked in the direction where Rorschach flew away, and her face changed even more wildly.

A fleet!

She actually saw a fleet!

A real alien fleet!

Carol Danvers couldn't help but clench her fists, and her body couldn't help but tense up.

She felt so frustrated and angry inside that a fire began to burn.

At the same time, she was secretly worried about Rorschach.

Although she knew that the Homelanders were very powerful and very powerful, it was still an alien fleet anyway!

It was completely different from the original UB6.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

Then, groups of fierce flames exploded in the air, accompanied by thunderous sounds.

But the fleets began to launch overwhelming energy attacks against the Homelanders.

The density of the attack was so great that even the figure of the Homelanders was completely blocked!

Carol Danvers's fist clenched three points tighter.

Fortunately, the Homelanders did not disappoint Carol Danvers.

He just blocked those extremely powerful energy attacks with his flesh and blood, and flew up the wind and waves all the way, directly in front of a battleship.


It drilled in like an electric drill.


A battleship exploded directly.

"Good, awesome!"

Carol Danvers was stunned, and her admiration for Rorschach reached an unprecedented level, like Rorschach's little fangirl.

That's it.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

Under Carol Danvers's gaze, the Homelander and the Kree fleets fought a fierce battle.

In the end, Homelander lived up to Carol Danvers's expectations and successfully destroyed all the Kree fleets.

"Homelander, I've decided! I'm in!"

When Rorschach fell from the sky and reappeared in the mutant compound, Carol Danvers had already made a decision.

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